
The Narrator & Lazy Boy

Oliver was a foolish, ignorant, and irresponsible young man who had just turned 19. His parents let him live by himself and sent him money every month for food and other essentials, hoping that he would learn to be independent. But Oliver was terrible at managing his life. He squandered his money on useless things all the time. One Saturday morning, after saying goodbye to his friend Cassie who lived nearby, Oliver felt a weird sensation in his mind. “What the heck? Why do I hear a voice that narrates everything I do, think, and say, and sounds like it’s coming from everywhere?” Oliver said, utterly baffled and irritated by my narration.

JohnatenDBrown · Urban
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11 Chs

Chapter 6: The Mysterious Book

As Oliver read through the pages of the mysterious book that the old librarian had given him, he couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement. The book was filled with stories and legends about narrators and their powers.

He read about narrators who could control the elements and shape the world around them. He read about narrators who could see into the future and predict what was to come.

But as he turned the pages, he couldn't find any information about a narrator who could be heard by their subject. It seemed that this was a unique and unheard-of phenomenon.

Oliver was about to give up hope when he came across a passage that caught his eye. It spoke of a narrator who had been cursed by a powerful sorcerer. The curse had caused the narrator's voice to be heard by all who were near him.

Oliver's heart raced as he read the passage. Could this be the answer he was looking for? Could his ability to hear the narrator be the result of a curse?

He knew that he had to find out more. So he closed the book and set out once again on his quest for answers...

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