
The Ties That Bind

Ties That Bind is a captivating tale of adolescence that revolves around Shivin, a 17-year-old boy on a quest for satisfaction and contentment while grappling with the challenges imposed by his strict Indian parents and his ambitions of pursuing higher education abroad. As he embarks on this journey, he develops a deep connection with his cousin Anisha, who opts for an engineering education in Bangalore, creating inner turmoil for him. Along his path, he connects with Rohan, whose steadfast support plays a pivotal role in helping him rediscover his sense of self and carve out his own unique trajectory. The narrative explores themes of camaraderie, familial dynamics, aspirations, and the ​​​​​​​tenacity necessary to chase his dreams amidst societal expectations.

Shreeveen_Chauhan · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs

Chapter 8 Weathering the Storm

A week was passed since the ugly confrontation between Shivin's father and Rohan. Still feeling the weight of the emotional turmoil, Shivin reached out to Rohan to apologise for the strain caused by his father's irrationality.

"Hey, Rohan! I'm very sorry you had to face my father's wrath," Shivin said.

Rohan, with a reassuring tone, replied, "It's not your fault, really. Don't apologise."

Inwardly, Shivin couldn't help but feel that his father's words were too much to bear.

Trying to console his friend, Rohan commented, "All parents can be overprotective at times. In your case, you're a single child. I think your father tends to overthink and finds it hard to trust others with your wellness."

Feeling dispirited, Shivin responded, "Or maybe it's just mine who's like this."

The burden of bettering things for Rohan weighed heavily on Shivin, feeling his father's words might have been hurtful to Rohan, who was not just a mentor but also a dear friend. Shivin wished if he could undo everything.

"Honestly I was disheartened to hear Sir's tone and comments," Rohan opened up about his feelings.

Shivin confessed, "Anyone will, I bet. I'm even more upset and embarrassed. My father completely lost control and acted irrationally. He's just too much at times. I will never forgive him for this."

The two friends found solace in sharing their feelings, realising that they were both affected by the incident. "You shall never get to talk with him," Shivin declared with affirmation in his voice.

"Frankly, I don't want to hear from him again," Rohan replied, still hurt by the recent events.

"You won't. Being his son and your close mate I buy you this".

"When do you want me to start working on your college application?" Rohan asked, trying to shift the focus to brighter prospects.

Taken aback by the sudden topic change, Shivin requested for more time to deal with the situation at home. Though Rohan was aware of Shivin's parents' irrational behaviour, he believed in Shivin's ability to eventually persuade them. Little did he know the true extent of the challenges awaiting his friend.

Unfazed by the uncertainty, Rohan reassured Shivin, "Take all the time you need. I've already begun shortlisting universities for you."

Shivin appreciated the gesture and clarified, "I'm open to any university in the UK; it doesn't have to be located in London. Going to the UK itself seems difficult nowadays."

"Don't lose heart, Shivin. I'm sure by the end of your 12th grade, your parents will be on your side," Rohan reassured, offering a glimmer of hope amidst the uncertainty.

As the talks progressed, both friends understood that the road ahead might be arduous, but their unwavering support for each other would be the guiding light through the darkness that lay ahead.