
The rise of the Ultimate species

Kirean silver dies in a nuclear blast, ends up getting an opportunity of a lifetime with his own overpowered species and his system see how he conquers his new universe! !!don’t worry about the Ultimas being over powered early on because they will really need it when they start expanding out words this is not a chump universe a runt here can be a god in others and they’re a lot to happen before they start steamrolling everyone like a lot I don’t think it’s going to be until a a hundred or a few maybe less oh and my grammar and spelling is trash I’m new!!! Plz don’t read for a serious novel because I’m really bad and it’s going to take time to improve so take it like something fun to read and make fun off but don’t take it serious btw this novel is very unrefined most of this is coming of the top of my head all I have is a general idea so if you have any advice or ideas of yourselfs plz tell

TheprimordialGod · Fantasy
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75 Chs


<p>As amber was working on bringing star gates to life kireans thinking about the difference between the void space and space, Void space means a space where nothing is present nothing everything is empty. On the other hand normally the space that we refer to has object's and very little gases also unknown and known power the reason why kirean is thinking about this is because a lot of future projects need the understanding of the void as the world tree amber is working on, as the world tree is designed to be placed in the void so it has room to almost infinitely expand and suck up more energies, have you figured out why kirean and others always refer to all energy as energies and never a name? It's obviously because ultimas suck up all energies from the lowest to the highest and as there is alot of different energies, from kinetic to qi to mana to celestial there's honestly too many to count as too us energies only use is too power ourself it doesn't matter what miraculous affect it has on others to us it's only a way to power up to ultimas there's is honestly no difference in energies only qualities of energies as the energy others use as a power system is only the byproduct of their planet's evolution ultimas only value the energy from asteroids to planets to galaxy's and the universe any other form that others use to build their power systems like mana and others is just a byproduct of the former, it's too low quality for ultimas <br/><br/>As kirean was thinking about the void, energies and space his five trusted people came in as it's time for another meeting, as they came in they bowed to kirean and he nodded and asked Adam "have you found the target of assimilation" said kirean with a serious face <br/><br/>"Forefather I now can say for sure we have an assimilation target as we have found clues and bones in caves from a creature capable of beeing assimilated I'm currently having my army carpet search every inch of Aurora"said Adam with his usual respectful tone, hearing this kirean nodded as he knew he couldn't rush this as beginner planet lords can't scan the whole planet without it being blurry enough where you can only make out mountains and everything else is unnoticeable<br/><br/>Turning to amber kirean knew everything going on but still wanted to hear the work she did in these couple days after receiving the star gate blueprint, "forefather the golden trees are already planet in every ultimas gods domain we will have to wait three months for harvest to see the affects of the golden apple but the tree needs 25% of the planets energy to make the golden apples so it can't be shabby, as for star gate we have everything we need to build it but it isn't necessary this moment as we don't got any places to go and we have discovered that due to our existence the energy on the whole planet is increasing at a rapid pace as everything on the planet is getting infused with a lot of energy it makes us wonder if our solar system has been receiving a lot of energy aswell and how it will change the planets" said amber with a smile <br/><br/>Hearing this kirean nodded as he also knew they're wasn't a point in building a star gate this instance but the part of the energy increasing is intriguing if the systems energy increases what will happing will all the planets terraform to be able to carry life or something thought kirean but he didn't have answers so he look at Christian "forefather everything is going the usual the 5,000 ultimas are hard at work as they're cultivation reached an average number of 30 and the economy is still in a boom it is estimated by experts that the boom is likely to continue until we conquer our solar system and our treasury has 20,000 planet coins 1,000,000 moon coins and 10,000,000 asteroid coins with 10 sun energy crystals the ultimas are richer too, the professionals are also doing better then ever with the recent discoveries on what our blood can do with the gold tree research alot of new herbs and even metal has been made using our blood" Christian said as he also was excited by the progress even though he was over worked <br/><br/>Kirean was honestly not expecting ultimas to go out on they're own and create new herbs and metals with they're blood as soon as the research on the golden tree was made public it was truly a welcomed surprise thought kirean as he looked at Amanda and the latter nodded and said "forefather everything is like what Christian said as the new herbs and metals made from our blood are made new potions and inventions are happening but we believe once the golden apple is harvested is when the real alchemy boom is going to happen and alot of potions are going to be invented and made"<br/><br/>Kirean looked at will knowing he had nothing important to say but listening to this short Ultima always relieves stress "forefather the kids are growing fast as some have built they're second moon and alot of them started working on they're professions and are making alot of progress" said will with a smile<br/><br/>Hearing this it truly relieved some of his stress as he started to think of a critical topic that will come up in the future and that is laws because our god domain will give birth to they're own laws as laws are born in gods domain it's possible for it to contain life but now kirean is thinking of what stage the laws will be born as every level up will evolve they're gods domain so it's even possible that a genius can generate his laws while upgrading to moon stage but this is almost impossible and some may even have to wait until galaxy lord to awaken the laws but once we awaken the laws they will be integrated with our bodies giving different abilities but that's not the real boon as the real deal is that the higher the laws you get the higher the level life can achieve in gods domain.</p>