
The Strongest Dark Lord

Follow Lucas Grindelwald, a reincarnated soul who walks a similar path to his adopted father, the infamous Dark Lord Gellert Grindelwald. As a good Dark Lord in training, expect a MC with loose morals who has no problem with getting his hands dirty. This is a translation of the fanfic Hogwarts: I, The Strongest Dark Lord Of History. The story will have differences from the mtl version since I will be changing things I don't like or that don't make sense. Subscribe to my Patreon /mysterion901 to read advanced chapters.

Mysteryon · Filmes
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274 Chs

Ron's Jealousy, Harry In A Dilemma!

Not long after Professor Hooch left, Draco Malfoy remembered the agreement with Harry.

"Harry, do you want to come to practice? Just in time, I can tell you how to play Quidditch."

Friendships between young wizards are often as simple as that, and it certainly is also very simple for a certain Weasley to become jealous of someone.

Ron looked at the two walking side by side.

Don't mention just how uncomfortable it makes him feel.

Ron thought that since he was the one who met Harry first he should be the other person's best friend.


The Malfoys are Death Eaters.

So how could Harry Potter be friends with the children of Death Eaters, Ron complained in his mind.

Seeing two people holding brooms and preparing to take off, he rushed over immediately to interrupt them.

"Harry, what are you doing, how about taking me with you as well?"

Looking at Ron running towards him Harry nodded in agreement without hesitation.

He also wants to resolve the conflict between Draco and Ron.

Both are his good friends so he didn't want to be in a dilemma every time.

The young innocent Harry fantasized about the future adventures of the three of them together, and the corners of his mouth raised unconsciously.

"Ron, Draco is going to teach me how to play Quidditch. Didn't you say you often play it at home? Come and teach me too."

"No problem Harry, trust me, the rules are actually very simple."

Ron flew unsteadily to the two of them on his broom, he even pushed Draco off to the side.



Looking at the begging in Harry's green eyes Draco took a deep breath and suppressed the anger in his heart.

The three of them flew slowly in the air like this.

In the way, Ron's mouth kept talking about the rules of Quidditch, not giving Draco a chance to speak at all.

Harry looked very embarrassed on the side.

In fact, Draco has already told himself all of these things.

It was just an excuse but who knew that Ron would actually take it so seriously.

Listening to the chattering voice that talked nonstop, Draco snorted impatiently.

This also attracted the dissatisfaction of Ron Weasley who was looking for an excuse to start a fight with him just to keep him away from Harry.

"Hey, Malfoy, do you think there's something wrong with my explanation?"

Draco looked at Harry, and replied after a few seconds: "No, you speak very well, but I don't know if your technique is as good as your mouth."

"Would you like to compete?" Ron asked with a flushed face.

Ron's proposal hit the nail on the head.

Draco Malfoy frowned: "As you wish."

He took out a remembrall from inside his robes.

"This is what Neville Longbottom dropped on the ground just now. Whoever gets the remembrall first wins, how is it?"

"Of course, if anyone accidentally breaks it, he will have to buy Mr. Longbottom a new one, Weasley, do you dare?"

"Let's do it!"

Ron wanted to save face.

Immediately after agreeing, he held his broom tightly with both hands.

"Well then, to be fair, Harry will throw the ball!"

Handing the remembrall to Harry, Draco reminded: "Harry, just use the launching spell I gave you a few days ago."

Harry nodded, drew his wand and pointed it at the remembrall.


The ball instantly flew into the sky far away.

Draco started immediately, and flew across the sky like a hawk finding its prey.

As for Ron, his start was half a beat slower, and the flight path was not as stable as Draco's.

But even so, relying on his courage alone, he slowly caught up with Draco.

On the ground, students from all four houses were rooting for whom they supported.

Only Hermione frowned.

"How could they do this! Professor Hooch said that we are not allowed to fly without authorization, and points will be deducted."

"And it's too dangerous for them to compete like this. What if something happens!"

Hermione stared at Lucas after she finished speaking, as if she wanted to hear his opinion.

"Hermione, Draco's flying level is not low. Trust him, it's fine. As for Professor Hooch, as long as they land before she comes back, I think there will be no problem."

Hermione rolled her eyes.

Although she didn't quite agree, she didn't refute again.

It seemed that they had acquiesced in the actions of the three of them.

At this time, Draco had caught up to the memory ball and he looked contemptuously at Ron Weasley, who was half a body behind.

This competition was too easy for Draco.

He didn't even use his full strength.

"Sorry Weasley, I won the contest."

He reached for the memory ball, but just when his fingertips touched the sphere, the broom suddenly lost control and began to fly left and right.

It turned out that Ron, who saw that he was about to lose the contest, in desperation, slammed into the tail of Draco's broom.

By the time Draco got the broom steady again, he was a long way behind Ron, making his expression turn ruthless.

Immediately accelerated his broom and chased after him.

The two collided with each other in the air repeatedly and in the end, no one was pleased, because instead of catching it, they ended up smashing Neville's remembrall.

"shit, Weasley, you scumbag!"

"Forget it, Malfoy, who doesn't know that everyone in your family is a Death Eater, so you shouldn't pretend to be a good person here, just like your friend, it looks disgusting."

"Weasley, I dare you to say that again!."

"Let me tell you, you and your family are Death Eaters, and your friend is an evil dark wizard. I read in the newspaper about what he did!"


Draco drew his wand and pointed it at Ron Weasley.

Seeing this, Harry hurriedly stood between the two of them.

"If you have something to say, let's go down first."

"Harry, get out of the way, Weasley must apologize to me and my friends today!" Draco said seriously.

Without waiting for Harry to continue persuading.

Ron said, "Apologize? What I said is the truth, why should I apologize?"

Draco's face looked ruthless, and pointed at Ron with his wand: "Stupefy!"

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