
The Sky is Not Blue

Contemporary Romance
Contínuo · 36.7K Modos de exibição
  • 54 Chs
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  • NO.200+

What is The Sky is Not Blue

Leia o romance The Sky is Not Blue escrito pelo autor mariadora_okwori publicado no WebNovel. FATE…Your fate may be unfortunate, but you cannot escape it. You often meet your destiny on the road you take to avoid it.RUNNING…Can she run away from this storm headed her way?DEBBY is a single moth...


FATE… Your fate may be unfortunate, but you cannot escape it. You often meet your destiny on the road you take to avoid it. RUNNING… Can she run away from this storm headed her way? DEBBY is a single mother hiding in a small town to run away from her past, but she remained trapped in her dreams. A man always lays with her in her dreams, but she forgets his face whenever she wakes up. This man is possessive. No relationship in the actual world works for her because of her commitment to him. Lonely in a strange place, she longs for a lasting relationship. A shaman advised her to break it off with her spirit husband. On that night, after she broke it off with the man in her dream, she began anew by visiting a dating app in search of companionship. Little did she know that the moment she clicked like on a sketchy profile, that her life was about to change forever. SEARCHING... When he finds what he is searching for, will he survive it? SAMUEL is a handsome young man who has it all but happiness. His commitment to a faceless bride is his only escape from the demons tormenting his life. But one night, she broke things off with him. Devastated and unable to face his reality, he runs to the internet in search of distraction. His encounter with a single mother not only swept his life into a whirlwind he never saw coming.

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【本文甜苏爽,调香医人驱邪师娇甜女主VS狂野腹黑霸气十足男主,双宠+微灵异+伪医师】 乔玥,高一一年,成绩全班第一,倒数的;高二一年,成绩全校第一,倒数的!只因她独爱挣钱,开网店当医师,只接疑难杂症,医院看不了的那种。 高三这年,她被奶奶逼着来海城读高三,顺便找一天也没养过她的亲生父亲。 自此后,人生仿佛开了挂! 虐渣渣,考名校,开公司。 如果没有遇到那个腹黑狂傲爱整人不要脸的腹黑男,就更完美了! 乔玥淡然而立,挥手间男人脸上长俩绿乌龟,很对称! 自此,对男人女人都不感兴趣的贺五爷记住了她,生活太无趣,有人送上门来让他欺负欺负,想想也挺美。 ——婚前—— 贺五爷正与人谈判,他一手拿烟悠闲而坐。 手下禀报:“五爷,不好了!乔姑娘将人药晕了,那家人扬言要收拾她。” 男人神色不变,眉眼暗沉,“慌什么,等她来求爷。” ——婚后—— 贺五爷正与人吃饭。 手下急匆匆禀报:“五爷,出事了!您夫人将人医死了!人家要告她!” 哗啦啦一地碎片,男人脸色铁青站起身,眼底满是暴风雨般戾气:“快去看看,我家宝贝胆子小,别被那些恶人吓到!” 望着急匆匆远去的贺五爷,众人谜之疑惑,到底是谁治死了人?

荒漠豆豆 · Geral
Classificações insuficientes
113 Chs


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