
The Pirates daughter

All she wanted was to follow her father's foot steps... All he wanted was freedom from his golden cage their worlds collide, as Kings men and a gang of Pirate's chase after them. Vayne a feared and infamous Pirate, died on the run from many men. He left behind his most prized jewel on Bikvelle Island. A jewel that one day many would fight to possess. This jewel. . . his daughter Edelynn.

Maddie_Dorn · Fantasy
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6 Chs


I open the curtins in my room, it's raining out. I love the rain. My father would tell me old pirate tales of the sea as a child. It was the only way he could get me to sleep. My father was a pirate, an infamous one at that. He was a sky pirate though, he seemed to think that being a sky pirate was more honorable than one of the sea.

He died when I was 9, the kings men found him and executed him. The last thing he did as my father was leave me on this island with a woman that has two children of her own. Lorna Waterhouse and her son Rex, 24 years old and daughter Saffron, 20. Me, I'm Edelynn Jones Black, I'm 18.


That would be Saffron, she is the only one that screeches at me like a harpy throughout the house. She is getting married today. She is marrying the son of the man that runs this island and he is runs it on orders of the king.


Saffron screeches again as she barges into my room. Her plump face red as a beet. and her golden blonde hair braided to her side. she is still in her night dress.

"Eden, hurry up! You need to help me get ready and if I'm not ready in time you'll have ruined my wedding!"

Rex comes up behind Saffron and places a hand on her shoulder.

"Whats this, my two dear sisters fighting already." he says.

"I'm not fighting, she came in and yelled at me. " I replied as I crossed my arms.

"Rex, she is not our sister. She is just an orphan that Ma took in." wined Saffron

" Mother took her in because of the friendship she shared with Edelynn's father." Rex told Saffron " Dont forget my dear sister that if it wasn't for Vayne Black helping mother get to this island while you were in her belly you may not even be getting married today." He kissed her forehead and left.

A smirk played on my lips while a scowl formed on hers.

" Lets go Saffron, let's make you the most beautiful bride that Bikvelle Island has ever seen." I said as I held out my hand to her.