
The Ultimate Devouring System

Once a lowly peasant, the main character of this cultivation novel stumbled upon a mysterious system that promised to help him achieve his dreams of power and greatness. At first skeptical, the main character soon discovered that the system was indeed real, and that it held the key to unlocking a world of new abilities and possibilities. With the help of the system, the main character began to cultivate and train his body and mind, unlocking new levels of strength, agility, and intelligence. He discovered that he had an innate talent for the martial arts, and he quickly became one of the most skilled fighters in his sect. But the main character's ambitions didn't stop there. He wanted more power, more knowledge, and more control over his destiny. And so, he set out on a journey to seek out other cultivators and masters, learning from their wisdom and honing his skills in the crucible of battle.

Drogue · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Ancient Gate

Both Ren and mei stood and looked perplexed at the strange lily that was planted in corner of the cave, it radiated a powerful energy essence, it had an intoxicating feeling to it.

They could extract powerful essence if they can refining the flower into a pill.

This can shorten the time taken to break through into the next realm, has they both looked at the strange lily greed was taking root in their hearts.

The beast looked at them with contempt, how could two measly humans dare greed over his treasure, challenging him in his turf.

The beast made a resounding roar that created a sound attack attacking both Ren and mei in their moment of weakness.

Ren and mei felt the attack hitting them, they cough out blood their face became pale, Ren became angry signalling to mei.

With a surge of energy and a synchronized battle cry, Ren and Mei launched themselves at the formidable creature, their energy infused weapons slashing through the air. The clash of blades and blood splatter filled the chamber as they fought relentlessly.

The creature would attack using it's roar as a sound attack temporary stunning ren and mei, giving time to launch an assault using it's spike which shoot out as a projectile or by slashing at the two cultivators using its massive claws.

In that underground realm of darkness and blood, the two blood cultivators unleashed their full power, their bodies pulsating with their mana. They fought as a single unit, their movements fluid and precise, their bloodlust matched only by their unyielding resolve.

The fight was intense, the beast was more powerful than what the two cultivators had anticipated but due to fact that the beast intelligence was lacking.

It was a brute type of creature and it cultivation was not high enough to gain Sentience or intelligence. It was loosing to the both ten and mei.

Both Ren and mei were at the Low copper stage while the beast was a mid iron stage

As the battle raged on, the essence of the beast's blood began to seep into the air, a potent and intoxicating aroma.

Ren and Mei could taste victory on their lips, their hearts pounding with exhilaration. They fought on, fueled by their shared purpose and the knowledge that their blood cultivation skills had brought them to this decisive moment.

In that underground abyss, the clash of blades and the surge of blood intertwined, as Ren and Mei pushed themselves to the limit, their bodies stained with the essence they sought.

After the fight both ren and mei gasped for air, after all it was a suffocating fight, but they were both thrilled.

Ren licked the blood off his blade with his tongue, a twisted smile forming on his lips. Mei stood beside him, her eyes gleaming with the thrill of the kill. The creature's lifeless body lay at their feet, its essence harvested to fuel their insatiable power thirst.

After some moment of rest both blood cultivators went to harvest the strange lily, mei retrieved the lily into a jade box while ren stood as a guard.

While ren was on guard he eyed the plant with avarice, he was think of a way to kill of mei to reap the rewards of both the beast essence and almeas flower. He planned to kill her off and report the mission as failure lying to the sect that they were ambushed by a powerful elementary realm beast before they could retrieve the flower, unknown to him to him he was leaking out subtly bloodlust towards mei.

Unlike ren, mei was more subtly and cunning she didn't let greed show, she was bidding her time after all ren was needed, to explore the map they had excavated in an ancient tomb.

It was one of the reasons they had decided to take the sect missions since the location shown in book wasn't far off, they had decide to kill two birds with on stone.

After cutting out the necessary part from the beast and storing it a spatial bag

Ren said "Too bad we could not take the whole beast I wish we had a large storage bag".

"How do you want to get that, higher spatial bags cost a fortune even in our sect only the sect master has one" mei exclaimed while picking up her dissecting tools

Note :

just so you know their sect is an 8 tier sect which a level greater than Liam sects.

As they were checking the cave they found a wall which was said to be the entrance to ancient seal in the book, Ren bomb the wall with powerful attacks creating a passage into an underground cave.

They both strolled into the cave while checking out for any signs danger.

What they saw left them surprised, it was a gigantic gate, it resemble a gate to Tatrus it had an ancient and majestic feeling to it.

They both approached the ancient gate, Ren's gaze locked on to the intricate symbols inscribed upon it. His voice was filled with excitement. "Mei, look at this! It's has a powerful seal on it, and it must holds unimaginable power. Can you feel the majestic aura on it? This is exactly what we've been searching for."

Mei's grin widened, a sinister glint in her eyes. "Oh, Ren, this is beyond anything we've encountered before. The power within this seal is intoxicating. I can practically feel the immense strength it could grant us."

Their hands tingled with anticipation as they reached out to touch the ancient formation. However, as they did, a surge of energy coursed through their bodies, sending shivers down their spines. Mei's voice grew low, almost hypnotic. "Ren, there's something... dark about this. Do you feel it? This seal demands a sacrifice—a human sacrifice—to unlock its full potential."

Ren's expression turned wicked. "A sacrifice, you say? How delightful. We've always liked killing, haven't we, Mei? Imagine the power we would gain, the lives we could snuff out, all in the pursuit of our own twisted desires."

Mei's laughter echoed through the chamber, filled with sadistic joy. "Yes, Rem. We were meant for this. We were destined to revel in chaos, to wield this newfound power to sow terror and destruction. The sacrifice of a few insignificant lives is a small price to pay for the dominion we will attain."

Their eyes met, their shared thirst for carnage fueling their passion. Rem's voice dripped with anticipation. "Let us embrace the darkness within us, Mei. We shall revel in the bloodshed and sacrifice. The world will tremble beneath our feet as we unlock the true potential of this forbidden power."

Mei nodded eagerly, her voice filled with wicked delight. "Together, Rem, we will paint this world red with the blood of the sacrificed. Nothing will stand in our way. We will become the embodiment of terror, unmatched in power and ruthlessness."

As they prepared to perform the sacrifice, macabre excitement filled the air. Their dark hearts embraced the ancient formation, ready to unleash its wrath. They reveled in the twisted harmony they found within each other, united by their love for killing and insatiable hunger for power.

Neither did the two trial disciples know what awaited them, as they ventured into the beast mountain.