
The Pokemon World by RD. Mohib

rd_mohib_ · Fantasia
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16 Chs

Chapter 8 The Champion!

(Team Rocket boards the same ferry as Ashh and Brock. Both teams are unaware of each other and going to the same destination. Let's find out how their voyage ends.)

[1 Day Until Sinnoh, On The Deck]

Ashh:- Wow~~ The leaf stone looks so cool!

Brock:- It's not the first time you have seen a leaf stone, right Ashh?

Ashh:- Yes, but this one looks even more amazing.

(James passes by and sees Ashh.)

James:-!! Jessie look...it's Ashh and Pikachu!

Jessie:- What?!! How did we bump into them?

Meowth:- It seems we boarded the same ferry as them. But it's fine we can start stealing right here.

James:- We can scape by using our balloon.

Meowth:- No! That would be too hard to do in front of so many trainers. Thats why we will steal Pikachu after reaching Sinnoh.

Jessie:- Till then let's steal that leaf stone.

James:- And we can hide just by changing our clothes too.

Meowth:- James will go and ask for a look at the leaf stone. Then Jessie will bump into him and the leaf stone will fall on the ground.

After that I will change that with a fake leaf stone.

James:- Do you have a fake leaf stone?

Meowth:- I just made one. It looks real right?

Jessie:- Let's go and change!!

(Team Rocket is ready to steal the leaf stone from Ashh and he is still gawking at his prize.)

James*:- 'That stone looks quite extraordinary. What is it?'

Ashh:- Oh, this? It's a leaf stone that I earned as a prize for the tournament.

James*:- Wow!! I have never seen one so close. It's magnificent.

Ashh:- Right? It's so different from other rocks. It's one of the most beautiful stones in the world.

James*:- That must be quite expensive right?

Ashh:- Yes.Thats why I'll keep it safe.

James*:- It's such a rare thing that I might not see it again. Can you let me hold it for a while? Please~

Ashh:- Uh...Ok! You can look at it even more clearly after holding it. The leaf pattern is amazing, right?

James*:- Yes...it's incredible!~

(And now Jessie comes disguised as a fashion model and bumps into James* who is disguised as a salary man.)

James*:- Ah! Look what you did. The leaf stone is on the floor.

Jessie*:- You should not talk to me like that. Do you know that I am a very expensive model? My jwellery is far more precious than any leaf stone.

Ashh:- It's no big deal.

(Meowth comes disguised as a normal Meowth Pokemon and gives Ashh the leaf stone. Then moves on with Jessie*.)

Brock:- That Meowth was so intelligent. It knew exactly whom to give the leaf stone.

Ashh:- But how did it know!? This man was holding the leaf stone before it fell.

James*- It must be because I can't own a leaf stone. Only Pokemon trainers have those.

Ashh:- That makes sense. Do you want to look at it even more?

James*:- No no. I already caused you problems and your prize fell because of me. Sorry!

I'll be going then. Bye~ And thank you for the leaf stone!

Ashh:- Bye!

"...Pika? Pikachu!!"

Ashh:- What happened Pikachu?

Brock:- Is something wrong with the leaf stone?


(Pikachu uses thunderbolt and it breaks.)

Ashh:-!! Why did you break it Pikachu?

Brock:- It broke? How can it break so easily?

Ashh:- Huh??

Brock:- Evolution stones are very durable. They are more durable than steel.

Ashh:- So how did it break when Pikachu used only a little electricity?

Brock:- There is only one explanation!

Ashh:- The tournament organisers gave me a fake leaf stone?!!

Brock:- What!!?... No!

It means the real one was stolen and it's a fake leaf stone.

Ashh:- When did it get stolen?

(Pikachu walks and behaves like a Meowth to give hints—)

Ashh:- Why are you doing that Pikachu? Do you suddenly want to be a Meowth?

Brock:- Ashh, when will you grow up?! Pikachu is saying it's the Meowth that must have taken the real stone and exchanged it with a fake one.

Ashh:- Meowth? I thought only Team Rocket's Meowth was a thief.

Brock:- Let's find it as soon as possible.

Ashh:- Pikachu can tell where that Meowth went?


(Pikachu finds Meowth only a few metres away. And Ashh sees something unbelievable.)

Ashh:- I can't believe this world is so full of robbery groups.

Brock:- So the man and that model are together? Are they a couple thieves?

Ashh:- Hey, give me my leaf stone.

Meowth:- What! how did he find out? Let's run!

(Ashh, Pikachu and Brock chase James, Jessie and Meowth until they are cornered on the deck.)

Jessie*:- It seems we have no option but to show you who we are.

James*:- Get ready to witness this remarkable trio's truth.

Ashh:- Yes I am ready...

"Prepare for trouble!

And make it double!

To protect the world from devastation!

To unite all peoples within our nation!

To denounce the evils of truth and love!

To extend our reach to the stars above!



Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light!

Surrender now, or prepare to fight! fight! fight!


Thats Right!"

Ashh:- Team Rocket?!! So every Meowth is not evil afterall.

Brock:- I knew something was wrong when I met that fashion model.


Ashh:- That's right! You were not attracted by that model because inside it was just Jessie.

(After hearing this sentence, Jessie became furious and exploded with anger..." What do you mean it was just Jessie!!!? And why do you think I can't attract a man..huh??")

People:- That's not important right?

James:- What do you know, it matters the most to Jessie or maybe second only to money.

Meowth:- (slowly says...."Let's run!")

James:- See you in Sinnoh region boy.Bye!

(They blast a smoke bomb and disappear.)

Ashh:- Where did they go with my leaf stone?

Brock:-Will they be able to carry out this robbery with success? We must find them before we reach Sinnoh.

*Someone:- Look the Champion caught them.

* Worker:- Are you Ashh?

Ashh:- Yes.

* Worker:- Sorry a few thieves got on our ferry.Here this is your leaf stone.

Ashh:- Ah Thank-you! What happened to them?

* Worker:- They went somewhere flying like rockets.

Ashh:- That's who they are. Where is the person who defeated them?

Brock:- Yes, where is she?

* Worker:- The Champion? She has gone.

Brock:- Where? She must be on the ferry.

* Worker:- Yes, but we don't know where she is. I'll go and inform the security about it. Take care!

Ashh:- Brock do you know who the Champion is?

Brock:- No.

Ashh:- Then how did you know that the Champion is a Woman?

Brock:- 'A gut feeling.'

(The day after that Ashh and Brock reach Sinnoh Region. They witness the diversity and vast variety of Pokemons that are found there. Some were known to them while others were totally foreign.)

Ashh:- Which place is this?

Brock:- The first stop of our Sinnoh Journey. Let's go and inform Professor Oak about our arrival in Sinnoh.

(Ashh and Brock go to a Pokemon Center and call Professor Oak. They talk for a while and Brock calls his father.)

Ashh:- Why did you call your father Brock?

Brock:- Hello father! I am in Sinnoh region.

Brock's Father:- Oh so you have arrived in Sinnoh. Do you need any help from your old man?

Brock:- I would love it but there simply isn't a away you can help me all the way out here in Sinnoh. But you can send two of my Pokemons.

Ashh:- So you want your Pokemons. You only brought Bonsly right?

Brock:- Yes.

Brock's Father:- Which Pokemons do you want?

Brock:- Only my Marshtorm and Crobat.

Ashh:- And your Onix?

Brock:- I left it for training.

Ashh:- Oh.

Brock's Father:- Just call me anytime you want your Pokemons.

Ashh:- How is the Gym? Are you taking on challenges from trainers?

Brock:- I am sure he has put funny requirements.

Brock's Father:- No funny requirements.

Ashh:- What!? I thought you were too lazy to take care of the Gym that's why you left it to Brock.

Brock:- Although it's the truth, you can't just say it Ashh.

Ashh:- Ah... Sorry!

Brock's Father:- Ah.....let's forget that. So anything else?

Brock:- No it's fine. Thank you!

Brock's Father:- Ok, Bye!

Ashh:- Bye!!

(Brock gets away from the device with the Pokeballs of his Pokemons and takes them out.)

Ashh:- Hello Marshtorm! Hello Crobat!

"Pikachu ~"

(The Pokemons greet each other. Brock calls out his Bonsly as well and all of his Pokemons get to know Aipom.)

Brock:- So should we go now?

Ashh:- Wait!

Brock:- What happened?

Ashh:- Did you say that you left your Onix for training?

Brock:- Yes.

Ashh:- Not for you Siblings' training?

Brock:- No.

Ashh:- But who will train it other than you or, how will it train?

Brock:- You know my Dad is a Gym leader?

Ashh:- So he will train 'your Onix'?

Brock:- No it's like how you left your Prime ape for training.

Ashh:- Oh!

Brock:- My Dad also has an Onix that's why I left mine for it to learn something from my Dad's Onix.

Ashh:- Oh...

Brock:- Should we go now?

Ashh:- Yes. Let's go!

(Ashh and Brock co.e out of the Pokemon Center. Aipom and Pikachu are out of their Pokeballs as their habit is to stay out.)

(And suddenly Team Rocket comes in their Big Meowth Balloon to steal Pikachu. They seal him in a glass box and fly away.)

Jessie:- Ah! Hahaha! We stole him so easily~

Meowth:- Now let's go to a port and leave this region.

Jessie:- No~ We just came here. So first we should go sightseeing.

Meowth:- And then you'll want to have a house here. After that you'll settle down and start a business.

Jessie:- Is that such a bad idea? It's good though I can't do it.

James:- Afterall, once we deliver Pikachu to the boss, he will give use a big promotion and more money than any invester we can ever find.

Meowth:- Let my Fury Swipes bring you to reality Jessie!!

Jessie:- You deal with it Wobbuffet.

(Meowth attacked with Fury Swipes and Jessie puts Wobbuffet in his way. Wobbuffet instinctively used a move that caused an explosion after Meowth's Fury Swipes had hit him.)

Team Rocket:- Oh no! We are blasting off again!!!

"Wobbuffet ~!"

(In this explosion Pikachu's box broke and he was sent flying somewhere.)

Ashh:- Pikachu fell somewhere. Let's find it. Aipom meet me exactly here after sometime. Find and protect Pikachu, he was very injured when the ballong blasted.

Brock:- Come out Crobat! Go look for Pikachu and find me after that.

(Crobat takes off to look for Pikachu. And Aipom also gets on the job very quickly. Everyone starts looking for Pikachu.)

(Let's hope Pikachu is found quickly and no one hurts him.)

[|] Answer Last Quiz [|]

The strongest Pokemon Pikachu has ever defeated other than Dragonite was Regice which 'is a Legendary Pokemon.' It was not at its peak when Ashh fought it but, a legendary Pokemon is still much stronger than any other Pokemon. Let me know if you think Pikachu has defeated any other Pokemon who was stronger than Regice.


Which companion of Ashh is the strongest. And how many of them have Pokemons who can fight Pikachu, Charizard and Sceptile without being pushed back?

<|> PEACE!! <|>
