
The Tale of the first Pokemon Master

Tyler is reborn into the world of Pokemon due to an angel rewarding him . follow him in his journey as he faces heartbreak and victory all while living the dream he’s had ever since he played his Pokemon game when he was 5 .

TCT_5050 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
20 Chs

Eevee’s Effort

After reaching the medical office I quickly found out that it's not like the games I'm used to. There is still a machine that you put your pokeballs into but it functions more like an X- ray. Then the nurses look at the results and decide treatment based on the injuries shown. I was surprised and worried when she told me Eevee had a mild concussion and some bruised bones. The nurse even scolded me saying "It's your responsibility to keep your pokemon from getting hurt that's your job as a trainer. Eevee obviously pushed herself to far or else she wouldn't have sustained an injury. She is very young less than a 12 months old and shouldn't be pushed too hard or it could leave permanent damage. You were lucky this time but next time you may not be so fortunate. Also no training or battling for at least 2 weeks. Bring her back then and we will decide if she has recovered enough to start training and fighting again." I just nodded my head solemnly and told her "I understand and I'll do better."

Tom whose pokemon had been cleared and fully healthy just looked at me a little surprised by the revelation of the nurse. "Hey I'm sorry about what happened though I know it's a part of battling I'm sorry my pokemon injured yours. Do you mind letting her out so my pokemon and I can apologize to her directly." I nodded before letting Eevee out who looked confused at what was happening seeing the Pokemon she fought earlier both apologizing to her. Before I explained the situation to her. She seemed upset that she wouldn't be able to train with me and Tsun or battle for a while not wanting to fall behind her big sister. Thinking about it I decided I should introduce Tsun to to Tom and his pokemon so I let her out to.

When I told Tsun about everything thats happened the first thing she did was go check over Eevee to make sure make was ok. Followed by glaring at Machop angrily knowing he was the one who hurt Eevee, before turning her anger at me for letting Eevee getting hurt and not letting her battle. As she was yelling "snorting" at me with Eevee trying to calm her down I heard Tom break out laughing. " I'm sorry I'm just happy becuase I can tell your a good trainer if your Pokemon can act so comfortably around you, also I can't believe your Eevee is so young both my Pokemon are almost 2 years old. Though it begs the question where you got your Eevee from since most breeders don't sell Pokemon under 1 year old."

I then proceeded to fill Tom in on how I got both Eevee and Tsun as eggs and that both are only about 2 months old. Both him and his Pokemon seemed flabbergasted by the news at first. Then quickly his Pokemon seemed to get fired up as they started talking to him as he just agreed readily before returning them to there balls. "It seems your a more worthy rival than I thought your Pokemon couldn't possibly be higher than level 3 given their age yet it only took 1 level 3 Eevee to beat both my Pokemon I've been training for over 6 months. My Pokemon and I were just shocked at the revelation before we decided we must train much harder if we want to beat you next time. My machop also told me he felt that your Mankey will be a very powerful rival he must over come in the future." Tsun and Eevee who were listening to this started puffing there chests at the praise. With Tsun going as far as to nod at Machops assentment of her. Deciding I need to deflate there ego a little I responded. "You say that Tom but really I'm sure if we battle again right now you would win since you know Eevee trick and both your Pokemon are much higher leveled than mine. While also having a type advantage. It should be us who are saying how much more we need to train just to catch up." My words seem to have sunk in as both Eevee and Tsun had a fire in there eyes after a minute or two of me finishing. Following Tom's lead I recalled them as well.

"I'm surprised your not saying how lucky I am to get such a rare Eevee from an egg. My roommate was besides himself at my luck." I said. "Well it's true you were lucky I like to think luck favors those who deserve it. Like karma you know if you work hard and try your best you'll be rewarded for your efforts. So I view it more of a sign of how great your potential as a trainer must be to get a pokemon so great from an egg. Almost like destiny you know." Tom replied casually. At this I started laughing and said "You know I much prefer your view over his and I like your attitude in general we should hang out sometime." Tom replied with "I'd like that but it might take awhile for Angela to warm up to you she isn't much of a people person. I'm really the only one besides our families who she is herself with,but I promise she's a good person once you break her out of her shell." "Totally fine my roommate Vinny has a similar personality a little rough on the exterior but I can tell he's kind deep down just likes to act tough." I answered before we started laughing together at our two friends.

Speaking of that's when Vinny and Sara came in with Vinny acting flustered while Sara was smirking. "Here she's your problem now" Vinny said in a huff. " what's got his all worked up?" I asked Sara who proceeded to fill me and Tom in to the situation, and how Vinny "saved her". Once she got to his new nickname all 3 of us were laughing as a red faced Vinny shouted. " Screw you guys and where the hell do I go to get my Pokemon looked at." I told him and Sara the process who by now had handed over there pokeballs to be scanned. I also filled them in on Eevee situation as well. During which Tom spoke up, "By the way I know Alex my family and his does business together and I can promise you he is exactly as Vinny described him and he doesn't take no for an answer easily. I'll try to talk to him to calm him down and leave you guys alone. Since knowing him he'll try to get back at you. He may be an awful person but he's a very good trainer with 3 high potential Pokémon all specifically selected to help make him the best trainer he can be no expense spared." We all thanked Tom for his warning as well has his attempt to ease things over for us before we all went back to class to watch some more battles.

After class was officially over and everyone had returned from the medical office. Mrs Scott addressed the class " all right student this was just a taste of what battling is like. As your Pokemon get stronger and learn more powerful moves strategy will start to play a much more pivotal role. Along with how you train your Pokemon. The director didn't lie when he said most of you won't graduate as each year there is a threshold every student much reach. If you fail then you will be expelled from this school and will have to attempt to join a less prestigious school. For the first year the goal is for everyone to increase your Pokémon's level to level 10. There will also be a ranking system implemented based on your battle records moving forward. Every Friday from now until the end of this year we will hold a class where everyone must participate in a pre selected mandatory battle. They will be assigned to be between Pokemon of similar strength. You are also free to challenge each other to battles and schedule them to be held over the weekend. The bottom 100 will also be expelled from the academy. There will also be rewards for those near the top. I hope this class shows all of you where you currently stand and I wish you all luck moving forward."

After that we all went to get dinner with Tom and Angela joining our group of 3. We all got along relatively well besides the occasional outburst from Vinny and Angela. He complained about her "Bitchness" as he called it. While she would lecture him on his rudeness and way of speaking. The rest of us just sighing and laughing at the 2.

After eating and getting back to my room Vinny and I fed our pokemon the food the school had brought for them. While looking at the 3 Pokemon eat and get to know each other I activated my eyes to checkout Vinny's partner.


Potential: yellow

Ability: technician

Stats:(above average)Hp F/ Atk D-/ Def F/ SpA F/ SpD F/ Spd A

Total: (350) D

While looking I also noticed Eevee seemed to have leveled up and improved a little from the battle and pushing herself

Eevee : lvl 3

Potential: light green

Ability : speed boost

Stats : Hp F(55)/ Atk F(55)/ Def D-(60)/ SpA F(45)/ SpD D(60)/ Spd C- (70)

Total: (345) D

( hp, Atk and spd all went up by 5 def went up by 10. This is not something that will happen regularly but is due to Eevee winning a very difficult battle against 2 higher leveled Pokemon by pushing herself past her limits plus other reasons to be explained later once Lucas is taught something in school and makes a connection that only he himself can notice due to his eyes.)

After they finished eating and I myself got changed I made sure to call back home and check in on my family. I also started telling them about my first day when I got to the bit about Eevee's battle and her injury I did get an earful from my mother and sister for pushing her to hard. After they were finished scolding me we said our goodbyes before I went to bed.

sorry it’s a little later than normal I had to completely re write this chapter and the next one after I noticed a plot hole when I was reviewing them.

TCT_5050creators' thoughts