
The Red Kite Story

Written in the eyes of a Red Kite and how he came to befriend a human life form...

JayJ127 · Fantasy
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28 Chs

It Takes Two - 1.2

It Takes Two - 1.2

Keda and Stace have been together for almost a month when Jay came to visit. It was a shock to him to even see another wolf, but that wasn't what surprised him the most. Jay sensed some strange activity and decided to go check it out. He arrived at the most opportune time as he saw two humans no one he recognised. He wondered where Stace was when the two humans morphed into wolves. That is when Jay recognised one wolf, it was Stace, but could not recognise the other.

Jay cautiously followed them into the woods, gliding just above the treetops. Hehad to swoop down suddenly dodging a fellow Red Kite who dived-bombed directly at Jay. It didn't go unnoticed.

"What was that?" howled Keda.

"What was what? What are you staring at?" Stace asked, looking back and forth between Keda and the area he's focusing on.

"Over there Stace, there's something moving over there," Keda said, almost shouting now.

Stace looked harder and saw something familiar.

"Hang on I know that Red Kite," Stace said, surprised, "He's a friend of mine. The one that showed me to my territory. His name is Jay. I wonder what he's doing here?" Stace finished saying.

Keda followed closely behind Stace, as she crept closer. She jumped back and phased into her human form as Jay shot up in the air.

Jay then shook it off and stared down and saw Stace in human form.

"How are you doing that?" Jay asked curiously.

"Erm.. Hi Jay! This is me in the flesh. I am a shapeshifter. I can shift from human to a wolf and back again. I haven't shifted in a long time before I met you,." Stace tried to explain as best she could.

"Okay! And who is this?" Jay asked, suspiciously.

"Oh! He's… Erm… my mate… meaning partner. His name is Keda." Stace introduced, as Keda shifted into his human form.

"You as well…" Jay was interrupted .

"...I imprinted on Stace a couple months back and didn���t even know it until I felt something missing in my heart and soul. That's when I ended up here looking for her." Keda explained.

"So… What is im..p.." Jay started.

"Imprinting is when a male wolf imprints on another wolf. From what I hear it cannot be helped who you imprint on. When two souls recognise each other they bond with that connection," Stace explained. "It's like a wolf marriage without the ceremony," Stace added.

"I understand now that's great! Can you imprint stace?" Jay asked.

"No. Female wolves can't imprint, only the males. Though I do wish I could" Stace said.

"And why is that? If you don't mind me asking" Jay asked, scratching under his wings.

"Well... " Stace started to say, when Keda moved closer wrapping his strong arms around her.

"Well… you don't need to worry about being alone no more, as you have me as your mate and I will always protect you." Keda said, sweetly but in as manly a way as possible.

"The two of you are so cute together. I used to have that, but he was taken away just by protecting me," Jay said.

"I was wondering whether or not if you had a mate," Stace asked, "Have… you… considered finding another?" Stace went on to say.

Jay looked back and forth between Stace and Keda and flew-away without another word.

"I think you hurt his feelings, Stace" Keda said, then kissed her gently