
The Rise of a Slimey Pragmatist

Alright, gather 'round, because this is where the story really kicks in. They call me Kuro, and yeah, I'm just your average guy with a useless talent. But trust me, there's more to it than meets the eye. After the Awakening, everything went haywire. Mana invaded the air, and these huge structures called G.A.T.E.S started popping up all over the place. People were waking up with status screens and talents that gave people powers and humans dropped to the bottom of the food chain in society. Me? I got stuck with what they call "Slime Synthesis." At first it seems rather useless, and upon further inspection you will find me to be.. Absolutely Correct! Its Useless! It does Nothing!!! But here's the thing. In this world, even the so-called useless stuff can be a game-changer. You just need to know how to use it. And that's where I come in. I've been honing this weird power of mine, finding out all the crazy things I can do with it. so far iv tried sweets, hot water, even milk! Nothing reacts to this stuff, i cant even control it. I can just make it so long as i have enough mana to produce it. Despite how useless it seems im determined to figure it out. So, strap in, because this isn't just a story about slimey concoctions . This is about survival, about finding your place in a world turned upside down. And trust me, it's one wild ride. So, let's get to it. Time to see what else this world has in store for me. Oh, did i forget to mention the most important part? When i awakened, i was one of the rare few who lost their humanity...In more ways than one ;P

The_At1as · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

Chapter Four: Fire, Acid, Mist and Malice.


Talent Upgrade: Slime Synergization

Talent Name: Slime Synergization

Tier: Intermediate Level

Description: With the advancement to Intermediate Level Slime Synergization, the need for blood to form the slime dissipates. Now, when you think of the slime you want, it will directly generate without the additional step of adding blood. This development represents a significant improvement in your talent, allowing for more efficient and streamlined use of your abilities.

Mana Cost:

Basic Slime: 10 Mana Points

Intermediate Slime: 20 Mana Points

Specialized Slime: 30 Mana Points

Proficiency: 0/100

Keep in mind that the mana cost and stats of the generated slimes may improve based on your mastery of this skill. Experimentation and practice are encouraged for optimal results.


"So this is how those cringy op main characters get so powerful so quickly. I wonder if i should summon more slimes now, my mana recovered after the upgrade of my Talent and my slimes disappeared. Ahh shit, this is gonna take ages and were still stuck in these damn force fields in the boss room."

The situation although no longer dire was now tricky, even if they could somehow escape the confines of this space the entrance was shut not to mention covered with mushrooms and corpses. The moment they leave the boss would likely attack them and succeed.

"It seems this is a sticky situation. Luckily, i know just the thing for it. Hey Status, can i make a basic slime? How do i do that, i cant feel a connection to this form of the talent like i did the last."


[That is because your mastery had reached 100 after entering the forcefield that matches your talent type. Now that its been reset back to 0. To be able to use it quickly in combat you must raise the proficiency by using your talent more often.]

[Now showing list of Basic Slimes that 'Slime Synergization' can create.]

Basic Slimes:

1. Acidic Slime

  - HP: 20/20

  - MP: 10/10

  - Talent: [Acidic Emission]

  - Description: This slime secretes a corrosive substance that can dissolve organic and inorganic matter upon contact.

2. Luminous Slime

  - HP: 15/15

  - MP: 15/15

  - Talent: [Radiant Glow]

  - Description: Emitting a soft, radiant light, this slime can brighten dark surroundings, acting as a mobile light source.

3. Mist Slime

  - HP: 10/10

  - MP: 20/20

  - Talent: [Aqueous Vapor]

  - Description: This slime has the unique ability to emit a light blue mist, providing a strategic advantage over others as well as a degree of invisibility and blocks your pressence from escaping your body.

4. Ignition Slime

  - HP: 25/25

  - MP: 10/10

  - Talent: [Fiery Ignition]

  - Description: The Ignition Slime emits intense heat, capable of lighting flammable objects or scorching adversaries.

5. Earthen Slime

  - HP: 30/30

  - MP: 5/5

  - Talent: [Hardened Form]

  - Description: Composed of dense minerals, this slime has exceptional resilience, making it an excellent physical barrier capable of shaping its form before hardening, creating excellent defence.


"Well, the strongest slimes under my arsenal at the moment in this tier are the Earthen Slime and the Ignition Slime, but stats don't make rights."

"Slime Synergization!" He said plainly, imagining the mist that would soon surround him. He also imagined the forcefield he was in melting and just like that two slimes had been created.


[Mist Slime] has been created.

[Acidic Slime] has been created.

The lime green slime and the grey slime both stared at their creator, bobbling their heads from time to time. 

"Acidic Slime, can you melt this?" I pointed toward the forcefield surrounding me and before I knew it, it had spat a green substance out from its mouth directly behind it at the forcefield. Soon enough the forcefield began to melt and catch flame slightly, accelerating the process. 

At the same time the boss had gotten up out of its throne and was slowly making its way over to the pod that had just been broken through but as it did suddenly a bright blue mist secreted itself around the area of the pod. And very soon that mist began to spread.

The sound of another pod being melted through echoed through the cavern and soon the entire boss room was covered in it.

The mist hung thick in the air, veiling Kuro and Jake as they stood at the edge of the once formidable forcefield. 

"Run! To the entrance Jake, this way!" Kuro called out, grabbing the boys clammy hands and refusing to let go while persisting forward to the exit he hoped was open. The mist clogged his vision but he could see through it to a degree since they were his slimes.

They soon arrived at the massive double doors that blocked their escape, a sense of dread hung in the air.

"If we can't escape Kuro I- We probably won't make it out of this..." Jake said, tears beginning to well up on his face.

"Jake," Kuro began, voice steady despite the urgency that gnawed at him, "We need a plan. We can't stay here. We have to find a way out. We won't die,

I promise."

Jake nodded, though tears still streamed down his handsome face. Grim determination etched into his features. "My talent evolved, Kuro. It's no longer just lava manipulation. Now, I can shoot streams of molten rock, like bullets, or i can produce a constant stream of magma. But it drains my energy fast."

Kuro's mind raced, piecing together a plan. "We can use your talent, but we need time to prepare. I'll create more slimes, specifically fire and acid ones. They'll be our main offense. But we need a defence too."

He turned to his newly formed slimes, the acidic and mist ones, and began thinking up a plan.

'If we use the earth shatter slime as defence we can take a few hits before we lose this battle. Using the lava we can create a blockade of fire slimes and with jakes help a pool of lava that cuts off any entrance to our position next to the double gates. But how do we get its health from 700 to 0...If it steps on the lava it would probably do a high amount of damage since Jakes talent is now evolved and also...lava. But this isn't enough. The fire slimes have limited mana, they can only shoot around 5 fire bullets before they have to get in close.'

Kuro let out a sigh but continued in his vigilance, he had made a promise. Even at the cost of his own life, he wouldn't let the first boss he encountered wipe out the entire team. Jake and him were the only ones left, so he needed to keep Jake alive.

'Okay, I have it.'

"Iv got a plan," Kuro said, "we need to lure the boss here. Jake, can you create a pool of lava in front of the gate? That will give us a barrier, something the boss won't be able to cross easily. We hide next to the gate with the pool separating us from the rest of the room"

"Bu- Thats suicide! What if it manages to cross the pool of lava! We can't escape then!" Jake cried in dismay.

"We won't be able to survive much longer if we just keep running, we need to make a stand."

With a reluctant nod, Jake focused his energy, summoning forth a pool of molten rock. It glowed with an intense heat, and burst forth from his mouth, his eyes had gone a bright luminescent orange and yellow and red while his mouth produced a large volume of lava.

"Good job, when it gets close, by me as much time as you can. When you run out of mana just stand by the entrance to the gate behind us."

Jake nodded, concerned about this plan Kuro had cooked up in his little Slimey head but knowing what he had seen about Kuro's talent so far he thought Kuro had a pretty good idea of what he was doing.

As the boss lumbered toward them, it left a trail of destruction in its wake. It was enraged, sensing the trap but unable to discern its true nature through the mist. When it reached the entrance, its colossal form paused, then attempted to move forward, only to be met with the searing touch of lava.

Jakes heart pounded heavily and at this opportunity he launched 3 large molten bullets that smashed directly into the bosses chest, head and shoulder.

The boss roared in agony as its health plummeted, the burning lava taking its toll. It staggered back, its once formidably high health now began to drop at a surprising rate. 

Jake eyed it while also producing more and more slimes of various kinds, mainly fire and acid but his mana was beginning to dwindle.

[Enemy Status]

Name: Mushroom Behemoth

Race: Fungal Monstrosity

Level: 10

HP: 489/700 (Burning 4!)

MP: 70/100


Fungal Spore Release

Vicious Tendril Strike

Earthquake Stomp


Spore Cloud Burst

Tendril Barrage

Ground Tremor

[Burning 4 has been applied due to Lava being smashed against its body and around its feet. Its health will continue to receive -30 every 5 seconds]

Seeing this Kuro and Jake smiled Grimley, they had a chance to make it out of here alive!

Now was the moment of reckoning. Kuro unleashed his arsenal of fire slimes, their projectiles streaking through the mist like meteors. The boss flailed and howled, unable to locate its assailants.

With each impact, the boss's health dwindled further, There were 6 fire slimes and each had shot 2 fire shots, leaving them with 3 more shots each. Kuro turned to his other slimes, the acid and mist slimes and issued a command that would ultimately result in their death.

"Attack while the Ignition Slimes provide cover fire! We end this now!"

The acidic slime surged forward, its corrosive form latching onto the boss's weakened body. It was a sacrifice, a brave last stand. The mist slime followed suit, latching onto the bosses body and simply biting it repeatedly, due to the flames and lava its skin was now easy for the mist slime to tear off. Its offensive capabilities were neigh 0 but every slime had the capability to attack nonetheless. 

The boss fought back with a desperate fury, striking out blindly. It was a chaotic dance of life and death, fire and acid, mist and malice.

The remaining attacks the Ignition Slimes had were 1 and 2 as some had shot one or 2 shots as cover fire. From 6 slimes all together this was enough. They fired their final volley.

In the midst of the onslaught, the mist slime fell, a silent hero in the final act. But it was enough. The combined assault proved too much for the boss. With a final, guttural cry, it succumbed to the relentless onslaught.

The mist cleared, revealing the fallen behemoth. Its once formidable presence now lay defeated and still.

Kuro's breaths came in ragged gasps as he looked upon the aftermath. It was a hard-fought victory, one that came at a heavy cost. He bowed his head in silent tribute to the fallen, knowing that their sacrifices had not been in vain.

Jake looked at Kuro, bowing his head towards the fallen behind them next to the gate while also bowing to the fallen behemoth. A discovery was made for Jake in this moment. One that would change the course of his life to be sure.

Kuro's eyes began to water, and without warning he fell to his knees, sobbing and wailing the song of the dead and gone. Jakes eyes began to water too, like a sad kind of contagion. There, in a room of an F rank Gate two boys held one another, scrying for those that did not make their trip back to their families, friends and loved ones.