
The Narrator & Lazy Boy

Oliver was a foolish, ignorant, and irresponsible young man who had just turned 19. His parents let him live by himself and sent him money every month for food and other essentials, hoping that he would learn to be independent. But Oliver was terrible at managing his life. He squandered his money on useless things all the time. One Saturday morning, after saying goodbye to his friend Cassie who lived nearby, Oliver felt a weird sensation in his mind. “What the heck? Why do I hear a voice that narrates everything I do, think, and say, and sounds like it’s coming from everywhere?” Oliver said, utterly baffled and irritated by my narration.

JohnatenDBrown · Urbano
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11 Chs

Chapter 7: The Sorcerer’s Curse

Oliver continued on his journey, determined to find out more about the curse that had caused the narrator's voice to be heard by all who were near him.

He traveled far and wide, asking anyone he met if they had heard of such a curse. But no one had any answers for him.

Finally, after many long days of travel, Oliver came to a dark and foreboding forest. The trees were twisted and gnarled and a thick mist hung in the air.

Oliver hesitated at the edge of the forest. He had heard stories of the dangers that lay within its depths. But he knew that he had to continue on his quest.

So he took a deep breath and stepped into the forest. As he walked deeper into the misty darkness, he heard strange noises all around him. He heard the howling of wolves and the hooting of owls.

But he also heard something else. Something that sent shivers down his spine. He heard a voice whispering his name.

"Oliver," the voice whispered. "Oliver."

Oliver spun around but saw no one. The voice seemed to be coming from all around him.

"Who are you?" Oliver called out into the darkness.

"I am the sorcerer who cursed the narrator," the voice replied. "I am the one you seek."

Oliver's heart raced as he realized that he was finally getting closer to the answers he sought...

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