
The Red Kite Story

Written in the eyes of a Red Kite and how he came to befriend a human life form...

JayJ127 · Fantasy
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28 Chs

Jay’s new adventures

Jay's new adventures

One sunny day Jay was perched on the highest treetop thinking about all the adventures he has had. As well as the ones he could have had with Tatum. Jay was feeling really low until he started to get hungry.He knew he needed to feed before his meals went into hibernation for the winter season.

Jay made several failed attempts to catch his prey. He was distracted thinking about how happy he was with Tatum. As each day passed, time slowly healed Jay's heartbreak and it was like he was learning to hunt all over again. He tried and tried until he made a few successful catches.

Early one evening, Jay was on his way back to his perch on his treetop, when something caught his eyes. Jay glided in circular motions keeping his focus on a four-legged greyish coloured animal, he hadn't seen it before. Jay cautiously glided lower towards the grassy meadow for a better observation.

As soon as Jay realised the size of the creature he swooped back up but in that split second he caught a glimpse of its topaz eyes looking directly at him. Jay looked away and quickly flew-away.

Unexpectedly the wolf paused in its tracks and watched the Red Kite get further away, it decided to follow the flying creature. Jay turned his head and saw the wolf following. He sped-off thrusting himself further forward. The wolf had no intention of giving up and it had the need to catch up to the Red Kite like it was its destiny.

Jay finally reached his perch on his treetop and looked down to see the wolf sitting down looking up.

"What's up with this wolf?" Jay thought, as he tried to ignore the fact that it was down there and allowed himself to rest.

The next morning the wolf was attempting to climb the tree. I watched it for a moment before deciding to resume my hunting. Each time I came back the wolf was still there and it never gave up. Afternoon had passed, but the night was still young. I found the courage to glide down cautiously. I jerked upwards as the wolf made a swipe at me, the wolf kept swiping at me until it stopped. It must have realised I meant no harm.

The wolf stood there as I perched on a nearby branch almost eye-level but out of harm's way. We had what looked like the strangest conversation to a human eyes, but in-fact it was quite intellectual.

"Hi I'm Jay, what brings you to my territory?" Jay asked, cleaning himself under his wing.

The wolf stared at Jay before introducing herself. "I'm Stace, I've only just arrived. I am looking for a new domain.".

"A new domain?" Jay repeated. "This is my territory, but I'm sure I can find an area for you," Jay suggested, "Stace is it?"

Stace nodded.

"Follow me, I know the perfect place for you," Jay said happily.

Stace hesitantly followed him as he soared through the skies. She couldn't help but think about what it would be like to be soaring in and out of the clouds.

"Where are we going Jay?" Stace growled.

"Stop your worrying, you will soon find out we are almost there," Jay calmly responded. Stace kept quiet for a little while.

Throughout the journey Jay circled around Stace disorientating her. He saw her staring up and walking all over the place, Jay whistled his infamous rhythmical note. It sounded similar to the call he used for Tatum, with the pitch slightly lower. Stace was getting slightly agitated that the journey was taking this long. Night had long since fallen. She growled at Jay and all he did was taunt her with his whistling.

Jay noticed her slowing down, he tried to move her along, but instead Stace had other ideas. She laid on the ground to rest. Jay managed to get Stace back up and pace to a nearby tree where Jay had perched himself and went to sleep.

--- o0o ---

Stace was not used to the surrounding area and could not see as far as Jay could. She lay there under the big oak tree staring up at the stars wondering where it all went wrong for her? What had gone wrong for her to split from the rest of her pack.

The next morning she was woken up by something rustling around. She didn't know when she had fallen asleep. She thought she awoke in a dream momentarily forgetting where she was. That was until Jay came swooping down with a swoosh in her ears causing Stace to jump up on to her paws almost showing her true form.

"Oh you're finally up then, bout time." Jay whistled, "We need to get going, we've already lost a lot of time, and I haven't seen any of your pack or other wolves yet. You haven't told me your story and how you came to be here… Alone…" Jay asked.

Stace followed Jay and lowered her head to the ground not wanting to answer. She knew she would have to tell Jay sooner or later, so Stace looked up and searched the skies. She was surprised to see that Jay was gliding beside her.

"Jay! I'm here because I have fallen out with my pack due to some long term disagreements that have just escalated. I needed some time to myself…"

"You mean like to form your own pack?" Jay asked, interrupting Stace mid-sentence.

"Well that has crossed my mind, but at the moment I think I just need to be... without a pack." She paused for a short while thinking carefully how to finish her sentence, not wanting to lose the beginning of a friendship. Stace really enjoyed Jay's company, but she was reluctant to show it.

Jay had sensed that she wasn't confident, but he noticed something about her deep inside. He may not know anything about wolves but he knew humans or atleast Jay knew enough to have a sixth sense. Afterall he hadn't totally forgotten that he had once been a human.

--- o0o ---

As Jay flew over a river, he was trying to search for a bridge for Stace to cross. luckily it was only a few paces away. Stace steadily crossed the swaying, creaking bridge without looking down. She noticed a large area ahead with a cave . Jay noticed her eyes light up and said nothing, he just carried on guiding her forward.

"This is your new territory," Jay said to her.

Stace hesitated for a moment before she sprinted ahead of Jay. She didn't even turn back. She only stopped at the entrance of the cave.