
The Promised King, "Red Haired " SHANKS

"Red-Haired" Shanks and his wild adventures.

Uncreative66 · Videojogos
Classificações insuficientes
45 Chs

The captain of The Red-Hair Pirates

Kizaru's Pov:  : 'Troublesome', was my first thought the moment Sengoku-san assigned me this little hunting session. If I could ignore the order and go back to my daily routine of eating and sleeping, I would. Alas, the order came from an admiral,not someone I could just casually ignore. The assignment was simple, just find and capture Bjorn and the rest would be taken care of by impel down. Locating him was laughably easy and arriving at his location was even easier thanks to my devil fruit. So imagine my surprise when I stumble up on him just to see him fighting an unknown pirate who doesn't look a day over 20. While it was momentarily irritating, I decided to observe first and the fight's outcome made me glad I did. Being lazy for once saved me a lot of trouble. While the strength of the unknown pirate was surprising, it wasn't anything I couldn't handle. After all, I was an admiral candidate for a reason at the end of the day. So I approached the unknown pirate in carefree manner,as I always do, and to my surprise once again, I sensed his emotions fluctuating. The attempts to gather information was amusing . To me, it seemed like an insect questioning its superior in an arrogant manner. But as the conversation progressed and the pirates' battle intent rose, my wariness increased bit by bit. While I seemed nonchalant and carefree on the outside, I was inwardly calculating how to beat him if a fight happened and lo and behold, he stopped holding back his intent to fight which was intense. I even sensed slight killing intent for a second before it vanished the next second. I gouged his strength once more through observation haki and it seems he was holding back. The question is, by how much. So I attacked and we started clashing. With each strike and clash, I was shocked more and more as he kept up with me in terms of speed ,strength and reaction time which was a feat in itself. Not many pirates that I have hunted in my career as a marine can claim to have done so. I kept that to myself though and kept trying to put pressure on him. Which was a success as he started to show techniques that many,even in the new world knew. His use was a slight surprise but nothing new. Most pirates can replicate them with enough time and effort. 'His mastery of the techniques on the other hand was certainly a shock. He seems young and inexperienced as he fought with a certain level of carefreeness rookie pirates tend to have when fighting the navy for the first time. But I can tell he is still not going out, which was a troublesome thought. Regular vice admirals would be no match for him as he can counter whatever they have with his extreme mastery of Rokushiki and armament haki.' I thought that I turned into multiple light particles that moved so fast and reappeared on trees while slowly reforming my body. A second later,he arrived where I was already in swinging motion, his saber already imbued with advanced armament haki, as he said,[Splintered World] and a massive  red colored wind slash was unleashed. ' That was a dangerous one'. As i thought that i looked at the aftermath of the attack as the entire area was cut into pieces. The mountain behind the area was split into two. ' If I didn't see five seconds into the future, that would have done major damage. Looks like I have to stop holding back and assessing.' As that thought passed my mind, I muttered ,[Yata mirror] as a light mirror slowly formed between both of my hands. I reflected some light in the air, and the next instant I was already in the air with my hands crossed as I muttered [Yasakani sacred jewel] and beams of light fell towards that red haired pirate. He deflected them in quick succession with impressive speed but I took that time he was doing so and prepared my attack. I imbued my leg with armament haki and charged it up with light and I muttered a second later, [Extended Light] and I kicked my right leg covered in light. A massive beam of light coated in emission for extra damage through air added air pressure was released and impacted on the area the pirate was standing on. An explosion followed a second later as a majority of the area became barren land the next instant. I stayed vigilant ,which was a smart move on my part, as the pirate appeared above already in a swinging motion with his saber which was imbued in an abnormal amount of armament haki. My observation haki flared like never before as I quickly muttered,[Ama no Murakumo], and gathered light particles that formed a light sword in an instant and I imbued it with advanced armament haki and clashed with the oncoming saber. The clash was quick as I was surprisingly pushed back and had to turn into a beam of light in order to avoid an attack future sight that would cost me an arm. All I heard before I turned into light particles to escape was.[Red Rupturing Moon] and destruction ensued. I reformed on what was left of the mountain he previously split into two as I observed the damage that attack had caused. The forest behind was no more and all I could see in a two kilometer radius was a barren land that looked like it was carved by a professional carpenter in marineford. I frowned as I formed a light sword and imbued it armament once again to defend against the pirates strike as he appeared in front of, saber covered in armament haki already . I then asked in an inquiring tone filled with wariness, while attempting to push him back,'' You're no ordinary pirate, who exactly are you?". He just grinned before," Dahahahahahaha" laughing fearlessly and answered in a composed tone," it took you long enough to realize that. Name's Shanks, Red haired Shanks,captain of the red hair pirates to be exact. As for why you don't know me, vice admiral Borsalino, I'm just an unknown upstart rookie. So to commemorate what will be my first official clash with the navy, prove the navy's worth as worthy opponents by surviving this next attack.'' As soon as he finished speaking, he used imbued emission through his saber to push me back and  jumped back before he got into a stance to perform a technique. My observation haki clocked to eleven the next instant as he muttered to a level I could hear,[ Double Crimson Hazy Moon].