
The Rise of a Slimey Pragmatist

Alright, gather 'round, because this is where the story really kicks in. They call me Kuro, and yeah, I'm just your average guy with a useless talent. But trust me, there's more to it than meets the eye. After the Awakening, everything went haywire. Mana invaded the air, and these huge structures called G.A.T.E.S started popping up all over the place. People were waking up with status screens and talents that gave people powers and humans dropped to the bottom of the food chain in society. Me? I got stuck with what they call "Slime Synthesis." At first it seems rather useless, and upon further inspection you will find me to be.. Absolutely Correct! Its Useless! It does Nothing!!! But here's the thing. In this world, even the so-called useless stuff can be a game-changer. You just need to know how to use it. And that's where I come in. I've been honing this weird power of mine, finding out all the crazy things I can do with it. so far iv tried sweets, hot water, even milk! Nothing reacts to this stuff, i cant even control it. I can just make it so long as i have enough mana to produce it. Despite how useless it seems im determined to figure it out. So, strap in, because this isn't just a story about slimey concoctions . This is about survival, about finding your place in a world turned upside down. And trust me, it's one wild ride. So, let's get to it. Time to see what else this world has in store for me. Oh, did i forget to mention the most important part? When i awakened, i was one of the rare few who lost their humanity...In more ways than one ;P

The_At1as · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter Three: A Dance with Death

The chamber trembled as the colossal Mushroom Behemoth loomed before us. Alex barked orders, but the panic in his voice betrayed his bravado. The rest of the team scattered, their coordination crumbling in the face of the monstrous foe.

With the chaos that ensued, Jake, Alex, and I somehow managed to find our rhythm. Our movements became a dance of survival, each step calculated to keep the behemoth's attention away from our scattered allies.

The slimes worked in tandem with us, launching small attacks to further distract the creature. I could feel the tremors in the ground with each of its movements, a constant reminder of the colossal force we faced.

As the behemoth's attention was focused on us, I stole glances at the ranged attackers. Each of them unleashed a barrage of talents, each unique and awe-inspiring. There was Sarah, conjuring shards of ice that pierced through the air, and Robert, whose arrows were enveloped in swirling flames. David conjured gusts of wind, manipulating their force to strike the beast from all angles.

Their talents were formidable, but the boss's resilience was equally astounding. It endured, tanking the relentless assault.

In the midst of the chaos, Alex unleashed a powerful barrage of energy, a culmination of his own talent. It struck the behemoth with tremendous force, causing it to stagger back. For a moment, hope surged within us. We barraged the beast with the very last slither of energy we had in us, using all our talents to bombard the beast. Soon after the smoke and dust cleared and the coughs of the team had settled the beast was down, but before we could celebrate, a whisper or echo was heard, and the beast suddenly awoke with a shrill scream that reverberated through the caverns around. As it got to its feat its body was continually shrinking until finally it resembled a nature stricken man, vines and tattoos permeated his naked body giving him an enchanting look.

Alex, who had been at the forefront, was caught off guard. In an instant, a massive fungal tendril snaked out of the mans palm, striking him with deadly precision, piercing his heart. His body went limp, life extinguished in an instant.

The realization hit us like a sledgehammer. Alex, our leader, was gone. Panic set in, threatening to consume us.

But we couldn't afford to falter. We rallied, pushing back against the creatures fungal tentacle onslaught. The ranged attackers couldn't rely on their talents now was they were exhausted, but they still had weapons and so they laid out another onslaught

The chamber erupted in a symphony of impact and force, the combined might of our attacks converging on the nature bridled boss monster. In a blinding flash of light, the boss let out a wide aoe attack that made green mist spread and on the ground spores and deadly flower pods sprouted, Jake and I dodged the mist but some weren't so lucky.

Spores began to rapidly grow all over their bodies like a form of transmutation, soon they became thousands of small fungal pods, their life stolen and exchanged for the form of mushrooms. They were dead.

Fear struck everyone at the sight, they began to retreat, forgetting the huge door was still closed. Jake and Myself decided to split from the main group, we wanted to find a way out of this, and I noticed that the statues around the room were all holding different variants of the same weapon. A Bo-staff. Each staff had an intricate design plated in different materials. One staff had flames in an orange and red metallic material, while another had waves in a liquid that seemed to move and hug the staff as if defying gravity. As they ran around the room, fleeing from the boss and soon listening to the screams of the team, Jake had stopped.

I turned around and noticed that a thin glass field of some kind was keeping him from advancing or turning back. I then looked up and saw that the staff the knight was holding was aimed over jakes head, creating a forcefield of some kind around him. Thats when it hit him.

"Jake! What's your talent?!" I cried in a hurried voice, the boss was around 4 minutes away from catching up to them, it had a direct line of sight yet for some reason in its humanoid form it did not run, but walked at a slow pace towards.. "Me?!"

"Jake hurry up and te-"

"Lava Synthesis!" He replied, shook almost to his core by revealing this information. Afterall, he had been told by his grandfather just a few hours prior to never reveal his talent to anyone.

I looked up at the staff above Jake and rightly so it had swirling patterns of magma climbing up and down the staff and was held by a barbarian statue. Just as he had figured out this piece of information he knew what he had to do. He turned tail and ran, leaving Jake trapped. Jakes expression was one of utter fear and betrayal, but when I too was caught by a forcefield after running under each and every statues staff he soon turned his head to the boss and realised it was staring right at him up against the forcefield.

A small weak cry left jakes mouth in terror and shock but soon he realised that it wasn't doing anything, the mist it had dispersed was being absorbed back into its hand and- It went back over to its nature intertwined throne, as if awaiting humans to emerge from the entrance, ready for another fight.

Jake stared at me in awe, and just then Jake felt something strange in his body. At the same time I received a message from my status screen.

"Basic tier [Slime Synthesis] has been evolved into Intermediate Talent [Slime Synergization]."