

basically he focused on studying and didnt cultivate suddenly he realized he needs to cultivate to get a longer lifespan (that's the story)

DAKICHI · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs


Kelin, feeling the weight of his fabrications, sensed the need to draw the line. "Anyway, I should stop here," he admitted, a note of finality in his tone. "I can't reveal more to you. It's a promise and an oath."

With a subtle shift in conversation, Kelin veiled his reluctance to delve further into the topic, concealing his unease behind a facade of honor and integrity.

"Is that so?" Kenja questioned, his curiosity piqued. "May I ask, to whom is this oath sworn?"

Kelin hesitated for a moment, then replied with a cryptic smile, "I might say it's with fate itself."

His response, veiled in mystery, hinted at a deeper significance beyond mere mortal obligations, leaving Kenja to ponder the profound nature of Kelin's words.

"Then I can't ask more if that's the situation," Kenja conceded with a nod, accepting Kelin's boundary.

He then retrieved a box from the space and extended it to Kelin. "Take this as a sign of appreciation and respect for sharing such information," Kenja offered sincerely.

Kelin hesitated, his sense of honor and integrity conflicting with the gesture before him. "I cannot accept this, no matter what it is," he declined firmly, refusing to compromise his principles.

Kenja nodded understandingly as Kelin refused the gesture. "I respect your decision," he replied, withdrawing the box and returning it to its place.

Kelin: "I had a debt with your ancestors, so I'm the one who should give you a gift.

Kenja's eyes lit up with curiosity as he leaned forward, intrigued by Kelin's declaration. "A gift from a master like you? What could it be?" he asked, his tone filled with genuine interest.

Kelin's mind raced, trying to think of an appropriate response. Suddenly, inspiration struck.

Kelin: "How about a rare artifact from the Land of the Rising Sun? It's a relic that embodies the essence of our shared heritage and carries the wisdom of our ancestors."

Kenja's eyes widened in astonishment at the suggestion. "That would be a truly remarkable gift," he exclaimed, clearly impressed by Kelin's proposal.

Kelin's mind raced as he realized he had committed himself to finding a rare artifact from the Land of the Rising Sun. Panic surged within him as he grappled with the daunting task ahead.

"Shit, what now?" he muttered under his breath, his heart pounding with anxiety. He knew he had to act quickly to fulfill his promise and avoid disappointing Kenja.

Kelin seized upon a memory, finding solace in the depths of his own knowledge. "Have you ever heard of Shira Agosuke?" he asked, his voice steady despite the turmoil in his mind.

Kenja nodded thoughtfully. "Yes, he's a knowledgeable person. He studied the Land of the Rising Sun and published his research."

Kelin's heart swelled with relief as he saw a glimmer of hope in Kenja's gratitude. "Yes, I met him once," Kelin confirmed, feeling a weight lift off his shoulders. "He told me about the artifact. You may find it in Rotoria, at the Lake of Ashton."

Kenja bowed his head respectfully, gratitude evident in his expression. "I will never forget this debt," he vowed solemnly. "Thanks, Master Kelin. If you need anything in this area or anywhere, I can help you. My cultivation is now at the master level. I may not be enough, but I will help with all my power."

With a nod of appreciation, Kelin acknowledged Kenja's offer, feeling a newfound sense of camaraderie between them. Though their encounter had been fraught with unexpected twists and turns, it had ultimately forged a bond of mutual respect and trust .