
The Type-Moon Irregularity

An avid fan of the Type-Moon franchise is reincarnated into the World of The Irregular of Magic High School. When he realizes that he does not have the ability to manipulate psions like normal Magicians he quickly finds out that he possesses a Type-Moon System his fate begins to change. BS Magician? Your Element and Origin align, your an incarnate! Elemental Sight? That's Structural Grasp, the most basic of magecraft don't you know this? CAD's? See how they compete with my Mystic Codes!

MrMoist · Others
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45 Chs

Chapter 35 Magical Power

"Okay class today we will be going over the basics".

Takemi sat down in his normal seat at the front looking at the teacher in front of him. He had a bored expression on his face and kept closing his eyes.

"Student Mikazuchi, please keep you eyes on the board. Complete the instructions before the class is over".

In front of Takemi was a pop quiz with a set of questions all theoretical and relating to the practicability of certain Magic Sequences. It was something so easy that even the worst of Magicians should know about.

Takemi wrote the answer down and finished everything before even half the class had passed. And this was only the first period.

'The rest of the day better not be like this...'.

Oh how Takemi would dread these coming days....

"It is ridiculous! I don't know how you two put it with it!".

And exasperated Takemi sat down in the seat mindlessly poking the fried rice in front of him. He would eat, but he was so disappointed in his first three periods that even some of his favorite food couldn't cheer him up.

The other two sitting opposite him have each other a quick glance before Kei said, "Takemi, I'm not sure if you realize this, but some of the stuff we did today was... rather advanced. Are you saying that something like the practicality of generalized CADs over specialized is easy? Or the difference between in changes between variables with a Magic Sequence in different environments? Or the basic theory of Data Fortification and Zone Inference?".

Takemi nodded.

"The first one is easy. Everyone knows that generalized CADs have a a large storage capacity for Magic Sequences increasing the variability that they have, pro 1. They can be used by a Magician more effectively and the adjustments done could improve casting time, power without exchanging either for the other, pro 2. They are also what most Magicians use until the swap to a specialized CAD as they take the combat data and Magicians ability when either designing or creating the CAD around the Magician, pro 3.

They are also much easier to utilize and are safer for beginner Magicians to use as the Psion Wave Motions are relatively in tune with everybody's Psion Waves, meaning there is less of a chance of a backslash, pro 4. Although most BS Magicians and Superpower Users use specialized CADs in order to improve the quality of their Magic, they would use a generalized CAD so that they can use the date to create their specialized one.

I'm not even going to get into the more detailed stuff like casting speed or Interference Strength, but speaking from experience, it would be far more easier to have a generalized CAD before having a specialized one. I had to make several trips to FLT over the past few days for adjustment and maintenance alone. You have no idea-. What? Why are you guys looking at me like that?".

Kei and Kanon had stopped eating and the latter gulped.

"Takemi. What do you want to be when you finish First High?".

"Oh, I want to be a Magic Researcher. I want to create a new type of Magic remember?".

Kei smiled although it was a little awkward, "I think Takemi is the abnormal one here. I would be fine if it was just one subject but....".

"He's like this in every class isn't he Kei?".

The boy nodded and Kanon sighed, "Seriously? He's got amazing practical skills, is smart in not just one area of study, is definitely up there in handsomeness and he's got a pretty good personality! I call hacks!".

Takemi didn't really take what they said to heart. If they could split their minds into five rooms and think 5^5 times faster than anyone else they would probably be the same as Takemi. Even though he himself was gifted when relating to mental Magecrafts he didn't think he was that good at Magecraft when compared to other Mages.

"Anyway, we've got an actual combat class next Kei. Hopefully it should be better than the previous ones we've had".

The two boys said farewell to Kanon and went directly to a part of the school neither had been to before, the Practical Magic Field. It was a large oval shaped field where the Course 1 Students had their practical lessons, there was actually three fields, one fore each year level however this class had to be overseen by a teacher, lest a situation get out hand and someone get hurt.

"Alright. Today we will be assessing your Magic Power. Your Technical Skills, Magic Tolerance and Interference Strength will be tested. Everyone line up in an orderly fashion in your roll call... first up, Nakajou Azusa!".

Takemi left Kei and went to closer to the end of the line. He saw the shy girl walk up to the testing device and placed her hand on the controller. A green burst of light emanated from the girls and and a swishing sound could be heard as she activated her Magic Sequence.

'She's not bad', thought Takemi. They were testing speed first so everyone in the class should be able to cast well within a second and Azusa didn't disappoint.

A relatively small blade of wind came out of her free hand and shot forward at a target the teacher had set. Although it didn't do much, her speed was still very good.

"233 milliseconds not bad. Alright next!".

Most of the class went by and did their practical while Takemi talked with the person in front of him.

"You should be careful when you face Hanzou, Mikazuchi. It wouldn't look good if you did".

Takemi smiled, "I have no intentions of losing Kirihara. If you don't believe me than I hope you will come to the duel on Wednesday".

The swordsman smirked before looking at the front of the line. Hanzou was up. He placed his hand on the counter and with a burst of yellow light, an explosion occurred where the test dummy stood.

The teacher raised en eyebrow but only said, "319 milliseconds. Although I don't doubt your spell of choice Gyoubu. You would've been faster if you chose a smaller Magic Sequence".

Hanzou just bowed and said, "I appreciate the thought sensei, but I would like to test myself. This school is where I hope to gain the knowledge and experience to succeed in the outside world. I can't do that if I limit myself".

Takemi frowned and then looked at Azusa who looked a bit disheartened at Hanzou's words. She realized that she should of used a larger scale spell and risked getting a lower score than opting for the reverse.

The teacher nodded, "Very well Gyoubu. I think that your classmates should inspire to to have the same drive as you".

Takemi frowned further before the corners of his mouth started to raise.

'Hehehe. I know just how to deal with you....'.

The line grew smaller and smaller and both Kei and Kirihara had their turns each executing a large spell, that, while smaller than Hanzou's, was faster in activation.

Azusa appeared a little distraught and Takemi gave her some words of advice.

"Don't listen to them. It's the first day. How are they any better than you?".

She looked up at the golden eyed young man and titled her head.

"Are you talking to me?".

Takemi gave her a fleeting glance and said, "You should be more confident. I reckon you'd be a great Magician if you could overcome your weaknesses".

He walked away leaving the orange haired girl confused and dazed.

'He believes in me?.... but I don't even know who he is?'.

She looked at Takemi and then heard the teacher say, "Next! Mikazuchi Takemi!".

Azusa saw almost everyone in the class perk up at the mention of his name and look at him with narrowed eyes and gazes of suspicion. She saw that Kei was just sitting normally and Hanzou was the one closest to him with a scrunched up expression.

The girl just watched as a golden psion wave was released from his body and a Magic Sequence spanning the entire field was cast.


Was the only thought she had before an icicle- no an iceberg the size of a three story building appeared and crushed the target and created a loud explosion when it hit the ground. The teacher fell down and felt the shadow of the iceberg loom over him and then looked at Takemi with fear in his eyes.

"Student Mikazuchi! Isn't this a bit over the top! You might've killed-".

"I'm sorry sensei. I was just so inspired by Gyoubu's words that I had to test myself. Can you tell me what my score is please?"

The teacher looked down and his eye twitched when he saw it. He wasn't sure if was on purpose or just a coincidence but,

"Mikazuchi Takemi, 318 milliseconds".

Takemi walked just placed his hand on the device again and the iceberg started to vibrate violently before shattering into millions of tiny shards of ice. It caused the Practical Magic Field to be covered in little bits of snow, something that could definitely be seen from the classrooms.

Walking back over to Kei, the latter waited for him to sit down before slapping him over the back of the head.

"What was that-".

Kei didn't respond and only pointed to the rest of the class. Takemi turned and looked at them and only saw expressions of fear, awe and respect.

The only thing Kei could manage to say was,

"You dumb ass".