
The Seven Elementalists in End Times

The reappearance of aether started to revive the magic based civilization of the past. Some started to gain different elemental powers while there were some who remained the same. During such changes, there's no doubt that a little guidance can literally change one's fate. Will the world be engulfed in chaos? Or will there be pioneers bringing order to the chaotic world?

There_is_no_Love · Fantasy
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41 Chs

People with Powers

A few days went by and the news about the creatures that attacked the missing ships became a hot topic all over the world. Many footage was released after that in similar situations around the coastal areas in the US. Many people went missing and many were leaving their homes and moved to the in-lands.

For now there weren't any reports of such creatures around Europe and the other continents.

Jason was staying at the port base for the time being to personally look after Julia. Even though Julia awakened successfully, she still couldn't properly use her powers. Each time she tried, she lost her consciousness. A certain black mark started to appear on her back below her nape. After the doctors checked they could only say that it won't affect her anyway.

The next day, the breaking news brought Jason and the others together.

This time the news showed footage of a man in fire fighting those dark creatures at night on a beach and an interview with a government official from the US telling the public about the people with certain powers and assuring them that they will be using their powers to protect the people. But when asked about further information about the people with powers, they didn't share any.

"So you weren't joking when you said there were other organizations like this one," said Ashton.

"Now you have the proof in front of your eyes. Our organization weren't the only ones recruiting potential awakeners and training them," said Jason.

"But what do they gain from coming out in public this early?" Damian asked.


"Trust? How does that help them?" Damian asked.

"It's not usual for you and Ashton to not understand the current situation as you two didn't belong to any organization till now," said Abbey.

"What are you trying to say?" Ashton asked.

"Don't get me wrong. I am trying to put it in simple words. My family runs one of the biggest industries in this country. In business we all know man is power. The more manpower there is the more powerful that company can become," said Abbey.

"Exactly. By winning the public heart by saving them when their lives are in danger, they are trying to increase their influence," said Thomas.

"How long till the first wave hits the North Pacific coast?" Yosef asked.

"About three weeks. But why ask? Don't tell me you are planning to help," Jason replied.

"Do I look mad?" said Yosef.

"That's hard to answer." Jason's reply made everyone else laugh.

"Stop with your jokes. I have news about the thing you wanted me to look into," said Yosef.

"And let me guess, it's in the US?" Jason asked with a serious look on the face.

"What are you guys talking about?" Ashton asked.

"I guess there's no harm in telling you guys now given that you will see it for yourselves in a few weeks," said Jason.

"What might that be?" Thomas got curious.

"Hope you guys still remember what uncle Greg taught you in his class."

"The seven basic elements?" Thomas asked.

"Well, what we didn't tell you that time was that these seven aren't the only elemental affinities there is. There are many compound elements born from the combination of the basic elements. There might also be other awakeners with more than one element, take Julia for example. The thing is, all of these compound elements come from the basic materialistic elements. But there is an element that is the combination of a materialistic element and an energy. But the fun fact is, this energy element is something no one will have enough affinity to solely awaken with."

"And what is this element supposed to be?" Ashton asked.

"Ice," Jason replied.

Ashton laughed at hearing Jason's answer. Meanwhile others kept silent. Seeing as no one joined in the laugh, Ashton stopped.

"I thought you were making a joke," said Ashton as an excuse to his previous behavior.

"I also wish that was the case myself," said Jason.

"Then you sent Yosef to look into someone who might awaken with this 'ice' element?" Thomas asked.

"That's right."

"Sorry to interrupt, but what's so special about ice?" Damian asked out of curiosity.

"That's a very nice question... Both its characteristics and use make Ice a complex element. And it's still the only complex element we have found till now."

"But isn't it just frozen water?" Damian further asked.

"Exactly, and what makes it so special is the fact that the temperature goes down."

"I get it now," Thomas said, "You are referring to entropy, right?"

"It's always good to have smart company," said Jason.

"Sorry if my iq isn't that high but what are you guys talking about all of a sudden? I thought Jason will give one of his weird analogies which will probably sound awkward but will make things easier to understand," said Abbey.

"Jokes aside, even I am not following," said Yosef.

"To put it simply, when something is done a percentage of energy that turns into heat gets wasted. This wastage is referred to as entropy," said Thomas.

"They won't understand if you say it like that.... Alright, listen carefully. Think about the pencil. Do you guys keep using it till there's nothing left of the pencil or till it becomes smaller?" Jason started his analogy.

"Obviously the latter," said Ashton.

"That's how energy conversion works in real life. Like the small pencil which is, in a word, wasted, meaning we don't get the full output from situation like these. And during energy conversion the amount that gets wasted as heat energy can't be used again. Entropy tells us how much energy we won't be able to use ever again after a work is done," said Jason.

"I still don't get it," said Ashton.

"I am not repeating myself if that's what you are hoping for," said Jason.

"But then how is this Ice element related to entropy?" Damian asked.

"Theory aside, in real life, every work increases the level of entropy of the universe. It will lead to a moment when the temperature of everything will become equal and the heat energy can never be converted into any other energy forms," said Thomas.

"But the thing about this 'Ice' element is that it doesn't increase the entropy rather it brings it down," said Jason.

"So you guys are calling it a complex element because of its this unique characteristic?" Ashton asked.

"I thought you didn't understand what I said," said Jason.

"Come-on, don't waste time," said Ashton.

"Alright. As for your answer, no. It's true that this makes it an unique element but we also considered its use before classifying it as an complex element," said Jason.

"Like what? Throwing ice balls?" Ashton tried to make a joke but failed miserably.

"Manifesting ice shards and depending on the manipulation level of the user, this is the only element that can be used to both attack and defend at the same time during combat. That's why we categorized it as a complex element," said Jason.

"If you put it that way, it does make it unique," said Thomas.

"Can't the basic elements also be used like that?" Damian asked.

"Water, Plant and Earth are best suited for defense while Fire, Air are mostly suited for attack. Meanwhile Light and Darkness can only be used to do one thing at a time," said Jason.

"So what was the information Yosef brought?" Thomas asked.


Progress so far,


was able to gain full control over his shadow curtain after his regular training. He was able to control the shape of the shadow curtain. But maintaining a specific shape for a long period of time exhausted Yosef quickly. Apart from his shadow curtain he seemed to have gained a new ability. He could blend in with the shadow and became invisible to the naked eyes.


was able to fully manifest a foot long sapling in a few seconds. He seemed to have gained the ability to speed up the growth of any plant.


was able to manifest a fireball with his hands and use it as a projectile. He could also increase the temperature around him which isn't anything unusual given that he was a Fire Element awakener.


his light shield turned out to block any blunt attacks but was vulnerable against piercing attacks. He was able to perceive the distance of anything just by looking at it.


failed to manifest water. He could only manipulate water from external sources near him.