
The Ultimate Devouring System

Once a lowly peasant, the main character of this cultivation novel stumbled upon a mysterious system that promised to help him achieve his dreams of power and greatness. At first skeptical, the main character soon discovered that the system was indeed real, and that it held the key to unlocking a world of new abilities and possibilities. With the help of the system, the main character began to cultivate and train his body and mind, unlocking new levels of strength, agility, and intelligence. He discovered that he had an innate talent for the martial arts, and he quickly became one of the most skilled fighters in his sect. But the main character's ambitions didn't stop there. He wanted more power, more knowledge, and more control over his destiny. And so, he set out on a journey to seek out other cultivators and masters, learning from their wisdom and honing his skills in the crucible of battle.

Drogue · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs

Beast Mountain

A few days before the court assessment, Liam and Yuan traveled to Beast Mountain to train, and see how much improvement they had made

Liam and Yuan stood at the foot of Beast Mountain, looking at the path that led into the wilderness.

They were about to embark on a hunt, seeking to challenge themselves and gather valuable resources from the beasts that roamed the mountain.

Yuan turned to Liam and adjusted his hunting gear straps.

"Liam, are you ready for this? The Mountain is known for its fierce creatures. We must stay vigilant and work together."

Although Liam always hunted around the outskirts of the beast mountain for food and resources, he never dived deeper into the mountain because he was a low rank Mortal.

Liam nodded, his expression determined. "I've been preparing for this, Yuan, you don't need to worry about me.

I've also studied different beast weaknesses and trained my combat skills. I'm sure I can pull through".

Yuan smiled, impressed by Liam's dedication. "That's the spirit, my friend. But remember, caution is just as important as skill. We must watch out for each other's backs. If one of us encounters a powerful beast, we'll need teamwork to overcome it."

Liam's gaze sharpened as he surveyed the daunting landscape. "Agreed. We can't underestimate any beasts. Since most beast around this area possess raw strength and primal instincts. But I believe that our training has prepared us well. Together, we can face any challenge head-on."

Yuan clasped Liam's shoulder in a show of camaraderie. "I believe in our abilities, Liam. We've come a long way since we joined the sect. This will be a test of our growth, and I'm certain we'll come out stronger."

As they began threading the mountain path and diving deep into the forest, the air grew cooler, and nature's sounds surrounded them. Liam glanced at Yuan and asked.

"What do you think we'll encounter there? Any particular beasts we should be cautious of?"

Liam's brow furrowed in contemplation. "The Mountain is home to a variety of creatures, each with its own unique abilities and strengths. We might come across fierce predators like the Thunderclaw Panthers or towering reptilian beasts known as Flame Serpents.

But the one we need to be especially wary of is shadow Wolf. Its stealth and cunning make it a formidable opponent. Also, they usually come in packs "

Liam's grip tightened on his weapon as they climbed.

"Sounds challenging, but I'm ready to face whatever crosses our path. I trust in our skills and teamwork."

Yuan's eyes gleamed with determination.

"I trust in our bond, Liam. We've trained together, shared victories and defeats. Our synergy will give us an edge".

"But I really think we should make a run for it if we were to meet a pack of Shadowfang wolf." Yuan said jokingly trying ease the tension around them.

"Agreed, I really don't want to be gang on by beasts, it is not fun" liam said trying to cool the tension

But the intended effect, brought about an awkward situation among themselves.

With their resolve steeled, Yuan and Liam ventured deeper into the heart of Beast Mountain, their steps steady and their spirits unyielding. They were prepared to confront nature's untamed forces, ready to prove themselves as formidable hunters and emerge victorious from their hunt.


A few hours back in the forest


Deep underground within the beast mountain

In a dimly lit cavern deep underground, two cultivators, Ren and Mei, stood facing each other. The air was heavy with blood scent of slaughtered beast and the pulsating energy of the beast mountain surrounding them. They were here on a quest to acquire a rare flower that contains blood essence and as we all know most treasured flowers are usually guarded by powerful creatures.

Ren, his eyes gleaming with a solemn look, he spoke first.

"Mei what do you think, we have been searching for the red blossom lilly for a while now, without any progress, are you sure we are on the right path ?"

Mei, her expression focused and composed, nodded in response. "Yes, I had double checked with the sect mission board and from the info I got it shows that it can be found in this location, why are you asking"

"Why, you do know we are in the back yard of a righteousness sect, although I like fights and killing, but I prefer to avoid unnecessary confrontation if you ask me, Also the deeper we go the more powerful Beast we fight, I really want to avoid facing any high iron stage beast and above, after all I only have a cultivation base of a low iron rank"

"Alright I get, we are almost there, Although the mission says the beast guarding the flower is within our cultivation level we need to be careful. Likewise we must proceed with caution. The creature we are to face is formidable and will not give up its treasure easily."

Ren tightened his grip on his blood-infused weapon, his knuckles turning white. "Indeed, Mei.from the reports the strength and vitality of this creature's is unmatched. It could grant us immense power after killing it, but the risks are equally high. We must not underestimate its ferocity."

As they ventured deeper into the cave, the growls and roars of unknown creatures echoed through the caves, sending shivers down their spines. Mei glanced at Ren, her voice determined. "Ren, remember our pact. We fight together, protect each other's backs, and share the spoils equally."

Ren nodded, smiling grimly. He could understand what she was trying imply, in dark sects you could always betray your companion and get away with it.

"You have my word, Mei. We stand as siblings on this treacherous journey. Our powers intertwine, our bloodlines entwine. Together, we shall conquer this formidable beast and claim the treasure and its blood essence."

As they approached their target, the cave opened up into a vast chamber, illuminated by a pulsating red glow. The creature, a massive and fearsome beast with razor-sharp fangs and glowing red eyes, it looked like a bear with reddish skin color, it had a spikes all over. This beast was a porcupine grizzly bear

The beast glared at them, sensing their presence. Its blood ran hot with power, a tempting prize for blood and at back of it stood a Strange flower.