
The Red Kite Story

Written in the eyes of a Red Kite and how he came to befriend a human life form...

JayJ127 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
28 Chs

Stace’s domain

Stace's domain (Stace POV)

"Wow! This area is amazing, there's so much space and it's all mine" I said admiringly.

I am glad that Jay found this for me, but he hasn't visited in awhile, I hope he's alright. Sometimes I do wish I could fly like Jay, but then again I like the feel of the ground beneath my paws and with no one nearby I could phase.

I scanned the surrounding area and sensed nothing. I began to phase into my human form hoping no one comes suddenly. It has been a long while since I phased so I was a little wobbly walking on two legs instead of four. My senses were still more sensitive than the average mundane, but not as heightened as when I'm a wolf.

It's so nice to be here alone without the others around me 24/7. I don't have the thoughts of others running through my head like I'm going insane. Here when I'm on my own I'm my own alpha.

It has been two months since I left my pack behind, but the one particular wolf I was getting away from found me. His name was Keda. He was such a shy wolf before he grew up to be a warrior. In all fairness that wasn't the problem, he began to become well-known and popular for his great strength and agility. I was only seen as someone to look after him and nothing else, they never saw the qualities in me that they saw in Keda.

When I left I felt something and thought nothing of it,

I was shocked to see him as he phased in to his human form before greeting me. I forgot how gorgeous he looked. I only just remembered his fur coat was silver with a golden streak down his back and a very distinctive golden brown at the tip of his tail. His wolf eyes were similar to mine, a topaz shade. My fur is only a couple of shades darker and it is more greyish. I have dark outlines over my ears and a dark streak down my back with a pure white tail - strange I know. I've learnt to live with it, it's who I am.

"Stace?" Keda called out. "Stace! It's me Keda. Why did you leave without saying anything, I felt hurt, like a part of me was missing. It felt as though I was dying. I told myself I'm not going to die this way I will get you back and here you are!" Keda finished.

"Keda! I missed you too, but I just needed to be on my own away from everyone else. Here I have that and I don't hear anyone else in my head either and it feels great" I explained to him..

"Everyone misses you back home… I have to tell you that I imprinted on you the other night we were together, that is how I found you… Here!" Keda explained, exasperated by the new tranquil surroundings.

I hadn't realised Keda imprinted on me, but he did follow his heart's desires for me and clearly searched for days non-stop.

"I'm not going back, my life is here now." I interrupted.

"But…" He stopped himself when he saw my expression he knew that I had made up my mind, "Okay! Then I will stay here with you" He said, walking towards my cave.

"You can't stay here, everyone worships you back home, they rely on you and you love the attention Keda" I said, but in reality I did want him to stay.

"Yeah I liked it at first, but now they are getting so annoying and needy. They won't leave me alone, I had to sneak out at night to find you just so I wasn't followed." Keda explained.

"So can you hear their thoughts still or are they gone?" I asked curiously.

"Erm...I hear it sometimes but it's faint. Maybe we should form our own pack, just the two of us against the world" Keda suggested.

I thought about his offer, I wanted to say no but how could I go against my heart. It thumps for him and my head will never let me stop thinking about him.

I see he is all tensed up waiting for me to speak. So after a long moment of silence I accept his offer and he moves to hug me. It happened so fast that as he thrusted into me I slipped and fell to the ground. He lost his balance and landed on top of me, with our lips touching.

If I remember right the story that I was told when I was younger is that a kiss seals the imprint - it's like a marriage for wolves only permanent.