
The Power of Ice

Our dear protagonist is obsessed with the power over ice. Whether or not that is healthy, remains to be seen. The fact is, that he is granted a chance to not only wield that power but to show everyone, that it is the most powerful one around ... at least in his hands. A Multiverse Fanfiction, starting in One Piece. He will travel from world to world, using the powers of Essences, which are given to him. He has no say in what he is given.

Daoistz1VV3s · Anime e quadrinhos
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28 Chs

Passage of time

(Kuzan POV)

It is important that I now get stronger. I will find out more and maybe I can join the Marines in a few years. It should be possible since they should want someone with my powers. I will use these years to train my physical body and the use of my devil fruit. I have a few moves in my mind that I want to create and I will only need time because right now, my body is just not strong enough to deal with everything.


I left the Sorbet Kingdom and travelled west. Using my powers I again travelled by bicycle. It didn't take that long until I reached a peculiar island. I was greeted by a group of angry monkeys that immediately attacked me. It was both a fun and good experience. I quickly found out that these monkeys used Haki!

I didn't know that animals could use Haki, to be honest, but now that I know, this opens more questions. I also found out that the reason why I was 'killed' by that bullet, was probably because the person used Haki. Particularly, Busoshoku Haki or Armament Haki. I figured that out because these monkeys used Busoshoku as well and my elementalisation didn't work when they hit me. 

That is good to know. I used this chance to train my Kenbunshoku Haki and my fighting ability. I can tell that these monkeys for some reason seem to know martial arts. I am truly thankful for limitless stamina at times like these and also for my healing prowess.

I was attacked from all sides. A fist from the left and two from the front and the right hit me at the same time. I tried to dodge and block them. Countering their attacks was far away for me but I tried nonetheless. I was getting beat up over and over again. 

Honestly training like that is only possible because I have these abilities. I would have died over and over again if I wasn't immortal. I healed and was back on my feet again. Only to then once again be beat up by them. At one point I stopped trying to fight back and just took it. I closed my eyes and let them hit me. I deduced that if it is impossible for me to focus on that many things at once, I shall break down this task into smaller pieces that are manageable. 

I only focused on dodging and blocking using my Kenbunshoku Haki as help. 


6 hours ... that's how long it took for me to get the hand of Kenbunshoku Haki and for the monkeys to tire themselves out. I seemed to have a perfect memory but that didn't include my talent. I know though that I don't have to worry about talent. Thanks to the Essence of the Blank, my talent can grow. 

I can tell that after these 6 hours of dodging and blocking, I have made a lot of progress in my Kenbunshoku Haki. Not compared to what should be possible in the future but for a 7-year-old child ... this is very good. 

So after these monkeys tired themselves out, I was finally able to proceed into the woods and farther into the island. I reached a small village after walking for a few hours and saw what I can only assume to be fighting dojos of some kind. 

"Greetings child.", a voice alerted me and I actually stepped back in surprise. I saw an old man standing next to me with a smile. He looked thin and harmless, but my Kenbunshoku and instincts told me that he was dangerous. The fact that he appeared next to me confirms that. 

"No need to be scared. I won't harm you. Not that that would work anyway ... would it?", he said and opened one of his eyes slightly and looked at me with a knowing look. 

"So you were watching me fight the monkeys?", I say and he nods with a smile.

"Hehe yes. That is a very interesting ability you have there child. I can see you are smart and have the drive to grow truly powerful. I can feel your hunger.", the old man says and I understand what he means. The 'hunger' that he talks about is my drive to grow powerful. 

"That is true. I will grow strong to one day join the Marines and bring justice to this world. I wish to help those that can't help themselves, like my friend ...", I tell him. I can feel that the man, while dangerous, has no malicious thoughts about me. 

"Hehehehehe ... oh that is a big dream and goal you have the child. I can understand you well. Say ... would you like to train here?", he asks me and that question intrigues me. I can tell that he is not normal in any way. 

"What would you want in return?", I ask him.

"Hehehe, I require you to do as I say and not quit in the middle of the training. And I also want you to do my chores and those of the other teachers who might come to teach you as well.", he says with a smirk. 

"Hm ... I agree. But should I sense that you have any malicious thoughts or goals, I will immediately leave."

"Of course. Then allow me to welcome you to Karate Island. The island where many men and women come to, but only very few find what they want.", he says cryptically. 

"Karate Island. Interesting. When do we start?", I ask the old man with an eager smile. 



5 years have passed since I came to Karate island. The island has a very special way it works. Karate Island is called that, due to the fact that there are various dojos located here. Each dojo teaches another martial art, ranging from things like Karate, Muay Tai, Boxing, and brawling, also armed combat like sword fighting or spearfighting. 

The way it worked was that you may come to Karate Island and you may ask someone to teach you, but the sense decides whether or not he teaches you. I started to learn under the old man and I can say that his skill in the art of martial arts is very scary. To show me what he was capable of ... he didn't do anything for a long time. Someone who doesn't see it necessary to prove anything ... they are usually the most powerful. 

After training with him for a year, he told me that I had learned all the basics he could teach and that I only lacked experience. He did however show me what I could do in the future, by completely dominating a giant bear that lived on the island. My eyes were opened that day. I knew that I would also reach that level and even go beyond that. 


After the old man, other old people from different dojos wanted to teach me as well. So I got to learn many things. My strength increased drastically over the years and I could tell that my talent in fighting rose as well. I needed one year to get the basics down from the old man. The second sensei only needed 10 months to teach me all the basics. The third only 7 and so on. 

I grew up quite a bit and that made my physique rather wiry and lean. I was strong but I probably wouldn't become a muscle man any time soon. 

Apart from my physical strength and learning martial arts in armed and unarmed combat, I also made progress in the use of my Haki. My Kenbunshoku and Busoshoku Haki were impressive for an 11-year-old ... at least that's what I was told by my senseis. I would use it in my spars against them whenever I could and thanks to my limitless stamina, it wasn't me but my teachers who needed breaks. 

Now, after 5 years, I can once again say that I wish to leave. I can feel something important happening and I want to see what that is. I wasn't to travel the world and start fighting pirates. And the best way to do that is by leaving the island and gaining experience. My senseis told me that I only lacked experience and that would only be gained, by fighting harsh battles. 

I still used the night to train the powers of the Hie Hie no mi. It was the only moment when I wasn't tasked with something by the teachers. I came to see them as my close friends and accepted them as my 'grandparents' in a way. They also started to see me that way, even though they would never admit it. 


"Thank you everyone. I will remember all of you!!", I screamed from the ice boat, I had created. I waved at everyone who had come to send me off. They waved as well and I could see the sad faces some of them were making. It was time for me to leave and be free. I enjoy sailing through across the sea. Since I have made a lot of progress in the use of my devil fruit, I have created a somewhat modern boat which I steer using my control over the ice. 

I create a small motor that spins when I mentally move the ice. I can lean back and enjoy the ride. I put the training I had to use and used my Kenbunshoku Haki to pick up anything of note. And indeed, two days after setting 'sail', I pick up something that is interesting. 

I stand up and look to the right and see a ship approaching me. From the Jolly Roger, I can tell that they are pirates. That is a good experience for me. My first pirate crew which I will either capture or eliminate depending on what I feel when I meet them. I am not naive enough to claim every pirate crew in the world has to be bad. My teachers told me that there are two sides to every coin and that I shouldn't take things others tell me as the absolute truth and better make sure myself, whether it is true or not. 

That tells me that the 'World Government', as it is known might not be as innocent as initially thought. But that was normal, I would say. I already know that governments do what is in their own interests, so some shady business are bound to happen. 


The ship comes closer and I see pirates eying me with interest. 

"Oi, ya child. What are ya doing there? Need a lift~?", one of the pirates asks me and some laugh at that. I can tell that he is not as nice as his words might make you believe. I accept nonetheless. 

"Yes.", I say and jump on board of the ship. I am surrounded by pirates and they look at me with ... lust? No, that's not it. I believe this is greed. Ah, so they probably know that I used a devil fruit ability to create my small boat. 

"So ... first off thank you for taking me on board. Are you guys pirates?", I ask feigning naivety. 

"Hehehe, yes child, we're real pirates. And you should be a devil fruit user or na?", the man asks. 

"Devil fruit ... what is that?", I ask.

"Did you not eat a special fruit, that gave you those powers to use ice?", he asks.

"Yes. How did you know?"

"Hehe, so I was right. Captain, we can sell this one. Sabaody will take this one gladly. The demand for slaves has gone up since the nobles started coming more frequently.", the man asked. 

"Idiot! How would we get to the Grand Line? It is far too dangerous. But we will sell him to the branch here in South Blue.", a rather buff man says nonchalantly. 

"Slave? So do you guys capture and sell people often?", I ask them. 

"Heheheeh, look at this one, asking all concerned. Yes ya child, we do that often. And if they are some nice ladies we- *ACKKK*", the man begins but is interrupted by an ice sword that cuts his neck.