
The Sky is Not Blue

FATE… Your fate may be unfortunate, but you cannot escape it. You often meet your destiny on the road you take to avoid it. RUNNING… Can she run away from this storm headed her way? DEBBY is a single mother hiding in a small town to run away from her past, but she remained trapped in her dreams. A man always lays with her in her dreams, but she forgets his face whenever she wakes up. This man is possessive. No relationship in the actual world works for her because of her commitment to him. Lonely in a strange place, she longs for a lasting relationship. A shaman advised her to break it off with her spirit husband. On that night, after she broke it off with the man in her dream, she began anew by visiting a dating app in search of companionship. Little did she know that the moment she clicked like on a sketchy profile, that her life was about to change forever. SEARCHING... When he finds what he is searching for, will he survive it? SAMUEL is a handsome young man who has it all but happiness. His commitment to a faceless bride is his only escape from the demons tormenting his life. But one night, she broke things off with him. Devastated and unable to face his reality, he runs to the internet in search of distraction. His encounter with a single mother not only swept his life into a whirlwind he never saw coming.

mariadora_okwori · Urban
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54 Chs

Chapter 46

Three types of emotions were playing on Pop's face. One was of realization, the second was an acknowledgement, and the third was an absolute disappointment.

"He is just playing with you, Pops. I promise you he is not her father. Pops… come on. You know I am not lying."

"Debs, check on Sam. I think she is awake." Samuel interrupted, and I almost slapped the insolence off his face. "You better go, babe. You know how she cries for food when she wakes." Sam creatively dismissed me.

"Debby, did you not hear him? He said your daughter is awake. Check on her this instant."

Samuel, you, son of a bitch. I will get you for this.

I ran to the bedroom, but she was sound asleep.

Samuel, you lying sack of shit.

My legs kicked into a sprint, but her cry resonated halfway through the bedroom door, and I turned right back.

Just great! Everything is working against me today.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and sent a quick text to Pops.

Me: Do not believe a word that comes out of his mouth. He is a compulsive liar whom I just met a few days ago on a dating platform. Sincerely, your daughter, whom you should believe because you have known her all your life instead of an absolute stranger who is a lying pile of horse dung.

I dropped the phone and wore her new clothes to meet granddaddy.

I came close to the living room, and I heard both Samuel and my father having a serious conversation. So I stopped to eavesdrop on them.

"I understand she was afraid, but I did not raise my daughter to be a coward. Giving your child to another man is inexcusable."

Huh? What the fuck is he talking about?

"I am the one to blame, sir. She was barely a woman and got pregnant by one of the most powerful men in the world. I am sure she was afraid, so she ran away instead, and it is my fault for not looking hard enough for her when she disappeared."

Oh, bloody hell!

I barreled into the room, all attention shifting to me.

"He is lying to you, Pops. Do not believe a word that comes out of his lying ass mouth. He is not her father, and I can prove it a million times. Whom are you going to believe? Your lovely daughter or this knob head you just met."

"Debby, I would believe you… but I have eyes."

His hand covered his mouth as he watched my daughter struggling to get into Samuel's arms, and his eyes grew wider with every detail he connected in his mind. He turned to me with disappointment oozing out his face.

"Can you give my daughter and me some privacy? We need to have a conversation privately."

"Sure, sir."

The son of a bitch nodded to my father and took Sam from me, immediately disappearing into his study.


"Sit down!" My Dad growled out.

Shit! Damn, he is in full-fledged parenting mode.

I'm screwed.