

Traps have always been laid and people just seem to fall in them and wait to be rescued whilst others unfortunately die. But how about when your soul gets trapped? How would you get out?

Nash_Amina · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs

Everything is the same

Reidens's POV

EVERYTHING feels the same, it feels repetitive like having dejavu in every corner and everything that happens in this town.

Except maybe for the survivors that we find every once in a while. That's the only new thing that's actually interesting and brings life into this dead zone.

But it has been seven months since the last survivor was found at the edge of the wall.

And it's been the same cycle ever since, rain on Mondays, sunny on Tuesdays through Fridays and freezing cold on the weekends.

No one else seems to notice the change of the weather though, they always act surprised. I've wondered if they act that way because they'll be hoping for a different outcome.

"Reiden! Reiden! Are you even listening to me?"

I'm pulled back from my thoughts by Mandy shaking the hell out of me.

"Yes yes Mandy I hear you" I try not to sound bored as I flash my best smile at her whilst Aurora snickers beside her.

"No you didn't, you zoned out again. Anyway I was saying that Mrs Kuwolski said she was going to bake cookies this weekend"

I say word for word in sync with her but it just seems to blow her mind, I mean how can I forget something that happens every weekend consistently.

"Wow you really were listening" she says smiling before she continues to rant about Steven to Rora. The only young adult male survivor.

First time writing an original on web novel. I'm a fanfic writer from Wattpad @taelixlov3.

Nash_Aminacreators' thoughts