Kirean silver dies in a nuclear blast, ends up getting an opportunity of a lifetime with his own overpowered species and his system see how he conquers his new universe! !!don’t worry about the Ultimas being over powered early on because they will really need it when they start expanding out words this is not a chump universe a runt here can be a god in others and they’re a lot to happen before they start steamrolling everyone like a lot I don’t think it’s going to be until a a hundred or a few maybe less oh and my grammar and spelling is trash I’m new!!! Plz don’t read for a serious novel because I’m really bad and it’s going to take time to improve so take it like something fun to read and make fun off but don’t take it serious btw this novel is very unrefined most of this is coming of the top of my head all I have is a general idea so if you have any advice or ideas of yourselfs plz tell
<p>"What's going on?" He said woken up in a daze, as light flashes from the window illuminating his room<br/><br/>Kirean silver is currently on his balcony overlooking the city, thinking to himself 'how can this happen' before everything goes dark<br/><br/>In kirean's city a huge mushroom cloud appeared, shockwaves tearing down houses, and heat so high it vaporized everything, and kirean was one of the unfortunate ones who were too close to the blast<br/><br/>"Where am I?" Said a kirean as he struggled to open his eyes, upon seeing what's in his vision he begins to panic<br/><br/>In front of kirean is void, a pure darkness with no end in sight, "what is this place?" "HELLO ANYONE THERE???" "HELPPPPP?", His voice the only thing sounding in this void and keeping him sane, but he was running out off sanity and as all hope was lost<br/><br/>[Ding!]<br/>[Hello host, this is the Ultimate species system it's my goal to help your new species rule the universe!!]<br/>"What!!who are you?" Kirean said visibly shaken by the first voice he heard other than himself<br/>[I am the Ultimate species system host it's my job to help you build the best species]<br/>"Huh system? So like them novels? I'm reincarnated?"<br/>[Not yet host you first have to create your custom species] <br/>"Wait but what happened to me? I know I died because that mushroom cloud and heat that turned me to ashes is pretty noticeable, but why did I die what happened?"<br/>[Host your old world has started a nuclear war and your city was a target of the missiles]<br/>'Sigh that sucks' kirean thought with a sad nonexistent face "wait system what am I and where am I?"<br/>[you are in the void host, and you are a soul right now]<br/>"How do I leave"<br/>[create your species and you will be transported to a planet in another universe] <br/>"How do I do that? Do I say create species or something?" As soon as kirean sad that a screen popped up in front of him<br/><br/>[SPECIES CREATOR] <br/>[RACE]<br/>[TRAITS]<br/>[CHARACTER]<br/><br/>'Hmm I think I get it so I can customize us I better not fuck up or I can't look at the face of my species'<br/><br/>[RACE]<br/><br/>in front of kirean another screen pops up, it has everything height to eye color, I set the body shape to be like humans, they can grow to 6ft-9ft with crystal skin that's has runes in them that are visible from the outside, I gave them 2 hearts a normal one that pumps gold blood and another that looks like a crystal heart that has dozens of different color, they have a face so beautiful it surpasses devils and angels with 2 dragon horns that come out of their forehead and makes a crown on top of their heads with white hair, I also gave them 6 wings one of angels, dragons and demons on each side and I set their lifespan to 10 thousand years but as long as they get stronger it goes up, and their eyes are golden with a shut eye on their forehead<br/><br/>As I look at the hologram of my species I gotta say they are quite handsome but now I need a name "hmm how about Ultima to be the apex species and rule the universe"<br/><br/>As I said the name the name 'Ultima' is on top of the avatar of my species in front of me<br/><br/>Now that I'm done with how the Ultima looks time for their traits, I open up the tab to see billions of traits from countless species, on the top right it says 'trait limit:error' "trait limit error?? I hope it doesn't bug out so I can pick traits"<br/><br/>I saw that my species actually has some traits they are [unlimited potential] [elemental lords] [crystal skin] [eye of elements] [golden blood] [elemental heart] [flight] [ultimate aura] [assimilate] [Ultima wedding]<br/><br/>Unlimited potential is pretty sweet their body's don't have limits at all, elemental lord is that their bodies are compatible with every element even the void, crystal skin is their skin that draws in energy through the runes in their skins at all times it's like a passive skill and never stop while they're skin itself is harder than diamonds, eye of elements is the eye in the middle of they're forehead that can freely use any element for example if you use light you can heal others and and you can cast debuffs of any element kind and cast buffs on Ally's it's purely support the eye can also see things others can't like souls and every kind of energy and it's a innate ability, golden blood is that their blood is golden obviously aswell it gives them super regeneration and can regenerate any energy including divine energy, the elemental heart is a heart that pumps all the elements into the Ultima all of Ultima blood is infused with all the elements making them resistant to every element aswell as too continuously strengthening the body until its harder than stars,flight is flying,<br/>Ultimate aura it's an aura every Ultima has that makes every creature want to submit to them even gods this aura reduces every creatures fighting prowess by 50%, and assimilate thanks to the golden blood Ultima are able to assimilate every blood in existence if the first Ultima to be born does this it will take the inheritance of every species assimilated and make them a special Ultima inheritance every Ultima can access this also allows ultimas to breed with every species they have no breeding isolations and every child will be an Ultima regardless of their parents race they are also able to turn others to ultimas by assimilating their blood with others but only once with a partner of another race but they have to be willing and the person it chooses become partners for life, Ultima wedding is what the Ultima and the other Ultima or a race it assimilate gets, it can only happen when two ultimas wed or assimilate someone with their consent they get a trait called Ultima wedding where they can never betray another and can teleport to each others location 3 times a day and can pull each others energy's to each other an Ultima that's wed can never wed again the Ultima weddings makes ultimas extremely emotional with their partners and will die with them in battle they can live as long as they're partner doesn't die so a Ultima with a lifespan of millions of years can marry one with ten thousand and they both will live for millions of years and a Ultima can only have children if they have a partner "I do gotta say we are gonna be fucking awesome" said kirean with excitement <br/><br/>Now it's time to pick traits thought kirean while holding his chin with crazy ambition building up inside of him<br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/></p>