
The Type-Moon Irregularity

An avid fan of the Type-Moon franchise is reincarnated into the World of The Irregular of Magic High School. When he realizes that he does not have the ability to manipulate psions like normal Magicians he quickly finds out that he possesses a Type-Moon System his fate begins to change. BS Magician? Your Element and Origin align, your an incarnate! Elemental Sight? That's Structural Grasp, the most basic of magecraft don't you know this? CAD's? See how they compete with my Mystic Codes!

MrMoist · Others
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45 Chs

Chapter 33 Feelings and temporary goodbyes...

Just after Takemi left....

"So? What did he say Mayumi? What did Takemi do?". Mari was sitting down on Mayumi's bed in a singlet and shorts. She was hugging a pillow and looked at her friend expectantly.

The Saegusa Princess just sighed and laid down beside Mari, similarly in a short sleeve shirt and shorts. If Takemi saw her now, he probably would've thought harder before denying Kouichi of his offer.

".... My Father tested Takemi and asked him if he wanted to marry me?".

"Really!". Mari went wide eyed and said, "And?".

"Takemi denied the request and....".

"Tell me!".

Mayumi went a little red before remembering what Takemi said about her, "He said exactly "Saegusa-san, you yourself wouldn't have to ask in her stead. Mayumi is a beautiful young woman whose confidence, elegance and kindness outclasses many of the other girls at First High. If she wanted someone, I don't believe she would need to rely on you to get them for her". It actually made my Father smile when he said that".

Mari also went a little red at Takemi's words, if her boyfriend said that to her, well, she couldn't be blamed for came after that.

"So what? You're just going to let that Shield girl take him from you?".

Mayumi pouted and said, "I thought I made it clear Mari! I don't like him!".

Her best friend raised her hands as if surrendering before saying, "You may say that, but I don't think that our little kouhai can say the same about you Mayumi".

"What do you mean by that?".

Mari raised her finger and poked Mayumi on the forehead, "A boy doesn't say something like that to a girls Father and not have a meaning behind it. Takemi thinks your beautiful, confident and kind above all else... and didn't he say he would support you if you became Student Council President? What do you think that means?".

"He thinks I'm cool?".

"No! He he likes you! He's a teenage boy whose fiancée is in another country! Of course he's going to have feelings for other girls! That girl is you Mayumi!".

Mari couldn't be more exasperated than she was right now. Her friend was usually more attentive. But tonight, after everything that she went through, she was definitely more tired and spent than usual.

Mayumi, who took in her best friends words giggled and waved it off turning the lights off in the room.

"There's no way he likes me Mari. You didn't see him when he proposed to Angelina. He definitely doesn't have feelings for me". Mayumi ducked under the covers and faced the outside of the bed obscuring Mari's gaze with blankets and darkness.

The disciplinary committee member rolled her eyes at her friend and left one last comment, "Keep telling yourself that Mayumi. You're so smart but you can't see the truth right in front of you... anyway good night".

Mari got under the covers and shortly after entered a deep sleep, her best friend on the other hand was biting her lip, trying to keep her blush down.

'No... there's no way he likes me. I mean he likes her.... and I'm not in love with- wait? When did I say love? No! There isn't- Do I.... I don't know what this feeling in my chest is. What is it?'.

The red-eyed girl curled up into a ball and placed a hand over her chest. The image of a golden eyed young man was stuck in her head.

'I don't know what to do....'.

Takemi on the other hand was walking through an empty park on his way to FLT. He had mentally messaged Musashi telling him not to wait up.

"Lets see what Missions I've got".

1. [Phantom Sword] - Erika Chiba Route.

Goal: Win the heart of Erika Chiba.

Reward: Chiba Family Swordplay, Chiba Family Magic, the devotion of Chiba Erika, sex scene 100,000 TMP, One Lottery Ticket

2. [Red Eyed Black Princess] - Mayumi Saegusa Route.

Goal: Win the heart of Mayumi Saegusa.

Reward: Saegusa Family Magic, the devotion of Mayumi Saegusa, sex scene, 100,000 TMP, One Lottery Ticket.

"Of course. Why wouldn't this happen", said Takemi out loud. He rubbed his temples before taking a deep breath.

'I guess this is some sort of cosmic karma for not agreeing to marry her I suppose. But never mind that for now. I need to figure out how I can tell Musashi and in particular Ange. I have a feeling that she will be against this more than she was against Musashi...'.

Takemi hadn't seen his fiancée in nearly two weeks and was more than sure that she had told her superiors about his discovery of prana and the Magic he can use with it. If she told them about the Dragons Heart or that he came from another world he would probably already would be captured and experimented on.

'You're playing a dangerous game Ange. Not just with me, but the rest of the Kudou Family might not take lightly to a stranger from the west forcing them to move to another country. You can't only count on the power behind you to force people into submission.... you don't have the personality to do that anyway'.

Takemi shook his head and arrived back at FLT. Although it was nearly midnight, there were still quite a few engineers and workers still roaming the corridors. There were quite a few familiar faces and several acquaintances that he had made over the last few weeks.

"Ah? Takemi-san? Is that you?".

Turning around Takemi saw Tetsu carrying a large box and walked over to him.

"Is something the matter Tetsu? You seem a little distressed".

The young looking man gave Takemi a sigh before saying, "I'm getting transferred Takemi-san. I'm being moved from the Third Division to the main one. I don't know why though".

Takemi raised an eyebrow but just patted him on the shoulder.

"I'm sure that Tatsuya and Mr Ushiyama will try and get you back. You're apart of the Third Division family Tetsu. I don't believe that you'll remain there for long".

Tetsu gave Takemi a weak smile before continuing down the hallway to the main Division. Takemi frowned a little before heading to Tatsuya's lab.

When he entered the lab he saw a familiar looking woman with an angered expression on her face.

"Why don't you just stay here at FLT instead of going to First High! You're throwing away time! Precious time that could be used here! At FLT!".

Tatsuya had his usual calm and collected face on and replied, "I don't see why I should Sayuri-san. My duties as Miyuki's Guardian come before anything, even my duties to the Yotsuba. I will uphold them until the day I die".

Sayuri, the Shiba siblings step-mother took a step back when she saw the angry expression on Miyuki's face and sneered before walking away.

"You're wasting your talent Tatsuya. I'm disappointed in you".

She noticed Ushiyama standing outside the door and quickly walked away ignoring the goatee mans presence. Tatsuya only smiled and said, "You can drop the spell Takemi. It doesn't work when I see you perform it".

There was a glitch in the air and Ushiyama smiled before returning to Takemi's true form. He sat down on the same stool as Sayuri did and waved it off.

"That wasn't the effect I was intending to use it for and you know it. And besides, I need someone to talk to, I've done something stupid".

Tatsuya and Miyuki both chuckled and Miyuki went over to the side of the room to make tea. Takemi just leaned in closer to Tatsuya and said, "I just made the Saegusa Family princess fall in love with me".

Tatsuya blinked and shook his head, "I believe that the expression is "I wouldn't touch that with a 10 foot pole" Takemi. You must've sent mixed signals over to the girl despite having Angelina as a fiancée. You dug the grave, so lie in it".

Takemi gave of a faked hurtful expression and Miyuki tilted her head, "What's the matter Takemi?".

"I made Mayumi Saegusa fall in love with me".

Miyuki stopped and gave Takemi a blank stare, "Pervert. Womanizer. Playboy".

"Hey! She's a single beautiful young woman! I can't help but be myself!".

"Then you should tell her that your not interested and save her the pain later then".

Takemi looked to the side and started whistling. He poked his index fingers together and muttered, "What if I was interested, just theoretically-".

"Then die", Said Miyuki. She had a dangerous smile on her face and then covered her mouth, "Oh sorry about that, I meant to say something but that came out instead. My bad".

The golden eyed young man was a little taken back at the elegant girls language and sighed. He would hate to see Miyuki if any other girl stole Tatsuya away from her. She definitely be a yandere above all other yandere.

"Is it ready though?".

Tatsuya gave a glance to the case on the table and nodded.

"I've adjusted it according to the combat and simulation data you gave me. I've saved the current settings on this hardrive here", he passed Takemi a small black platform, "I know that you want to learn how to adjust a CAD so I included a few tips in it as well. If you ever have any questions just came and ask".

Takemi nodded and picked up the case and opened it revealing Varuna Astra in all its glory. The sheath was placed in there as well and a small book titled, "CAD Adjustment for Dummies" was in the empty slot for Agni Astra.

He didn't care about the title and gave a kind smile to the brother and sister.

"I think this'll be the last time we can meet like this Tatsuya. Miyuki. Like without a care in the world".

The two nodded.

"Although Stage 3 is finished it won't be very simple to create a new type of Magic using prana and psions. We got lucky with the crystallized mana but next time we might not be so lucky".

"Yes. With the crystallized mana being picked up from FLT I can't be seen here with you, both for your safety and for my own".

"I understand Takemi. You have your responsibilities to the military now to consider as well. Us "normal" people can't compare".

Takemi smirked and replied, "With your current skills Tatsuya you probably could enter the military just as a CAD Engineer. Don't call yourself normal. Anyway, I'll probably drop off my findings every month.... you two do still plan on going to First High right?".

Miyuki nodded for the two of them, "Yes, onii-sama and I will be freshman starting next year".

"Then we'll have a chance to meet more then. At least I'll have a solid alibi for visiting FLT more than just CAD maintenance".

Takemi stretched his hand out to Tatsuya, who took it with as the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

"I hope to see you again soon".


Takemi walked out of Tatsuya's lab waving his free arm at the two. He looked up at the moon in the sky and wondered if Zelretch was watching him right now.

'I wonder how one would go about catching a red-eyed black drago- princess. Oh well, I've got twelve months and two major events this year to worry about... when is the Nine Schools Competition again?'