
The Type-Moon Irregularity

An avid fan of the Type-Moon franchise is reincarnated into the World of The Irregular of Magic High School. When he realizes that he does not have the ability to manipulate psions like normal Magicians he quickly finds out that he possesses a Type-Moon System his fate begins to change. BS Magician? Your Element and Origin align, your an incarnate! Elemental Sight? That's Structural Grasp, the most basic of magecraft don't you know this? CAD's? See how they compete with my Mystic Codes!

MrMoist · Outros
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45 Chs

Chapter 34 Primordial Runes

The weekend passed in the blink of an eye for Takemi and he spent the entirety of Sunday with Musashi practicing the sword for a majority of the day. She raised an eyebrow when he decided he only wanted to use Varuna Astra to fight her but his reasoning was one that she could not deny.

"Do you think that the spells of this world are more powerful compared to Magecraft? At least Modern Magecraft Musashi?".

"Undoubtedly. If Magicians from this world meet Mages from our world they would be wiped out. If somebody with Angelina's strength met a Dead Apostle, even I wouldn't know who the winner would be".

Takemi nodded and raised his CAD at Saber.

He had a long way to go, to reach even a comparable level as swordsmanship to Artoria Pendragon according to the [System], let alone someone of Musashi's ability.

He also spent time reading over the notes Tatsuya gave him regarding CAD adjustment and maintenance. He hadn't yet tried adjusting the current settings of Varuna Astra but was planning on to before the start of the Nine Schools Competition. Although he couldn't use a specialized CAD in the competition, he didn't want anyone he didn't trust adjusting his CAD for him.

"System. How many TMP do I have?".

"Ding! User has 79,140 TMP remaining. Would User like to exchange TMP?".

Takemi rubbed his chin as he sat in his workshop examining his status while looking at the [Store].

Name: Mikazuchi Takemi

Age: 16

Magic Circuits: 21

Element: Space, Ice, Water

Origin: Truth

Magecraft: 16

Skills: 10

Servants: 1

Items: 0

TMP: 79,140

He narrowed his eyes as he looked at the Store and came to a very sensible conclusion.

'My Magecraft is extremely weak. My abilities as a Magician and physical attributes are several times stronger than my Magecraft'.

Takemi limit his search in the [Store] to Magecraft that provided something for him to experiment on. He needed a broad type of Magecraft that was easy to use but difficult to master.

"[System], show me all Magecrafts relating to Runes".

A translucent screen popped up in front of Takemi, with several hundred items that he could purchase. From Modern Runes to Runes of Old to even the original Primordial Runes created by Odin himself.

"Limit it to ones that I can purchase right now".

The hundreds of different items up for purchase was narrowed down to about two dozen and Takemi's eyes ran over them and furrowed his brows with each look.

[Modern Laguz Rune] 1,000 TMP

[Modern Isaz Rune] 1,000 TMP


[Modern Sowilo Rune] 1,000 TMP

[Collection of Modern Runes] 30,000 TMP

[Agliz Rune of Old] 10,000 TMP

[Teiwaz Rune of Old] 10,000 TMP


[Ansuz Primordial Rune] 50,000 TMP

[Raido Primordial Rune] 50,000 TMP

Takemi bit his bottom lip and asked the [System], "Tell me the difference in strength between Modern, Old and Primordial Runes".

"Ding! Modern Runes are Runes that Mages from after the Age of Gods use. It's Mystery isn't anywhere near as strong as Old or Primordial Runes that were created by existences like Scathach or Odin. Old Runes are ones that are based on Primordial Runes and possess a Mystery and origin far greater than Modern day Runes. They possess a power and versatility that rivals the power of Servants".

"And Primordial Runes?".

"Ding! Primordial Runes are ones that have been created by the originator of Runes, the Norse God Odin. Their Mystery equals the Dragon Heart that you obtained earlier and their power is no less".

Takemi couldn't help but ask, "So Primordial Runes are better than a Dragon Heart?".

"Ding! Yes and no. Yes, as if you possessed all Primordial Runes it would be possible to slay a God like Ao Shun. But no as the benefits of a Dragon Heart outweigh the Primordial Runes complete cost. The Dragon God Heart can ascend even a normal human, given they have the willpower and determination, to a pseudo Divine Spirit, while the Primordial Runes can give the Magus the strength of a Divine Spirit".

Takemi nodded understandingly.

"So I should buy the Primordial Runes? Since their power is much greater?".

"Ding! The [System] would suggest that. One Primordial Rune would possess an effect and power more greater than Modern or Old Runes. If combined with other Magecraft, like Bounded Fields, Psion-based Jewelcraft or even your CAD, it would provide increased powers and effects if used properly".

The Master turned and limited his search again to include only Primordial Runes. There was around thirty, more than he expected but looked up the meaning behind each Rune and concluded there was only one Rune that could compliment his abilities to the most, especially when taking into account his new Elements.

"[System], exchange 50,000 TMP for the [Isaz Primordial Rune]".

"Ding! User has exchanged 50,000 TMP for [Isaz Primordial Rune]. You have 29,140 TMP remaining".

It was different compared to when he bought the [Modern Bounded Fields]. The previous time he bought something the knowledge directly flowed into his mind and he was able to create Bounded Fields with specific effects right away. The time he took to create one was slow, but he completed a small detection-type Bounded Field, spanning the area of his house in around half and hour.

Long definitely, but he rationed that it was his first time creating one.

This time however, the Rune directly appeared over his hand. The shape of the Rune was exactly the capital letter "I" and represented Ice in the Elder Furthark. Although that "mundane" version of the Rune only represented Ice, this Rune however was the concept of something far more powerful and far more ancient.

The moment the Rune came into contact with the air, the surrounding temperature dropped significantly. Every time Takemi exhaled a condensed fog of minute water droplets came out along with it. When it came into contact with his skin however, it was merely absorbed into his body and felt a burning sensation on where it touched him.

Turning over his hand he saw that the Rune had imprinted itself on his body before quickly fading away as if never happened.

"[System]? Was that normal?".

"Ding! Yes. What you purchased was not knowledge but an actual Primordial Rune. It is technically an object rather than a Magecraft. If you can understand its Mystery you will be able to create your own version of the Rune and not have to use the Rune itself as a Mystic Code to channel od for attacking or defending".

Takemi rubbed his chin and moved his od towards his hand and focused on the Primordial Rune. He extended his hand and pointed it at the wall before saying,


The Rune manifested in reality and from his hand a large bolt of ice shot forth piercing the wall he pointed at with a loud bang.


Clenching his fist Takemi pointed at the another section of the wall and said it again,


With the reappearance of the Rune, ice once again condensed within Takemi's palm but this time creating a icicle in the shape of a sword. He frowned before willing it to change form. An ax. A spear. An arrow. A halberd. A scimitar. A dagger. Even something like a chakram could be made.

Switching things up and calling out the name of the Rune once more, the inside of Takemi's workshop, turned from a warm dark environment, to a illuminated winter wonderland in the time it takes to blink.

The lights in his room where still on, however numerous pillars and blades of ice erupted from the ground and reflected the light magnifying it and causing Takemi to cover his eyes.

"Wow. This is....".

"Ding! User had only scratched the surface of the Primordial Rune. You have only started to understand its power and not its Mystery. A suggestion. If you dedicate your time to researching the "Truth" behind the Primordial Rune, it would be possible to fight Saber Servant Miyamoto Musashi as an equal, despite the Noble Phantasm difference".

Takemi noted the [System's] suggestion but just looked down at his hand and smiled.

'I think I know what direction to take my research....'.

The next day was the proper start of the new school year and classes started for all freshman students. When he arrived at First High, with Musashi in tow, he bid his Servant a farewell who then promised to make him work "extra" hard whenever he was in her Physical Education class.

Although most classes were taught by machines, all clubs had a teacher to watch over their activities and only stepped in if the Club Management Group couldn't resolve the issues themselves. Although this was a school that depended on the students being individual of the teachers, there are some occupations that had to have a teacher.

And with the Kudou backing Musashi, Takemi didn't think that they could say no.

"Hey! Takemi-kun! Over here!".

Turning his head, the golden eyed young man saw two familiar faces. Kei and Kanon. The latter forgoing the silk dress and wearing only her uniform and blazer.

"Hey. It's been a couple days how are you two-".

"Takemi, is it true that you beat up a bunch of people at the Saegusa gathering two days ago?"., Kanon had a mischievous smile on her face before continuing, "I here that you valiantly defended Saegusa-san from some random who threatened her is that true?".

Kei sighed at his fiancées antics before saying, "Kanon, I'm sure that isn't what actually happened. Isn't that right Takemi-kun?".

"Close. But they jumped me because Mayumi-senpai brought me to the party. She sent them away and that's it. Everything else you've heard is probably just rumors".

Kanon had a glint in her eye and said, "What about you putting two of them in the hospital? And using some high grade Magic Sequences? Magic Dismantling and Systematic Type Gravity Magic was it?".

Takemi just raised his hands up and gave a "maybe" expression.

"I don't know Kanon-san. Maybe, maybe not?".

The chuckled a little bit before the three of them heard the bell.

"Ah! I'll see you two later okay! Meet me at the 2nd cafeteria for lunch! And don't be late!".

The dark purple haired girl ran off and shouted at the same time. Kei and Takemi waved before the two of them walked to their homeroom.

"So... Magic Dismantling huh... that's a pretty hard to get Magic Sequence".

Takemi didn't stop walking and only said, "Just wait two more days Kei. Then I'll really show you something that you'll want to ask me about".

The effeminate boy merely smiled as the two of them walked through the school hallways. Takemi's high school life had finally begun.