
The Pirates daughter

All she wanted was to follow her father's foot steps... All he wanted was freedom from his golden cage their worlds collide, as Kings men and a gang of Pirate's chase after them. Vayne a feared and infamous Pirate, died on the run from many men. He left behind his most prized jewel on Bikvelle Island. A jewel that one day many would fight to possess. This jewel. . . his daughter Edelynn.

Maddie_Dorn · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Week after the wedding

"Did you find anything" I ask my right hand man.

My man, Arston, was looking for information on the treasure left behind by Pirate Vayne Black. I, Charles, had been a hand on Vayne's Air ship. I had heard about a great treasure that had been hidden away on Bikvelle Island. It was rumored that whoever held this treasure would rule both the sea and the air. Arston was also looking into the mysterious thief.

"Well, man I got nothing on that treasure; but I got something on your thief." Arston says

"Well, who is she?" I ask.

"She was left in the care of Lorna Waterhouse when she was 9. Her name is Edelynn Jones Black." He replies

"Black? As in Vayne Black?" I ask I look up at him from the papers on my desk.

He gave me a smirk while plopping into the chair across me and propping his feet on my desk.

"You know Charles, this treasure." Arston starts

"You don't think it was money or jewels Vayne hid here. But a daughter." I say as I thought back to when I saw her eyes, Vayne had blue eyes just like them.

"It would be fitting and make sense. We've looked for money and jewels that were hidden away and never found anything. Then the timing of her arrival to the Waterhouse home was just days before Vayne's death." Arston started, "Lorna was pregnant when Vayne brought her and her son to this island. Lorna had been life long friends with Vayne. At least that's what information I've gained about the Waterhouses."

"Where is my little thief now?" I ask him.

"Not sure, she must of known she was being followed as she gave me the slip in the bazaar" he replied to me.

I was angered. My man let this girl get away. I slammed my fists on my desk.

"Find her Arston. I want to talk to her" I demanded.