
The uchiha dimensional restaurant

Guo Huang runs a dimensional restaurant and travels around the world And his employees are not good at all Around the restaurant, you can see Shisui handing out flyers outside, Madara as a security guard in the lobby, Itachi entertaining customers at the front desk, and Obito delivering food for you Ali is responsible for enticing customers to consume, and begging for food by the way. Nezuko is standing at the door, in charge of attracting customers

Mallison · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
68 Chs

chapter 59 The Emperor Is Coming!

After Thanos yelled at Tony, he turned his head and glanced at goku behind him.

Realizing that Wukong didn't mean to be annoyed, Thanos breathed a sigh of relief.

In order to prevent Tony from continuing to speak out, he immediately explained it to Tony.

"Tony, don't say it anymore, he is a big guy who even I dare not provoke easily. According to my analysis of his strength, I am afraid that he can blow up a planet with one punch, and can slap you to death with just one slap.

After listening to Thanos' words, Tony's eyes widened instantly.

What the fuck? Blow up a planet with one punch? Too fucking outrageous!

Moreover, Thanos is a ruthless man who can kill hundreds of millions of creatures with a snap of his fingers!

Even the person he didn't dare to provoke lightly was such a savage boss?

Thinking of this, Tony even had a feeling of the rest of his life.

No wonder Thanos wanted to yell at him just now, so that's what happened.

The eagle-eyed Mihawk hanging on it was also stunned, punching the planet with one punch?

Is this TM something a human can do? True or false?

Only Ginshi Sakata, who stayed in the corner, was not too surprised. Having seen Dragon Ball, he said that what Thanos said was not an exaggeration at all.

"Sorry Sorry, boss, you have only been offended until 623, don't have the same knowledge as me."

At this time, Tony put his hands together and quickly apologized to Satoru Sky's Path.

Just kidding, like this kind of super boss, pinching him to death is like pinching an ant to death.

Even if he wears the Iron Man armor, he is not a fart in the eyes of others.

"Huh? Why are you apologizing?

Wukong nibbled at the ribs and turned his head to look at Tony suspiciously.

With his stupid personality, he didn't even hear that Tony was mocking him just now.

"Che, what's so amazing, no matter how good he is, he wasn't beaten by Madara and Tu Ge last night.

Ahri was very upset when he heard Tony's apology.

No matter how strong goku is, Ahri will never buy his account.

As soon as these words came out, everyone except Thanos was stunned again, and they all muttered in their hearts at the same time.

Tony: "Madara? Is that the employee who defeated the swordsman above his head?"

Hawkeye Mihawk: "It turns out that guy is so powerful, it seems that I lost the wrong."

Sakata Gintoki: "That's not right? Can you beat Kakarot with Madara's strength?"


At this moment, everyone whispered in their hearts.

Not far away, Lord Madara raised his chest proudly, with a proud look on his face.

That's right, I Uchiha Madara just beat up the super big guy Goku.

Only Thanos cast a contemptuous look at Madara, why did you beat Wukong, what's the matter, don't you have a B number in your heart?

People can't move, they can't resist you.

However, just as everyone was whispering, goku suddenly gave Ahri an apologetic look.

"Sorry, when it comes to what happened yesterday, I really did something wrong. Well, why don't I invite you to a meal, what would you like to eat?"5

After listening to Wukong's words, Ahri, who was originally upset, instantly changed his previous attitude.

Wukong actually wants to treat himself to dinner? Sensible!

"You're going to treat me to dinner? Really? 35

Ahri stared at goku with a smile on his face.

She stayed with Tony and could only eat one dish that Tony gave her.

Although the weight is also very large, it is definitely not as good as Wukong's direct invitation to her for a meal.

There is one dish on one side, and several dishes on the other, which must go to Wukong.

So, Ahri immediately left the table between Tony and Thanos and sat next to Goku.


Seeing Ahri's actions, Tony was stunned again.

He really wants to stop shouting can also treat you to a meal.

However, due to the pressure of the super boss, Goku, Tony finally did not speak.

"Hee hee, little brother, you are so kind. I will forgive you for what happened before. Mikoto, give my sister all the dishes on the menu. Today, my sister will have a good time."

Ahri sat on the chair and waved to Mikoto and Kuroko, motioning them to serve the dishes.

On the other hand, Mikoto and Kuroko looked at Ahri with admiration and swallowed. They also wanted to eat so many dishes in one go.

"Congratulations, you finally don't have to beg for food today.

Guo Huang silently lit a cigarette and gave ahri a thumbs up.

It seemed as if he was exaggerating Ahri, but he was actually mocking her.

Sure enough, Ali immediately heard what Guo Huang meant, so he glared at Guo Huang fiercely.

Can the goddamn boss speak? My mother eats according to her ability!

You are the begging! Your whole family is begging! A little fist will beat your chest later! Humph!

"Okay, Sister Ahri, wait a moment, I'll bring it to you right away.

At this time, Kuroko and Mikoto walked to the kitchen together, ready to serve Ahri dishes.

Anyway, the two of them usually get along well with Ahri, so maybe they can share this meal with Ali after a while.

Since the dishes were all prepared in advance by Guo Huang, Mikoto and Kuroko brought it all up quickly.

This made Mihawk greedy, because the direction he was hanging was just opposite Wukong's table.

So the aroma of the dish quickly hits the nostrils, filling the nostrils of Hawkeye Mihawk.

This caused his saliva to spread like crazy, almost drooling.

But Hawkeye Mihawk swallowed his saliva in an instant, because below him was Wukong's head.

If you drop saliva on the head of the super boss, Wukong, he will not be beaten to death!

"Gan! I'm so hard.

Hawkeye Mihawk frowned, trying to hold back his drool.

His expression now is as ugly as eating shit.

However, just when everyone was enjoying the food, another person suddenly came out of the dimension passage.

The man was wearing a black coat with a red camera hanging from his chest.

And his expression looks very dragged and full of style.

Guo Huang recognized the identity of the other party with just one glance.

That's right, this person is the Emperor Knight of the Decade world.!