
The Third Prince

A man dies tragically but discovers he's been reincarnated in a fantasy world resembling the novels and mangas he read on Earth. Resigned to live a quiet life, he adapts quickly to his new surroundings, but his plans are disrupted when he realized he reincarnated as a prince. As royalty, he's unable to live the peaceful life he desires. Will the man be able to overcome the constraints of his position or be forever bound by his title? *The Protagonist just do whatever he wants if he feels like it but he's not perfect. Sometimes good sometimes bad.* *MC will not hesitate to resort to violence if someone dare to mess with his 'peaceful life'* *This story has plenty of Time Skips* *This Novel is made by an idiot*

Bankets · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
31 Chs

Chapter 2

"She left before I could even speak," Mathilda muttered staring at the door, "I bet she's going to my office to help there. I am confident she wanted to lessen my work... She is as stubborn as me."

She mused...

The mother and son duo stayed in the room. Mathilda continued to feed her son.

"Anyways, it's been three days since I last saw you my cute little Voltaire..."

'So my new name is Voltaire huh... I liked it.'

Voltaire became drowsy after he drinks enough of her mother's breast milk...

I'm sleepy, guess it's time to get some sleep...

"Oho, even your sleepy face is adorable~"

Mathilda exclaimed, adoring her son's cute sleepy face.


A loud sound echoes as someone opened the door aggressively. This startled Voltaire and his instinct as a newborn made him cry.

Mathilda saw this unfold and turns to the person who is now coming into the room.

The said person is a man who seems in his late twenties. He has golden hair and a beard, a pair of bright big rounded golden eyes.

This man also has slightly dark skin and a height of about 187 centimeters.

He's wearing a crown on his head, and just like Mathilda, he's also wearing a dress commonly seen in the medieval era.

"Hey, hon!" The man greeted cheerfully, "Vivienne told me that you took a break. So I believed that it's okay to have our family time once in a while. Look, I brought the triplets with me."

'Hon? So this loudmouth is my father?!'

"Honey...? I told you don't cause any kind of ruckus when our children are around did I not?"

Mathilda said, her face smiling but her eyes doesn't...

"What...?" the man was startled by Mathilda's pressuring gaze...

He quietly observed to understand what he did wrong and his sight turned to the baby that Mathilda is holding gently trying to calm him down.

He examines the baby's well-being and he met his eyes. The baby had a terrified expression on its face looking at him.

"...Is it related to our youngest child?" the man asked carefully.


"Did I bother him while you're feeding him?"

"Not quite. You bother his rest! He was going to sleep and you knock on that door loudly!!"

Mathilda furiously explained.

The man had a terrified look on his face looking around the room hoping someone could help him get out of his wife's rage.

"I-i know, you said don't cause a ruckus while our children are around right? Do you think you're contradicting yourself now?"

The man's excuse, this, of course, didn't help him instead Mathilda is even more furious now.

'Serves you right, idiot.'

Voltaire thought as he watched his father attempt to ease Mathilda.

Voltaire's gaze wanders around and he saw three little children that have a very similar faces to one another.

These three children are already here since the man entered the room but they remain quiet because they looking at someone with curiosity.

What? These three... Are they the triplets that loudmouth is talking about?

"A-anyways, look, I brought the triplets here with me. So, can you please spare me this time?"

The man stuttered attempting to change the subject.

"Fine then, however, don't you dare act this way again, especially if the kids are sleeping."

"Sure thing!"

"What did I just tell you?!"


Mathilda sighed, "You are a lost cause," she moved her eyes toward the triplet's direction who are behind the man, their father.

Two of them are boys and one is a girl.

One of the boys had a cold expression on his face as if he doesn't care about his surroundings. He had silver straight hair just like his mother, Mathilda, golden eyes just like the man, and he inherit his mother's pale skin.

The other boy is the total opposite of the first, sure, their face is identical but unlike the first one, this boy had a sparkling and bright expression just like the man.

He had blonde curly hair, a big rounded purple eye, and slightly dark skin.

Lastly, the girl bears a striking resemblance to the first two boys, but her features are distinct from theirs in several ways.

She inherited the man's golden hair that reaches her shoulder, but her slanted eyes are silver just like Mathilda's hair. The way she looks is kind of arrogant to the point that it would make you think if she's looking down on you or not if you see her for the first time.

These three kids, might have different features but one thing is for sure, all of them have an aura that screams gorgeous, brilliant, and perfect in terms of appearance.

There is no doubt that they are the children of Mathilda and the man.

If these three are my brothers and sister, and all of them are gorgeous as hell, then, there is no doubt that I would also look beautiful like them.

'It looks like my future self would hurt a lot of women's feelings.'

"Come on, you three," Mathilda gently asked the triplets and proceed to look at Voltaire, "Do you want to see your little brother?"

The man is already sitting beside Mathilda, looking at Voltaire's face with curiosity. On the other hand, Voltaire's interest is in the kids who appear to be his siblings.

The triplets proceed to move toward Mathilda one by one.

The boy with silver hair quietly clings to his father and sits on his lap.

He gazed at Voltaire quietly...

'...What's with him? Is he trying to gauge me or what?'

Voltaire thought, feeling uncomfortable.

"Tsk." the silver hair boy muttered with disgust.

'What?! Did he just 'tsk' at me? I didn't even do anything yet!'

(What do you mean YET?)

Mathilda and the man didn't notice it as they were tending to the other two kids. So this little interaction between them is a secret that the silver hair boy only knows... At least that was what he thought.

The blonde boy on the other hand is busy climbing the couch near his mother's side opposite the man.

Once he was done climbing, he immediately clung to Mathilda and force his way to her. He even tried to push Voltaire out of Mathilda's embrace.

Of course, his clumsy attempt failed as Mathilda is holding Voltaire even more carefully.

"Lance?" Mathilda calmly confronted the blonde kid, Lance, "Why are you pushing your little brother?"

Yeah, why are you doing that? You're a lot worse than little mister cold there.

"Little brother?" Lance replied tilting his head to one side.

Mathilda and the man look at each other, the man shrugged while Mathilda sighed in exasperation.

"A brother is someone you can play with, just like Luke," Mathilda explained.

"Really?, Lance asked with excitement, "Then, let's play!!"

"No no no, you can't! He's still a baby you must wait a year or two before you can play with him."

Mathilda keeps explaining to Lance what is a younger brother, a baby, and so on.

'Yikes! This kid might be only three or four years old, but I'm sure that he's going to be a simpleton even when he grows up...'

Voltaire thought in exasperation, he then moved his gaze to the little girl who was standing in front of them.

This girl is quietly staring at him the whole time biting one of her fingers while her other hand holds a teddy bear.

'...What's with her looking at me the whole time? She's giving me the creeps.'

The girl suddenly moves her lips slightly, "New toy."

'Wh-what? New toy? Me?'

Voltaire couldn't help but feel frightened of the little girl in front of him that he started crying once again.

"What happened to him?" the man asked in a panic.

"I'm not sure," Mathilda answered, "But maybe he wants to sleep that badly, but thanks to a certain someone who disturbs us he can't."

"Hahaha, " the man laughed scratching his head, "I guess we need to postpone our family time. Come on kids, let's go outside to play."

"Ok." the boy with silver hair, Luke, replied.

The girl just quietly nods.

Lance, however, throws a tantrum first saying he still wants to learn about being a big brother so Mathilda told him that letting his little brother sleep is also a role of a big brother.

The man together with the triplets left the room the same way they arrived except the man didn't make a noise.

Voltaire keeps crying until he ran out of energy and fell asleep.

"Haaah," Mathilda sighed, "Finally, he fell asleep."

Mathilda said alone in the room before she fell asleep next to her son.