
The Third Prince

A man dies tragically but discovers he's been reincarnated in a fantasy world resembling the novels and mangas he read on Earth. Resigned to live a quiet life, he adapts quickly to his new surroundings, but his plans are disrupted when he realized he reincarnated as a prince. As royalty, he's unable to live the peaceful life he desires. Will the man be able to overcome the constraints of his position or be forever bound by his title? *The Protagonist just do whatever he wants if he feels like it but he's not perfect. Sometimes good sometimes bad.* *MC will not hesitate to resort to violence if someone dare to mess with his 'peaceful life'* *This story has plenty of Time Skips* *This Novel is made by an idiot*

Bankets · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
31 Chs

Chapter 3

Six months after reincarnation, Voltaire got used to his new life and now, it was even typical for him to cry every single day every time he wants something or he feels uncomfortable.

(Really? He's not petty anymore?)

It's the afternoon, the sky is blue as ever, the sun is shining brightly, and you can hear the birds singing on the tree outside the window.

Man, I'm bored... I want to grow up fast and explore this world.

Voltaire thought, laying in his crib while looking at the ceiling.

For the past six months, he spent most of his time in his little crib sometimes on the couch near it or the bed that his mother, Mathilda, ordered the servants to put up five months ago.

Due to this, his desire to grow up faster and do what he wishes becomes stronger than before.

He keeps sighing over and over again lamenting his situation until someone opened the door aggressively.

Usually, this will startle Voltaire and a cry would follow, but now, he is already used to it that every time it happens there's a 50-50 chance that he would smile in excitement or his face will show annoyance depending on the person who would come into.

This time, Voltaire's face smiles brightly anticipating the person coming to him.

The said person is Lance, the blonde older brother of his.

Voltaire has only four people he likes thus far. His mother, Mathilda, the old but gentle lady Vivienne, Julia, the maid Vivienne assigned to take care of Voltaire most of the time, and his older brother Lance.

Julia, the maid, is on a leave of absence for a week so she's not here.

After that day when he first met his father and his siblings. Lance keeps visiting him every day and talking to him about his day with enthusiasm.

At first, Voltaire is quite annoyed by this behavior but not long after he comes to like him when he realized two things; First, he's getting some information about the world outside of his room. Second, he was bored, and Lance's stories are the perfect solution to appease his boredom.

Like any other day, Lance hurriedly comes to his little brother's crib after he entered the room.

"Volt!" Lance yelled sloppily, "How are you? Are you sleeping?"

Lance checked if Voltaire was asleep for a moment before continuing.

"You're awake after all! Listen here, I caught a strange bug in the garden, look!" Lance then hands out a ladybug and put it on Voltaire's nose.

Isn't it just a ladybug? what's so strange about it other than it stinks? My turds stinks better though haha

Lance continues to prattle about his day and after a while, his face suddenly changed as if he remembers something.

"Oh right, Dad said that the ceremony for me, Luke, and Leisha is going to take place at the temple next week."

Huh?! Ceremony? For what purpose? It looks like something important was about to happen. Tell me more! It sounds interesting!!!

Voltaire exclaimed, of course, he can't say it right now directly so instead he raises both of his hands trying to approach Lance implying he wants to know more about this ceremony.

Lance, however, didn't seem to understand it and continue his pace, changing stories one after the other.

I hate this part of this kid, he keeps going on and not paying attention to his surroundings. When I grow up, I promise I would give him a good smack.

Two hours had passed and Voltaire has yet to know more about the ceremony Lance mentioned earlier.

Voltaire even forces himself from falling asleep hoping that Lance will go back to the topic of the ceremony.

Yet, Lance didn't mention it again.

...This kid seems to be busy every single damn day! He probably forgot about the ceremony since he already said it. Just like the ladybug, he doesn't even notice that it flew away.

I hope lady Vivienne or mom comes here and talk about it. Lance is the only one in the triplets that don't have a hidden agenda against me so I'm thankful to him but why he is a simpleton!!!

Voltaire protests.

In the following moment, a figure of a little girl can be seen standing near the door.

When Lance caught a glimpse of the girl he immediately greeted her while waving his hand.

Voltaire however, had a different kind of reaction. His face that screams irritation due to Lance's ignorance turns into a terrified one.

His face was full of sweat, his eyes trying their hardest to avoid contact with the girl's eyes, and his whole body quivered in fear.

Who is this girl that scared him?

It's his older sister and the only girl in the triplets, Leisha.

Aside from Lance, Leisha also comes here once a week.

Although she's not doing anything besides spending an entire hour looking at Voltaire while smiling.

Voltaire tries various methods to know her intentions.

Sometimes he tried acting cutesy in front of her to see how Leisha would react.

There are occasions when he tried to look into her eye to eye for one hour.

Voltaire tried different things to just get a reaction from her, however, the only reaction he got is the same.

No matter what Voltaire did, Leisha just keeps staring at him while smiling.

Voltaire doesn't seem to have a good impression of her to begin with, because of the word she said to him when they first saw each other.

Then the constant visit of doing nothing but smiling and staring at him for one hour straight made Voltaire uncomfortable with her and later on, that uncomfortable feeling became a frightened one.

Currently, Voltaire closes his eyes pretending to be asleep.

After many attempts to deal with his sister, this is the only solution he could think of. He knows it's quite pathetic to be a grown-up and yet scared of a little girl.

But what can I do?

This is all he could say due to his inability as a baby although Voltaire promises himself that when he grows up, he would face his fear of his sister head-on.

Even though that's still a long time in the future. Right now, he was too scared to face her sister.

"Yo Leisha! Did you come here to see our little brother?"

Leisha momentarily looked in Voltaire's direction before she reply.

"...I would like to do that, however, I am quite busy preparing for the ceremony next week. I came here because Vivienne asked me to bring you back to her afternoon class."

"Huh?" Lance pondered, "Oh right! I still need to attend her study lesson! See you Volt!"

Lance immediately left the room and as usual, he didn't notice how scared Voltaire was while Leisha is there.

Leisha also leaves the room but before she does so, she turned and looks at Voltaire for the last time before actually leaving.

The terrified baby opened his eyes a minute after the room becomes quiet just to make sure there are no more people besides him.

...Oh thank goodness she left. The way she looks at me creeps me out and every time I see her face, the word 'New Toy' keeps coming to my mind.

And even though I already know that Lance is studying for some time now I still can't believe it. He wouldn't change, he will always be simple-minded in my eyes...

...I think I'm overlooking something important though... Oh right! The ceremony! I don't have much information about that.


(So I'm curious, what happened after you got caught beating your meat?)

Of course, it was awkward between my cousin and me for a few days. Even though he's not my brother, I looked up to him as such.

He teaches me a lot of things, and I've been closer to him than I was to my own family.

Since we're close, he's still coming to our house once a day to look after it. He even invites me to eat lunch with him every day but I keep refusing his offer since I was too ashamed to face him.


Oh shut up! Will you?!

(Hahaha... Fine, seems like you still want to continue.)

You asked me so don't expect me to stop just yet. Anyway, where was I?

(You're too ashamed to face him... Hahaha!)

Right, so a few days after that incident, my cousin must felt uncomfortable since I'm not going out of that room so he entered.

He has the key to our house so it's pretty obvious that he can open any room.

I cover myself with my blanket in shame... I also expect him to make fun of me but instead, he calmly talks to me.


He said that it was normal for a teenage boy to do that kind of thing. However, relying on porno magazines and videos is not going to cut it.

He told me I was handsome and that I could get a girlfriend if I took care of myself.

(Did you believe in him?)

At first, no... But after working on myself to look good he was right.

After that, I have tons of girlfriends. Girls who hated me because I was a 'nerd' suddenly like me.

(You got tons of experience?!)

...Well, yes. But make no mistake! I'm not a two-timer because that's immoral.


Huh? Where did you go?

*He's probably gonna look in the mirror and check if he got a blessed face like you*