
Sorry ( Just for today )

This was probably not what y'all were expecting. But I got sick, like, STUPID sick, I couldn't even get out of bed,lol. Hell, I'm writing this chapter using my phone.

I'll take today off, but I'll make it up to y'all later. It also doensn't help that this week I have visitors to take care of. 😒😒😒😒😒😒😒

I really love y'alls comments and responses to the chapters, the criticisms remind me that I have a lot to work on if I'm going to be a decent writer from here on out.

Shout out Taitiruk for all the corrections on the story. I really appreciate your vocabulary corrections, and Imma work on making sure I don't misspell Charlotte in the future.

All in all, I really love y'all.

PSA: I write this chapters day to day, I do NOT write these before hand, I literally wake up and start writing immediately after.