

“Your life as a Knight has over, Rezvan.” In the life and death situation, I only have two choice: Die as The Weakest Knight or Stay alive as a Secret Magician. Even though I'll struggle alone in this hell, as long as it can protect my family from this chaotic world, I'll keep striving to become a Supreme Magician!

R_M_2897 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
79 Chs

Red Eye of The Dragon

Chapter 17 Red Eye of The Dragon

'The most terrible Monster's invasion in Indonesia: hundred of people die and thousands severely injured

The news headline I just read at a glance seems fitting to the current condition in my country.

After the ambush of the Dragon's mother in my city, the fear of global terror emerges in all countries.

Almost every Knight around the world halts their invasion for three days to reserve their energy and protect each country because each Government is afraid of the second invasion of the dangerous S-rank monster.

I read some articles about the confusion of Knight Associations regarding the appearance of the Dragon's mother.

For a Knight, the Dragon's mother is considered an S-rank monster.

Based on Knight Associations protocol, S-rank monsters are monitored in every country when the Dungeon comes.

The reason is to coordinate all the strongest Knights in the world to cooperate to eliminate Boss Dungeon before the gate links with the human world.

It took seven days for the Knight to close the potential gate created by the Monster.

But this is considered a particular case.

The Dragon's mother managed to break through the gate without any warning or alert from any Knight around countries.

Lots of frays in the countries because most people criticized Knight Associations for their incompetency in protecting the people from the Monster's terror.

On the other hand, some people support the Knight Association.

Watching the television with this never-ending fear made me stop television.

I also placed my smartphone because social media tells the same thing.

"What I have done…."

I'm mumbling with a long exhale.

Two days passed after the mother of Dragon was defeated, but I still can feel hollow in my heart.

I thought it was because of the fatigue, but it's not.

The burned city, the burnt people, the suffocating smoke, the constant screaming of fear and depression, all these still haunt my thought.

Even two days of total rest is not worked to stop these thoughts.

As I leaned on my sofa, look at my small home's ceiling, the familiar skull face staring at me.

"It's already two days. Admit it. There's no use for you to be this lazy."

Amdarais scolded me impatiently.

I understand his vexation about my regret.

"I thought this kind of regret would be stopped after long rest."

"Nonsense! If you want to stop the regret, stop blaming yourself, Rezvan! The Dragon's mother invades your city because the demon provoked her! You already stopped that damn Dragon before your city was completely destroyed! Stand up and continue your fighting!"

Amdarais sounds more reasonable this time.

Or I may have realized this regretful feeling couldn't be recovered if I stayed idle in my home.

I can't sulk with this feeling anymore.

All the tragedies already happened, and my inaction for two days will not change anything.

I closed my eyes for a minute, releasing all haunting thoughts to move forward.

As I opened my eyes again, they became more apparent than before.

Of course, the haunting thought is still there, but at least I can control it now.

"Let's get back to the clock tower for more training. I'm curious about the red Dragon's eye."

Amdarais smiled after long and boring waiting for two days.

"That's the spirit, Rezvan!"

Before I stand up from my sofa, Serena suddenly comes while showing me the mail.

"Brother, there's mail for you."

I look at the logo of the black shield behind the vertical swords and diagonal spears, which means it is official mail from the Knight Association.

"What? Is that a mail from a Knight?"

Amdarais curiously read the mail with me.

"They want me to help with the exploration map of the B-rank Dungeon after three days of Knights protection over."

I explained it to Amdarais.

Serena stared at me with mixed feelings.

Citra, who also heard me from her room, immediately came closer.

I can sense their worries just by looking at their sad expression.

"Brother, a-are you will become Knight again?"

Citra can't hold her uneasy.

"No, don't worry. I'm not answering this mail."

I said it calmly while patting Citra's head.

"But where are you going? Aren't we can't go out as Government orders us to?"

Serena realizes my intention to go out.

She seems troubled.

The constant news about the tragedy of Dragon's mother fire probably makes my sisters panicky if I work as a Knight again.

"The Government not restricting the online food driver like me. So don't worry about it. It will be safe."

I stand from the sofa and place the mail in the trash can.

Looking at my sisters staring without a word, I patted their heads softly.

"I'll be back at night. In the meantime, I'll ask Mister Dendi and Mrs. Santi to watch you two, okay?"

Serena and Citra nodded, still without sound.

"P-promise us to come back on time, brother."

Citra said it while holding her tears.

"I'll keep an eye on Citra! Don't forget to bring us snacks!"

Serena holds Citra to relieve her sister while also hiding her anxiety.

Leaving them in the middle of fear among people is challenging.

But I don't have any choice but to fight back.

When I become a Magician, I luckily could use some Monster's Diamond as my earnings.

I just have to hide it by doing a job as an online food driver so the Knights or other people not getting suspicious about my source of income.

Other than that, I can only protect my sister from Monsters' death threats by becoming a Magician.

"Sure, sure. I'll come home on time with a snack for you two. Just wait for it."

I said it with a convincing smile, so they felt relieved.

"What an innocent sister you had, Rezvan."

Amdarais chuckled over my attempt to convince my sisters.

Luckily, Serena and Citra can't see Amdarais because they will be freaked out if they can.


I almost stumbled over the Dragon's mother's red eye staring at me.

Those eyes floating between Amdarais like a ball of magic.

The Soul's Spirit suddenly emerges its wave inside my body as I look back at the Dragon's mother red eye.

This kind of sensation seems familiar when I want to activate the magic spell from Soul's Spirit.

"Reach it with your Soul's Spirit, Rezvan. I know you can sense it. The resonation attempts of Souls' Spirit."

I nodded because things I assumed were relevant to what Amdarais said.

In the middle, I stretch my hand to reach the Dragon's mother red eye, the Soul's Spirit vibration becoming stronger.

The moment I reached those eyes, the resonation emitted its desire.

It's like a natural force that makes me squeeze these eyes until it breaks into thousand fragments of red light.

The fragments gradually absorbed into my body.

It feels like the Soul's Spirit is enjoying its feast of absorbing the red light of the Dragon's mother.

"Can you feel the new power inside of you?"

Amdarais said that while placing his right hand on my chest.

The pentagram of blue-light magic formed a second after that.

I'm amazed at the small symbol of the red eyes of the Dragon on the north edge of the pentagram.

"The key to mastering the elemental fire spell is opened. It's time to learn something new! Aren't you excited, Rezvan!"

Well, the last thing I try to understand the Soul's Spirit; I almost go insane.

It almost took three years, in clock tower time dimension, to master Soul's Spirit.

But a man must do what he needs to do.

I know it will be another challenging spell to study, but I will finish it patiently.

At least I have experienced it, so it is not as complicated as my initial phase.

"I'm ready."

Amdarais smiled.

He waves his hand as a sign for me to follow him.

I step quickly behind Amdarais, who flies casually fast, going through the library on the first floor of the tower clock.

After passing many bookshelves in the library, we stopped at the central room.

Sudden red light emerges on the floor, making some surface float like a lift.

Several minutes passed as the lift finally stopped on the second floor.

The second floor had a similar chain of bookshelves to the first floor.

The difference was that there were four areas of the bookshelves with large crystals placed in each area.

"Touch that."

Amdarais points out the large crystal located in the bookshelves' east area.

As I touched it, the crystal flew, spreading its bright red light to all books in the east area.

"These are the knowledge book of fire. Learn it, then you can cast a fire spell."

Amdarais explained.

From the number of books, it is almost less than half of the books I have read on the first floor.

Since I only have half of a hour for today's practice, which means about 6 months in the clock tower, I think I can master it in one go.

"Don't expect it simply to read the books, Rezvan."

"Read and learn, right? Yeah, I know."

"It's more complicated to master an elemental spell rather than Soul's Spirit."

Looking at Amdarais's serious stare, I knew it would be another challenge for me.