
The way it happen (Hawks x reader)

jennahryleigh04 · Fantasy
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27 Chs


I woke up the next morning not finding hawks next to me, but a feather wrapped around my neck on a chain. I smiled, got up and put my clothes on. After I did i he's getting ready for the day. I remember Ayaka coming over, broken.

I walked out to the living room to see her sitting staring at the TV with tears streaming down her face. Her cheeks were stained and her eyes were swollen. I went to the kitchen to make her favorite breakfast, crepes. (Idek how to make them so pretend i said wtf she's doing :) ) After finishing up with making breakfast, I called her over and she sat down in front of me. Still wondering where Keigo went, I texted him and asked but he didn't reply. 'I'll just text him later' I thought to myself. "Ayaka come eat something." I looked at her but she didn't get up. I walked over to get to see her holding the jacket she wore last night. "Is that Dabi's jacket?" I asked. She nodded. "Did something happen with him? Did he hurt you!?" I was getting anxious. She shrugged at me. "Honey if you want me to help, i need you to talk to me, please" i looked at her and hung her head. She began to speak "H-'' she crooked out. she cleared her throat and began again. I was rushing her knowing it was hard what ever happened. "He's leaving. And I don't know for how long. Or if he'll be coming back." More tears filled her eyes. I feel so bad. But i can't show it. She hates getting pitied, but this time. I didn't care. I pulled her into a general warm hug and said "It's gonna be ok. I promise, he'll come back. I saw the way he looked at you Ayaka, he loves you. There's no way he can stay away from you long." She finally hugged me back after what I told her. But she cried more.

After we had our heart to heart talk, I brought her to the kitchen so she could eat. And then after I had her go take a shower, maybe it'll make her body feel better, god knows it won't make her mental state better. I brought her to my shower. But she just  stood there. I helped her in and I washed her. . After I bathed her she got out and dried off while I was in the kitchen putting everything away. As soon as i was done Keigo came inside. I looked at him in question to where he's been. "I went to talk with Dabi" my eyes widened. "Where is she i'm gonna talk to her?" He asked  me to tell him she's in my room sitting on the bed.

Keigo's POV

I walk into Y/n's room to see a broken flower on her bed. This broke flower, that i wanted to help fix, but in all honesty I wasn't sure how. The man she loved was going away on three long missions. Though this one was only to take a month, the next two would be longer. With one being four months and the last one being 8. I'm not sure how to tell her, or even talk to her. "Hey Ayaka." I half smiled at her. And she just looked away and frowned. "Did you know?" she asked me. I wanted to lie and say I didn't, but I did. He told me a while back before we split he was leaving for three missions but didn't know when or for how long. "In a sense yes but i wasn't exactly sure when. But I went to talk to him. And i'm not sure how to tell you this.... Ayaka, he's not gonna just go on one mission. It's gonna be three of them." I told her. Her eyes widened, she tried to cry but her eyes were dry. There were no more tears to let go of. "But he said the first one would only take about a month. But." I trailed off. "But what." she sounded so scared. So broken, and I was making it worse. "The next two will be far longer. With him being done for a year. He said he'll come back after them. But he doesn't have much time to see you or be here in between them." I told her. I saw the pain in her eyes. "Th-Thank you for telling me Hawks" she smiled at me.

I went to the room and went to find y/n only to find her on the couch crying. "Y/n!?! What's wrong!?" I questioned her. "Ke-Keigo. I failed at a friend. I hate seeing her like this. And there's nothing I can do for her" I see her cry harder. I hug her and pull her in closer to me. I then kiss the top of her head, "keigo, promise you'll never leave me. I love you too much" my eyes widened when she said she loved me. "I love you too my little songbird." I smiled at her, lifted her head up and planted a kiss on her lips.

~~~Time skip to Saturday :D~~~

"Keigo!!! TODAY IS THE GALA!! AGH I'M NOT READY! What if someone finds out. What if they think it's weird. I mean I know Fatgum is bringing Ayaka as his plus one. Cause Kirishima didn't want to go. But what if people start talking. Then they figure it out and and-" he pulled me into a tight hug to shut me up. My heart was beating faster and faster. Until I was able to calm down. "Kid calm down it's gonna be fine" he smiled at me. I continued to hug him for another 5 minutes. "I'm gonna go take a shower and head out to get myself ready" I kissed his cheek and headed to the shower. Before I got in I texted Ayaka to meet me at the hair salon, and from there we would get nails done.

I finished my shower, got dressed and headed out. We met up at the hair salon and i dyed my hair hair h/c got it straight

then got it put into a braided crown. Ayaka im the other hand had her hair down and simple but it was still beautiful

After that we went to get our nails done then last was the makeup (cause your bitch is awful at it :3) I got some red nails to match my dress and she got blue nails to match hers. 

Getting those done took about three hours so it was close to 3:40 After we get makeup done it'll be around 5, and after that we'll go to the houses get dressed and leave at 6. Keigo still doesn't know what dress i'm wearing or what i'll look like. And he won't tell me what hell be wearing either. Whatever he is wearing he'll still look good. "Hey ayaka are you ok?" I asked her while walking to the makeup place. She smiled at me and said a simple yes. Deep down we both knew she was hurting but I didn't push further for a different answer. We arrived at the place and she went first. It took an hour for hers and she looked even more beautiful after she was done.

My make up took a little longer just because I moved a little bit and messed it up haha. It took about a hours and a half and i payed the lady a generous tip because i felt bad.

After finishing up we paid and left. We started walking when I tripped over nothing and started falling. I felt vines around my waist " thank you. Shit if I fell I would NOT be going tonight." I sulked at my clumsiness. After about 10 minutes of walking we both went our separate ways and I reachedI reached home. Thankfully it was only 5:24 when I got home. Hawks were no wear to be seen. Huh weird wonder where he is. I went to my room and pulled out the dress I picked out with Ayaka. I was low-key excited to feel this pretty tonight, and Keigo would get to see me in it. I put the dress on when I heard the door open then shut. I went out to greet who I thought was Hawks. But it wasn't. My eyes widened and my heart beated faster. "Ms.L/n I need you to come with me. 


If you wanna see the dressed and everything picked out check out my wattpad... xxxangeleyesxxx