
The Pirates daughter

All she wanted was to follow her father's foot steps... All he wanted was freedom from his golden cage their worlds collide, as Kings men and a gang of Pirate's chase after them. Vayne a feared and infamous Pirate, died on the run from many men. He left behind his most prized jewel on Bikvelle Island. A jewel that one day many would fight to possess. This jewel. . . his daughter Edelynn.

Maddie_Dorn · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs


I'm watching the wedding procession from the distance. Plenty of kings men around. I can't be found now, but it was too tempting to resist.

A wedding, there will be plenty of things to steal. I nod to my men around me and pull my hood around my head. that's when she bumped into me. I looked at her, fair skin and dark chocolate hair trailing wildly behind. she breifly looked back at me before she caught up with the wedding party. Her eyes as blue as the ocean.

Those eyes look so familiar. I'm enthralled I need to know who she is. I place my hand at my waist to pay for information about that girl. . . or should I say that thief. She took my coin purse.


I snatched the bag of coin hanging from the hip of a man. I knew he was another thief. He had that air about him, so I took his coin. Served him right thinking he could cause trouble at Saffron's wedding.

I had to race to catch up with the rest of my adoptive family. I didnt want Saffron to yell at me, not at her wedding. That theif was an attractive man when I looked at him. Golden honey skin and brown eyes. Stubble peppered across his jaw.


I fixed the mask on my face as I watched the most beautiful woman I'd ever seen run to catch up with the bride. I watched her pitpocket a known pirate. I recognize him from the wanted posters. She looked like one of the goddesses in her armor breast cup top and armor bikini bottom the light pink billowing fabric stems from the armor and hugs her waist and kisses her hips and revealing her slender legs.

The bride a round sort of woman wearing a similar armor breast top but longer, white and gold fabric trailing along the ground around her. She too was attractive but not in the same way as my goddess. They must know each other I determined. I shall seek out this goddess in pink.