

“Your life as a Knight has over, Rezvan.” In the life and death situation, I only have two choice: Die as The Weakest Knight or Stay alive as a Secret Magician. Even though I'll struggle alone in this hell, as long as it can protect my family from this chaotic world, I'll keep striving to become a Supreme Magician!

R_M_2897 · Fantasy
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79 Chs

Ignite The Flame

Chapter 18 Ignite The Flame

'The wrath of the dragons.'

That's the appropriate title for every book I had read on the east area bookshelves.

Among the Monsters, the dragons are the kind of monsters feared for their anger.

Any monster who the dragons perceive as an enemy will taste their deadly fire breath.

Even it is considered 'normal' for dragons to fight each other because of their wrath if it becomes uncontrollable.

The Dark Elves are the only Monster with low risk with the Dragons because they can establish a harmonious relationship for a thousand years.

The reason is that Dark Elves have a relaxing spell that helps the Dragon control their anger.

Since the book I read is written by the Dark Elves, I learned about their way of generating a mantra for synchronizing with The Dragon's wrath.

"So, you had finished reading all the book. You are a fast reader, Rezvan."

Amdarais noticed I had just finished reading the last book.

"I am still in the learning process."

I replied with a lot of thoughts.

So far, I understand the Dragon's nature anger, how they elevate it to become the deadly weapon of fire, and how the Dark Elves help them to control it.

But, simply reading is not enough to imply it into action for mastering the fire spell.

I need to do 'something' to connect those three key concepts.

"It starts from here."

Amdarais suddenly placed his right finger on my chest.

The light blue pentagram appeared as the red eye dragon symbol took my attention.

If I compare it to when I haven't read the books, I sense something different now regarding the time.

The Dragon's wrath burns Orc Village.

Hundreds of Goblins' skeletons were scorched by the Dragon's fire breath.

The chaotic battle between dragons makes the mountains shake and crumble.

All those stories made me clear about the Dragon's mother red eye intent to convey in my Soul's Spirit.

I even can feel the mother's dragon anger when I hunted down her children.

The Dragon's resentment strokes my mind, forcing me to clench my hand to hold this sudden anger.

As I almost sulk into the Dragon's eternal wrath, my body feels the fire's heat.

The fire suddenly emerges from my body and burns some of my skin.

I gritted my teeth to bear the pain, but the constant whispering of anger forced me to let the fire flare up.

"Control the Dragon's wrath, Rezvan! Your body will burn into bones without you realizing it if you follow it blindly!"

I kneeled and punched the floor until it cracked because the heat was like an overflowing power controlling my mind.

Destroy anything.

Burn anyone.

Blast all the mortals.

Demolish me.

So, everyone can taste the hell's blaze in this damned world.

The whispering repeated rapidly and loudly in my mind.

"The spell! Cast it with your faith! Don't let the Dragon's wrath conquer you!"

Amdarais roars as the fire on my body blazes greatly, spreading like a tornado to the bookshelves and the entire second floor.

I think deeply of the Dark Elves' story on Dragon's wrath in the middle of almost gone unconsciousness.

I understand the notion of hatred that comes from the mysterious whispering in my mind.

However, I'm not taking that as a final conclusion or justification for me to keep the flame burning everything.

The fire doesn't have to be extinguished.

It only needs to stay under my control as far as possible to be controlled, just like a fire cinder.

Because fire is also part of the Soul's Spirit.

As far as I grasp, the spell is not an ultimate incantation that will work like a miracle.

The spell is about how my heart understands the Dragon's Wrath and tries to grasp it with a wise heart.

The moment I feel I have achieved the faith I need to master the fire, the incantation comes out involuntarily.

"The pride in suffocating people

The arrogance of tearing out the mortals

The greed of the Souls

Let me bravely embrace it, o Great Flame!"

All the fire on the second floor goes out, leaving thin smoke around the floor.

The remaining fire is the one in my body.

Those mysterious whispers in my mind become vague and low to hear, so it is not disturbing anymore.

Some of my chest and hand skin is burnt, but thankfully it gradually recovered by the Soul's Spirit healing.

Under those anger, I'm not even sensing the pain because of the heat.

If I'm not stopping the wrath's temptation, I think I'll be burnt to a crisp before realizing the torture.

"Look at the man who just mastered the fire spell."

Amdarais chuckled while pointing out the mirror on the bookshelves near me.

It took me a second to be aware of the changes in my eye color.

I became like the red-eye Dragon.

Thinking from what Amdarais said, it's a sign for me to succeed in mastering the fire spell.

"Want to test the fire spell? It has several spells that might interest you for defeating the monsters…."

I look at the time.

It's already the last day of six months I have practiced in the Clock Tower.

"I can do that later. My sister waiting for me."

I replied, showing the pentagram for utilizing the remaining red diamonds energy from Dragon's Mother for leveling up.

After I learned the fire spell, I could feel the magic power of this elemental spell was more potent than Soul's Strike.

Since the magic damage is at more than enough rate, I'll raise the Intelligence slightly.

It's the right time to improve my endurance to cast the spell consistently and increase my defense from monster attacks.

For elevating the speed of cast spelling, I also choose Cleverness because I'm staying firm on 'fast kill in the longest range.'

My current status, after long thought, is 40 Intelligence, 35 vitality, and 30 cleverness.

There are some red diamonds left that I can't use for leveling up because it is not enough.

Probably I'll use it for collecting money by trading it with the Knight Association later.

As I make the pentagram disappear, Amdarais stares at me with curiosity.

"You will sell some of the red diamonds for money, right? So be cautious for the Knight's intention to search us."

Amdrais warning made me frown.

"Why is that? I'm sure the Knights have not yet known my identity as Magician."

"Red diamonds are sourced from the mother of the dragons. I think the Knight will suspect you because you had that diamonds."

I shrugged.

"I already think that. It's common for a random Knight, even the Weakest Knight like me, to have a little of the diamond from the Monster that I'm not even participating in the battle. If they are getting suspicious, I can say that it only comes from the lucky collection on the road after the death of Mother of Dragon."

"It might work, but being cautious is necessary. You'll never know what the Knights want from you with those precious diamonds."

It's strange to see Amdarais being overly cautious like this.

"I know. We'll discuss it later after I get home and buy snacks for my sister."

I ended the conversation, leaving Amdarais unsatisfied.


One hundred million rupiahs.

That amount is almost thirty-four times my monthly earnings when I still work as a Knight.

It's surprising to have that amount only by selling only a few of my red diamonds.

At first, I thought the price was slightly higher than the usual Monster's diamond.

The Knight Association said the red diamond from mother dragons is a rare material that had been on search from Knight all over the world.

Well, with that amount of money, I already planned to pay half of my father's significant debt and save it for my sister's education and life need for the future.

Honestly, this is the first time I can breathe relief regarding the money.

Back when I was a Weakest Knight, it was always not or just barely enough.

On the other side, Amdarais still not convinced about my safe decision to sell a tiny Dragon's Mother diamond.

Even though I already said I will not sell it more for money soon, so it's not suspicious for the Knight, he still told me to be cautious repeatedly.

"Brother, there's someone who wants to meet you."

Serena's sudden calling makes me stand from my sofa.

I never thought a guest would come to my home this morning.

I usually accompany my sister to their school in the morning.

So, most likely, my neighbor comes to my home during the day.

"Who is it?"

I asked Serena.

It might be one of my neighbors.

"It's a girl. I don't know her."

As I walked toward the door, Serena ran to her room.

She wants to take her bag along with Citra to prepare for school this morning.

I'm surprised when I see the tension on their faces.

When I opened my door, a black long-haired girl wearing a black suit, white shirt, and long black trousers stood firm with a serious expression.

"Hello, Mister Rezvan. My name is Fenris from Indonesia Knight Association. Can I have a moment for a talk?"

The girl shows her Blue Knight's Bracelet in her right hand.

I know The Knight Association already sent me an email asking me to help them with hunting the B-rank dungeon.

But I never thought they still insisted by sent their agent here.

I am still determining what they are up to, though.