
The Sky is Not Blue

FATE… Your fate may be unfortunate, but you cannot escape it. You often meet your destiny on the road you take to avoid it. RUNNING… Can she run away from this storm headed her way? DEBBY is a single mother hiding in a small town to run away from her past, but she remained trapped in her dreams. A man always lays with her in her dreams, but she forgets his face whenever she wakes up. This man is possessive. No relationship in the actual world works for her because of her commitment to him. Lonely in a strange place, she longs for a lasting relationship. A shaman advised her to break it off with her spirit husband. On that night, after she broke it off with the man in her dream, she began anew by visiting a dating app in search of companionship. Little did she know that the moment she clicked like on a sketchy profile, that her life was about to change forever. SEARCHING... When he finds what he is searching for, will he survive it? SAMUEL is a handsome young man who has it all but happiness. His commitment to a faceless bride is his only escape from the demons tormenting his life. But one night, she broke things off with him. Devastated and unable to face his reality, he runs to the internet in search of distraction. His encounter with a single mother not only swept his life into a whirlwind he never saw coming.

mariadora_okwori · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
54 Chs

Chapter 45

"Debs, what is wrong?" He asked with a raised brow, and I quickly pushed the phone into my jean pocket.

"Nothing… j... just a… a wrong subscription charge to my phone… I will get it sorted out later."

He should not have to deal with this right now after what he just went through. The man just lost his company, for fuck's sake.

"You seem pretty stunned… I do not think this is nothing like you say. Hand me the phone, Debs."

I opened my mouth to counter, but my Dad's call saved me from the tension.

"Hey, Pops."

"I am in front of your gate, and I have been ringing the doorbell for minutes. Where are you?"

Shit!!! I forgot about his visit. What am I going to do?

I covered the mouthpiece. "My Dad is at my gate, Sam. What do I do?"

"Tell him to stay put, and someone will bring him here."

How am I supposed to explain this situation to my dad?

Hey Dad, meet Samuel, with whom I have a complicated relationship. He is my friend, but a potential lover who makes out with me sometimes. He is usually mistaken as my baby daddy because my daughter resembles him. In addition, his evil brother is threatening us, so we are hiding in his home.

"Samuel, he cannot come here. I cannot explain this to him. Maybe I should rush home instead."

"Sure, he can come here. I will handle the explanation so leave it to me."

Oh boy.

I rapidly gulped a few times before placing my phone back to my ear.

"Pops, ohms… there was a little break-in, and it is nothing serious, but we left the house and are staying with a friend as a precautionary tale. Just hold on. Someone will bring you to where I am."

I ended the phone call before he got the chance to question me further and waited as Sam dialled a number and put the phone to his ear.

"Hello, Gideon. The man with you is Debby's father. Bring him here immediately."


The motorcade pulled into the compound barely two hours later, and I was on the verge of collapsing as he stepped down from the vehicle with his jaw hanging low. The expression of shock on his face mimicked the one I had the first time I stepped into this house.

I feel you, Dad. It is overwhelming.

"Whose house is this? Is the Emperor of Borya this friend of yours you talked about?"

"Can we go in first, Pops? I promise to explain."

He took a seat with his eyes scanning the house, so I rushed to Samuel's office in search of him and found him pacing in the study.

"He is here. Come and explain away. The stage is yours, baby."

He turned around, and I saw the earpiece in his ear as he held up a one-minute finger. I waited for five minutes, but the business call was still on.

My dad began calling my phone, and I rushed back to where the staffs were trying their best to entertain him, but he could not care less.

He needs an explanation, and he wants it now.

"I am sorry, Pops… I went to inform my friend you are here."

"What is going on, Debby? You seem extra jumpy. Whose house is this? Why are you here?"

"Ohm… so I had this high school friend that is Uber-rich now… ohm… and we recently reconnected, so when the break-in happened, I called him for help. But..." My explanation died on my lips with the look plastered on my Dad's face.

Is my explanation that unbelievable? I know this look, and it is not just the expression of shock. It is the same look Christopher had the first time he saw my baby.


He was looking behind me. Realization clear in his eyes.

Realization of what?

I turned around to find the object of his amazement. Sam was currently heading our way with a charming smile on his face.


He extended his hands towards my father for a handshake. "Good day, sir. I am sorry I was on an unavoidable business call when you came in. It is a pleasure to meet you. I am Samuel Harrison. I am..."

"Sam's actual father." My Dad interrupted his introduction.

Oh no, not again.

"No pops, he is not…"

"You are right, sir." Samuel horned in. "I am indeed Sam's biological father."

Sam, is something wrong with you? Why are you making things more difficult for me?

"Dad, believe me. He is not her father."