
The Seven Elementalists in End Times

The reappearance of aether started to revive the magic based civilization of the past. Some started to gain different elemental powers while there were some who remained the same. During such changes, there's no doubt that a little guidance can literally change one's fate. Will the world be engulfed in chaos? Or will there be pioneers bringing order to the chaotic world?

There_is_no_Love · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
41 Chs


"It's a list of awakeners currently under the US government," said Jason.

"And what about this 'Ice Element' you were talking about?" Ashton asked.

"From the information provided by our spies, the US government currently has 27 awakeners. Among them there is a girl who seems to have awakened with the Ice Element," said Jason.

Yosef also showed Thomas and the others the report. The report also contained the photos of those awakeners. When Thomas and the others looked at the photo of that girl, they at once looked back at Jason.

"What's wrong?" Jason asked, being a bit startled.

"You don't have a twin sister, do you?" Thomas asked.

"That's odd, coming from you," said Jason.

"Come on, it's literally the female version of yourself. Look at the red eyes, the pale skin and the white hair. There's no way you two aren't related," said Ashton.

"I would appreciate it if you stopped fooling around," said Jason.

Jason looked at Abbey and Yosef.

"You guys are also thinking the same?" Jason asked.

"I mean even though I know, but I can't deny that the girl looks exactly like you," said Abbey.

"Don't look at me. I don't care anyway," said Yosef.

"Alright, enough with the jokes. Any further inquiries on this report?" Jason asked.

"One thing," said Thomas.


"Among the 27 awakeners, she is no doubt the strongest. And her abilities aren't something to look down upon. Someone like her, it's hard to believe you didn't know about it. And if you did, why didn't you try to recruit her in the first place?" Thomas asked.

"I remember I already said that there are other governments and secret organizations as powerful and resourceful as this one. All these organizations started to recruit potential awakeners secretly for the past few years and even though others might have found out certain information, they don't usually interfere with each other," said Jason.

"But if your organization is as powerful as you say then why don't you attack them? Surely this girl could have been a huge addition to the team," said Ashton.

"Things aren't as easy as they look. When two people are almost equally matched both of them will try their best to avoid conflict among each other. Can you guess why?" Jason asked.

"Maybe they were friends?" said Ashton.

"Because both sides will suffer huge losses if they fight," said Thomas.

"That's right. And the same applies to the organizations as well," said Jason.

"Then what are you planning to do with this... ahh... what do they call her?...Snowflake...?" asked Abbey.

"Is that the codename she was given? Based on her abilities or her personality?" Thomas asked.

"The report from my guys says, both," said Yosef.

"Dealing with people like this will definitely be a bit difficult. Let's just wait. It's true if we have her with us, she will be of great help. I have my plans for this. You guys don't have to worry," said Jason.

Meanwhile in a secret base in an unknown location run by the US government, this girl who is called 'Snowflake' just came out of a stasis chamber.

"Forceful advancement was a success," said one of the scientists at that base.

The girl who was as white as snow opened her eyes. Her blood red eyes complemented her pale skin. From appearance, she was almost around 20 years old.

The moment she opened her eyes, the atmosphere in the room changed and the temperature slightly dropped. As she was the most valuable and powerful awakener, everyone at the base treated her well, maybe a bit too well for her to grow so arrogant like one of those spoiled rich kids. Even though she fitted the name 'Snowflake' perfectly, she was mature enough to know what it meant and didn't like to be called that. Sometimes, she told them to call her the 'Queen of Ice', which further validated how accurate her codename was.

When the government came out to the public on the monster attack incident, she wanted to go out first instead of that Fire Element awakener. But the higher-ups didn't allow it and they rejected her in a polite way. Given her personality, they knew nothing good would come from forcing something on her.

As an organization as resourceful as the one Jason's in charge of, the research team of that US organization also predicted a possible monster wave that might happen in a few weeks.

This time the government decided to show the world the abilities of the awakeners and how they protect the people from danger. But in reality, their main intention was to show their powers to the other organizations that were lurking in the dark and to force them in a way to come out in public as the other organizations won't be sitting idle knowing one organization is trying to monopolize the public opinions.

As the leader of his organization, Jason also knew it. But from his recent actions, it seemed he didn't had any slightest intentions to bring his organization out in public. But it was certain that he wanted to have this Snowflake on his side though he didn't exactly show that expression on his face during the previous meeting.

It would be a lie to say that seeing her picture didn't shock Jason as the visual similarities between them was too many to name.

Over the phone with Reina,

"For that I will need a blood sample from the subject. If you can bring me that I can run the tests," said Reina.

"That won't be a problem. But it might take some time," said Jason.

"And how is Julia doing?"

"She is having difficulties controlling her powers. Buy she is trying her best."

"That's good to hear."

After his phone call, Thomas came to Jason.

"Is there anything you want to ask?" Jason asked.

"About the first wave... How many will die?" Thomas asked.

"How can I tell when nothing happened yet?"

"You know that's not what I meant."

"Around a hundred thousand. Maybe less if more awakeners from the other organizations joined. But that won't be happening and the US government with their 27 awakeners and the military won't be able to prevent the civilian casualties."

"I see."

"Was that all you wanted to know?"

"You will be going there, aren't you?"

"And what makes you say that with so much confidence?"

"For you to recruit someone who already belongs to another organization, the fact that you didn't tell us what your plan is, means you will probably be doing it alone."

"Did that intuition come with your awakening?"

"Maybe. Your answer points out that I am not incorrect."

"Just sit back and watch. I promise I will try to keep the numbers as low as possible," said Jason.

"That's... reassuring," said Thomas.