

“Your life as a Knight has over, Rezvan.” In the life and death situation, I only have two choice: Die as The Weakest Knight or Stay alive as a Secret Magician. Even though I'll struggle alone in this hell, as long as it can protect my family from this chaotic world, I'll keep striving to become a Supreme Magician!

R_M_2897 · Fantasy
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79 Chs

Hunting The Dragon (V)

Chapter 16 Hunting The Dragon (V)




Everything is burned.

The mother dragon's fire breath spreads like a tsunami as the mother dragon flies across the way toward the building.

Firefighters move to extinguish the fire, but their attempt is futile.

The fire burns almost a quarter of the city like wildfire in the forest.

The night sky in my city was engulfed by the smoke from the burnt buildings, houses, and parks.

I can hear people constantly screaming in fear and agony.

While I'm standing in here, grasping this damn mother dragon's right foot, so I'm not falling to the ground.

'I bring the mother dragon into my city. It is my responsibility.'

That statement repeatedly haunts me, bringing guilty into my heart.

Even after all this destruction, I haven't seen any Knights come to help stop the mother dragon.

Aren't they supposed to move fast while the monster attacks the city like this?

Do they want to see the city burned before saving it?

Ah, screw this!

It's meaningless if I put my hope in the Knights!

I gritted my teeth, swallowing all this guilt and anger so I could be responsible for stopping this chaos.

Suppose I stay sulk on these awful feelings.

In that case, the collateral damage will become more extensive, destroying the city.

If these bastard's fire burned my sisters, I would not forgive all this damn monster, including myself.

"What the hell are you waiting for, Rezvan?! Do you want your city burned to a crisp?!"

"I'm thinking, damn it! There must be a way for me to defeat it!"

"The jaw, Rezvan! What else do you want to target?!"

"I know that! But this bastard is flying around like a maniac! How can I aim properly?!"

Amdarais and I stopped debating for a moment.

We basically have the same thought but are still confused about how to effectively execute our magic spell.

After several burns in many places in the city, the mother dragon flew higher to the smoked sky.

It feels strange because the mother dragon is not aggressively spewing her fire breath like before.

Looking at the top of buildings in the ground, I can sense hundreds of knights.

They prepared their silver bow and aimed it toward the mother dragon in the sky.


The mother of the dragon screamed with intense anger as the fire assembled in her mouth.

When I was still in dragon mountain, I saw this gigantic fireball managed to destroy almost half of the mountain.

From there, I realized that the dragon's mother needed time to throw the gigantic fireball.

It's similar to my Brandish Soul spell.

In the meantime, hundreds of silver arrows shot into the sky.

Those hundred arrows move like a homing missile penetrating the mother's dragon body and neck.

The mother dragons grinned as hundreds of silver arrows stabbed his body and neck.

Blood poured from the mother dragon's injury, but that was not enough to make her fall.

A few minutes passed; I could feel the blaze heat of her gigantic fireball around this night sky.

My intention to warn all the knights stopped.

They had already escaped in panic after seeing the gigantic fireball, almost like a sun.

I can sense the hopelessness when the gigantic fireball smashes one of the buildings into the ground like a meteor.

The tremendous explosion emerges, disintegrating the building into a speck of dust along with other buildings and roads near it.

The hole of destruction, without showing anything alive except the dust, made me shiver a bit.

I know the building is far away from my home, where my sisters are, but I'm not saying it is still safe for all the people in the city.


The mother dragon screams hysterically, showing she is still not satisfied with her revenge.

Suddenly, the mother dragon flew down like a plane wanting to land on the road.

I immediately grasp the right feet of the mother dragon to hold my body.

Again, the mother dragon's fire breath engulfed the entire road.

All cars on the road burned like a sequence of an explosion on the street.

Under the blazing heat of the mother dragon's fire breath, I sensed something suspicious.

The mother dragon flies fast in a specific direction to the central area.

After a few moments of flying like crazy, the mother dragon arrived at the top of the Knight's Association building center.

The mother dragon's red eye staring the building with rage.

I guess she thinks the killer of her children is the Knight.

The Knight's Association building center is easily detectable for the monsters because it has storage for the result of Monster's Diamond cultivation.

The gigantic fireball emerges once again in the mouth of the mother dragon.

However, I had already prepared the counterattack.

When I realize the mother dragon is flying to reach the Knight Association's building, I'm concentrating on preparing my magician's spell.

Even though it's just a rough count of time, the length of the cast spell between Brandish Souls and her gigantic fireball is almost equal.

The blue light, a magical formation summoned in above the mother dragon's head.

I concentrate more firmly because the time is ticking.

Since the dragon's mother did not realize it, it would be my golden opportunity.

Anyone who casts their spell first time will be a victory.

"Rezvan! Are you crazy?! Aiming in that position will get you also to fall carelessly!"

Amdarais yells at me with surprise.

Surely, there's slight of time for me to reconsider.

I take this risky decision with two thoughts.

First, I can aim properly for the magical formation in the right target only when I am near the mother dragon like this.

Second, I know the Brandish Soul might not destroy the mother dragon in one shot because this monster's defense is enormous compared to another dragon.

But I have faith in utilizing the Brandish Soul for optimum damage to the mother dragon's weakness with my idea.

Either I live by cast the spell first and then die carelessly, or I stay alive while seeing the Knight Association building destroyed by her gigantic fireball.

Whatever its decision, I only have one answer.

Keep striving!

"There's no light nor the dark in your path

Reaching for the mysterious beyond

Facing the endless cursed fate

Strive, Brandish Soul!"


Massive blue aura spears rained the mother dragon's head repeatedly, forcing her to close her mouth.

The gigantic fireball of the mother dragon gets bitten by her mouth, which creates a chain of fire sparks.

A few seconds passed, and the mother dragon's mouth blew by the explosion of her gigantic fireball.

Like a glimpse of hell in the night sky, the mother dragon angry screams changed into howls of anguish.

The bombardment of explosive sounds makes my ear almost deaf.

I'm not sure whether I succeed, but both my hands instantly strengthen my grasp because everything seems to fall apart.

"Rezvan! Activate the magical protective barrier with all your power! Now!"

Amdarais shouting makes me realize the mother of the dragon is falling from the sky alongside with me.

I cast the protective barrier with all my magician power and then closed my eyes.

The ground shook drastically as my body landed, smashing the chains of buildings that broke them into pieces.

I only heard the cracked buildings and road when my body tossed around.

All my joints and bones feel like they are getting thwacked every time I hit the building and the ground.

It finally stopped when I slammed one of the warehouses near me.

I took a huge breath and exhaled gradually while bearing the pain in my back and shoulder.

Well, the injuries are not that severe, thanks to the magical protective barrier.

It took time for Soul's Spirit to regenerate my magic power, so I stood still to wait and be prepared.

I look around and notice several Knight bracelets spread under the debris of the warehouses.

Which means this is the Knight's Association Warehouse.

So far, I haven't seen any knights or people in here yet.

However, I must run from this place because it will be suspicious for them if I'm in this authorized area.

"Rezvan! My dear Daredevil!"

Amdarais suddenly come with two enormous red eyes flying next to him.

"Is that the dragon's eye?!"

I gasped.

What in the hell?

Does he yank out the mother dragon's eyes?

Despite being stunned, Amdarais laughed with joy.

"It's the bonus, Rezvan! The golden prize we had for defeating the mother dragon!"

I know there's a vast number of red Diamonds we had collected just from the mother dragon.

I'm just not expecting there's another 'prize,' though.

Amdarais hold my right shoulder and stare at me.

"The mother dragon's eyes can help the Soul's Spirit so it could open your magician spell for controlling fire element. We can improve it in our training ground!"

Now I understand why Amdarais so excited about this golden prize.

As the Soul's Spirit has regained its strength adequately from the regeneration, I hurriedly move to my priorities.

"That's good news. But we are in the Knight Association area. So let's escape before anyone becomes suspicious of me."

"Ah, you right, Rezvan."

Amdarais snaps his fingers, creating the magical blue-light gate in front of me.

"You first, Daredevil."

He let me go first inside the magical gate.

I think he is still in excitement.

I know the magical gate would take me to another dungeon, but it is easy for Amdarais to open it again from there so I can go to my home later.

At least, my traces in Knight's Association are gone now.