

Traps have always been laid and people just seem to fall in them and wait to be rescued whilst others unfortunately die. But how about when your soul gets trapped? How would you get out?

Nash_Amina · Fantasy
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2 Chs


Author PoV

The weekend was finally here and everyone was gathered at the Kowalski's, the mouth watering scent of freshly baked cookies wafting through the air. Laughter and bickering heard in the house as it created the perfect atmosphere for their little weekend gathering.

Mandy was in the kitchen trying to steal chocolate chip cookies when a hand slapped her naughty one.

"ouch" she turns to see Sooin, who was looking at her sternly.

"What did I say about stealing cookies" the older says placing the warm treats in a gypsy plate.

"Don't steal, just ask and you will be given" she mumbles out before storming to the living room where everyone else was seated.

"Don't you ever get tired of it?" Sooin gets startled at the sudden voice.

"Reika, God I didn't see you there. How are you? And what are talking about?" the older asks taking strawberry jam for the muffins.

"I'm fine eonnie, I'm talking about your quarrels with Mandy, Don't you ever feel tired of them. The always stealing cookies to the getting more hot coco for Felix and Aurora fighting over muffins with everyone" Reiden says walking over to help put some things in the tray.

Sooin stills at Reidens words and touches the oval shaped crimson pendant on her neck.

"OH, how do you know that?" she looks at the brunette.

"It happens every weekend and everytime it's the same but yall just don't seem to remember it. Don't you ever feel Deja vu when you're baking or when Angel spills the milk during-"

"May I please have a paper towel I just spilled the milk on Mrs Kowalski's carpet and she's not happy" a chocolate skinned girl about four foot seven enters disturbing the two.

Sooin quietly grabs the paper towel and gives it to her.

"Reiden how do you know this?"

Reiden just shrugs before the takes the tray to the living room. Sooin remains in the kitchen and looks out of the window to see a small plush sized teddy bear looking at her with lifeless.

"She's different from the others, she has noticed. Do a sleepover and make it perfect again otherwise she'll want to leave. And you don't want that don't you?" The teddy bear says before vanishing before her eyes.

"Yes I'll have to fix it, everything is perfect here. It can't change" her cold emotionless voice sounds as she grips countertop to the point where it cracks and that seems to brings her back to the usual bubbly personality that everyone knows.

Hope you enjoy this chapter and don't think it's boring. Love yall

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