
The Ultimate Devouring System

Once a lowly peasant, the main character of this cultivation novel stumbled upon a mysterious system that promised to help him achieve his dreams of power and greatness. At first skeptical, the main character soon discovered that the system was indeed real, and that it held the key to unlocking a world of new abilities and possibilities. With the help of the system, the main character began to cultivate and train his body and mind, unlocking new levels of strength, agility, and intelligence. He discovered that he had an innate talent for the martial arts, and he quickly became one of the most skilled fighters in his sect. But the main character's ambitions didn't stop there. He wanted more power, more knowledge, and more control over his destiny. And so, he set out on a journey to seek out other cultivators and masters, learning from their wisdom and honing his skills in the crucible of battle.

Drogue · Fantasy
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15 Chs

The Announcement

Liam woke up feeling refreshed, experiencing a rather rare soothing sensation that had been absent for a long time.

However, his moment of tranquility was interrupted by the sound of a bell ringing, usually reserved for emergency or significant announcements. The announcement called all trial disciples to assemble in the outer garden.

"All trial disciples must gather in the outer garden for a major announcement." a loud voice echoed in the surrounding environment

As Liam left his shed to meet up with his fellow disciples at the checkpoint, he met Yuan, who was also on his way.

"Good morning Liam, how was your night?" he asked.

"Morning yuan, it was okay I'm feeling slightly refreshed after a good night sleep" Liam said

"What do you think could be the important announcement, because from what I have heard from fellow seniors, the last time the bell was heard, was during a monster outbreak a few years back? "

"Well, I have no idea, why don't we wait for the announcement from the elders?" Liam said why hasting his steps towards the outer gardens.

Most trial disciples reached the outer gardens after some minutes of walking, some marvelled at the sight they where seeing reason being that trials disciples were not allowed into the outer court premises unless on official reasons or given a pass by some elder.

The area was filled with colorful plants and the sweet like fragrance of flowers which gave the area a calming, nature-like vibe. In addition, the mana in area was more abundant than where the trial disciples stayed.

"Are you guys able to feel it? The mana in this place is more abundant. I have a feeling I can break through to the next level if I'm allowed to cultivate here for a month" a fellow disciple said as he was perplexed

Someone else said "Yes it is better than where we stay, but I heard from a discussion between some outer disciples how the inner court mana is more abundant, I'm really jealous, I wish to breakthrough, and join the inner court"

" Be dreaming there, you are already 18 years old and you are still at the Mortal stage after joining the sky pavilion four years back. How do you expect to be admitted into the inner court when you have to be less than 20 years of age and have a cultivation realm of Mid Bronze to be considered, not to mention the countless geniuses that will be participating in the inner court assessment test" said a fellow disciple

Liam could hear as various trial disciples were talking quietly among themselves, so as not to anger the elders who were watching them.

As Liam looked around, he could see anticipation and curiosity on the faces of his fellow disciples. The atmosphere was charged with excitement. They were all eager to hear the important announcement and find out what awaited them.

After a short while, more elders arrived at the outer gardens, dressed in their traditional robes signifying their high status. The disciples immediately quieted down and stood respectfully as the elders approached the platform in the center of the court.

The head elder, Master Wu, stepped forward and addressed the gathered disciples. "Greetings, disciples," he began, his voice carrying authority and wisdom. "We have gathered here today to share momentous news with you all."

The disciples leaned in, their eyes fixed on Master Wu, waiting for him to reveal the reason behind the urgent assembly.

"We are pleased to announce that the time has come for the next Outer court assessment," Master Wu declared, causing a wave of murmurs and excitement among the disciples.

"The Court Assessment will be held in three months' time," Master Wu continued." It is a rigorous test designed to select the most talented and promising disciples among you to join the esteemed ranks of the outer Court."

Gasps and whispers filled the air as the disciples realized the significance of this announcement. The outer court was a prestigious place where cultivators with potential resided. It was a dream for many to enter the outer court and receive the resources and guidance to further their cultivation.

"As trial disciples, you have all shown dedication and potential in your training," Master Wu said, his gaze sweeping across the crowd. "This assessment will provide an opportunity to showcase your skills, resilience, and growth. Those who succeed will be granted the chance to join the outer court and embark on an exciting chapter in their cultivation journey."

Excitement mingled with nervousness among the disciples. The outer court assessment was challenging, pushing them to their limits. But the rewards were worth it for those who succeeded.

Master Wu concluded his speech by reminding the disciples of the assessment requirements and expectations. He emphasized the need for discipline, focus, and determination in the coming months of preparation.

As the assembly dispersed, the disciples began discussing the upcoming assessment in hushed tones. Liam and Yuan exchanged glances, their thoughts filled with a mix of determination and uncertainty.

The Court Assessment was an opportunity they couldn't afford to miss, and they vowed to give their all to stand a chance of entering the outer Court.

With renewed resolve, Liam and his fellow disciples scattered to their respective training areas, ready to face the challenges that lay ahead. The journey to the outer Court would be arduous, but the potential rewards were worth every drop of sweat and effort they would pour into their cultivation.

Liam and Yuan spent the next few weeks intensifying their training and honing their skills in preparation for the outer Court Assessment. They pushed themselves to the limit, enduring grueling training sessions, studying available texts, and seeking guidance from senior disciples whenever possible.

During this period, Liam encountered various obstacles and setbacks. There were moments of self-doubt and frustration, but he reminded himself of his goals and the opportunity that awaited him if he succeeded in the assessment.

He persevered, pushing past his limits and embracing the challenges that came his way.

As the day of the outer court assessment drew nearer, the atmosphere between trial disciples grew even more intense. The disciples could sense the gravity of the upcoming event and the fierce competition that awaited them.

They were not the only ones taking the exams after all other Copper stage Mortal who meet the requirements could apply for the assessment

They trained together, exchanged techniques, and provided support and encouragement to one another.