
The rise of the Ultimate species

Kirean silver dies in a nuclear blast, ends up getting an opportunity of a lifetime with his own overpowered species and his system see how he conquers his new universe! !!don’t worry about the Ultimas being over powered early on because they will really need it when they start expanding out words this is not a chump universe a runt here can be a god in others and they’re a lot to happen before they start steamrolling everyone like a lot I don’t think it’s going to be until a a hundred or a few maybe less oh and my grammar and spelling is trash I’m new!!! Plz don’t read for a serious novel because I’m really bad and it’s going to take time to improve so take it like something fun to read and make fun off but don’t take it serious btw this novel is very unrefined most of this is coming of the top of my head all I have is a general idea so if you have any advice or ideas of yourselfs plz tell

TheprimordialGod · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
75 Chs


<p>5 years later….<br/><br/>It's the 15th year since the ultimas arrived at Aurora now 15 years later the whole planet and place looks vastly different, the little village has turned into the giant city of Aurora where 15,000 ultimas work and live and the planet itself is rapidly different as everything from water to soil to rocks have a lot of energy as the energy concentration on the whole planet has been improving, kireans goal for the city of genesis is to turn it into a ecumenopolis a single city encompassing the whole planet of Aurora thinking of this kirean was satisfied with his plans and said "status"<br/><br/>[STATUS<br/>NAME: Kirean silver<br/>RACE: Ultima<br/>STRENGTH: 500,000<br/>VITALITY: 500,000<br/>SPEED: 500,000<br/>INTELLIGENCE: 500,000<br/>TRAITS: [Forefather] [….]<br/><br/>'Hmm the strength has improved and I could probably lift a small mountain without any problems last time I could only pick up a small hill' thought Kirean honestly happy to see his strength improve but thinking of the ecumenopolis idea kirean was getting excited so he called in amber, amber seeing her excited forefather she new a new project was coming and couldn't help but get excited but when she heard what he said she could help but be stunned for a second and think deeply, 30 mins later amber fishies thinking and responded<br/>"Forefather this idea can work and we can even take it a step forward and we can take it up a notch by using the planet core we can build an array using sun energy crystals to continuously give energy to the core as not long ago rune smiths using the knowledge of all the celestial body's in our inheritance began to try to mimic White holes and black holes we had success with black holes as our runes almost work the same and what we got was a rune that can function as a black hole but it's not stable and requires a lot of energy so much in fact that an advanced planet lord can't even use the rune for 30 secs and beginners can't use it for 5 seconds and it's extremely weak compared to the real celestial bodies as the highest mass the black hole can swallow is that of a moon and using this black hole rune we managed to create a white hole rune as a white hole is a time-reversed black hole – a region of space-time where matter spontaneously appears and explodes outwards, rather than implodes and disappears as with a black hole this white hole rune is different from real white holes as it needs energy to function so forefather we can put a white hole runes on the core of the planet to continuously get energy from the sun energy crystals in the array oh and forefather the array master made this array specifically for multiple energy crystals to simultaneously provide energy to the target so this white hole is going to be permanent but like the black hole rune it's a lot weaker as the mass and matter it puts out is significantly smaller but this will still allow us to add mass to our planet and have it grow bigger" hearing this kirean was excited but frowned and asked "you said to use the planet core as energy but you didn't tell me how" hearing this amber skilled and said " forefather it's impossible for the white hole to swallow even 25% of the energy of 10 sun energy crystals so we made it so the energy goes into the planet cores and overcharges it to attempt to help it improve and the energy it can't absorb will be passed to the white hole rune the left over energy from that process will be absorbed as energy to power the ecumenopolis as the white hole and planet core can't absorb so much energy more than 50% of it will be used as energy for the ecumenopolis" hearing this kirean was even more relaxed as this method allows us to improve our planet aswell as the provide energy to our self's its like killing two birds with one stone<br/><br/>"Go prepare to begin the project but don't do anything to do core until the ecumenopolis is finished" said kirean as she was about to leave she heard him say "call the four to a meeting as I want to see the progress" hearing this amber bowed and walked out to look for the other four<br/><br/> Kirean looked at the four in front of him with a smile and looked at Adam<br/><br/>"Forefather we have been tracking down the assimilation targets based on the clues we found, and we were able to find 5,000 apes 2,500 males and 2,500 females what's weird is that both males and females have the same numbers even tho they were spread around the planet I talked to amber about this but couldn't find an answer so we both decided that it was a gift just like the god metal was" Adam stops for a moment before saying " we have successfully assimilated the 5,000 apes and they are now 5,000 ultimas they have no memories they are just like us when we were born" said Adam relaxed as the safety of his species is more important than a moral high ground no one in the universe will respect<br/><br/>Listening to Adam kirean starts to think but still doesn't know who's helping them in defeat he asks the system <br/><br/>[Host this is a good thing for you that's all I can say] <br/><br/>Hearing this kirean just sighs in defeat as he can't do nothing so he turned to Christian<br/><br/>"Forefather the new ultimas have been integrated for 2 years and all females have given birth to 2 children and the adult planet lords have caught up in planets and professions the economy has grown with the influx of new population and the average number of planets is 30" said Christian as the most important inventions have been made already now ultimas just need to accumulate strength for 10,000 years kirean of course knew this<br/><br/>Amanda then spoke "forefather there isn't much to say that christian hasn't already said but a good thing is that with the influx of 5,000 ultimas we got more technique's " said Amanda a little embarrassed <br/><br/>Will looked with an awkward look as he was even more embarrassed as he had nothing at all to say "forefather the academy expanded to fit more kids" said will embarrassed <br/>"Haha that's alright if you got nothing to report as I know we are in a accumulation stage until we leave the planet it's honestly a miracle we could even get black hole and white hole runes" kirean said with a sharp look in his eyes" just like the god medal and 5,000 apes" as kireans words resounded through the hall the 4 were silent as they had the same conclusion as kirean as this was too coincidental as if everything was going they're way, even though kirean was reassured by the system that it's a good he still worried a little</p>