
The Movie Star's Wife Demands a Divorce Every Day

# MODERN Su Qian and Lu Mingxiu had been married in secret for three years. She was a substitute for his first love, and she played her part without complaining... Until one day, she found out that Lu Mingxiu's first love was returning to the country. As reality struck her, she managed to hide her feelings as she prepared to get a divorce and disappear. Unexpectedly, Lu Mingxiu got into a car accident on the day they were supposed to sign the divorce papers, and ended up with amnesia. After he lost his memories, he insisted that Su Qian was his first love and refused to get a divorce — he was now crazy about her and would do anything for her... Until one day, Su Qian discovered that he never lost his memories and had been tricking her. Hence, she decided to cut ties with him and focus on her career, while insisting on their divorce. In the end, Lu Mingxiu realized that all his elaborate schemes only resulted in losing his wife, and as he embarked on the great voyage of wife-chasing, he gained an epiphany: Honesty is the best way.

Dark Cloud Flower · Geral
Classificações insuficientes
40 Chs

She Doesn’t Need Redemption

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The people present couldn't help but sit up.

Lu Mingxiu was a little surprised, but he quickly chuckled, and there seemed to be a trace of joy in his voice, "You're the first person who dares to do this to me."

"Oh, really? That's because you're the second young master of the Lu family. Other people respect you and fear you, but I don't care. If you really anger me, then don't blame me for taking you down with me."

Lu Mingxiu raised his head and looked at her. The moment their eyes met, her eyes seemed to be burning with flames that could burn all the flames in the world. In the layers of flames, there was a layer of fog, making it impossible to see through and grasp.

For a moment, he had the illusion that they were the same kind.

The corners of his lips curled up into a smile. He was really more and more reluctant to let go.

Huo Jingyang was a little anxious as Su Qian refused to let go.

"Su Qian, if you dare to hurt Ming, I can guarantee that you won't be able to walk out of Polaris."

Hearing this, Su Qian used a little more force. The blood vessels under her fair skin were faintly visible, as if she wanted someone to add a rotten pattern to it.

Feng Xuanmo leaned back on the sofa with his legs crossed, as if he was watching a good show.

Su Qian had done something that he would never dare to do in his life. In his heart, he already regarded her as a warrior.

Su Qian suddenly lost interest and let go of her hand.

"You guys have fun. I still have other things to do, so I'll be leaving first."

After Su Qian left, Lu Mingxiu subconsciously touched his neck. It was still warm from her fingertips.

Su Qian left the private room and stood in the corridor. She casually lit up a cigarette and let the smoke cloud her face.

She had been smoking more and more frequently recently, which was not a good sign.

However, she still liked this feeling very much. It was as if she could hide everything about herself in the darkness and not be spied on by others.

Not far away, two figures slowly appeared. Xia Qingqing and Shen Yi were both very surprised. They never thought that they would meet Su Qian in Polaris.

Shen Yi was even more surprised, "Sister Qingqing, Su Qian actually smokes."

Su Qian's existence in the entertainment industry was mysterious. She had a lot of haters, but she also had a lot of fans. As long as she didn't act, she could clear her name from time to time. However, Shen Yi couldn't do that. Even if she could barely reach the same level as Su Qian, her popularity was far from Su Qian's.

There were a few times when the other party made it clear that they would rather have Su Qian than someone like her who wasn't popular and couldn't cause any waves.

Back then, she was so angry that she hated Su Qian from then on.

Xia Qingqing didn't take Su Qian seriously at all. She looked at her as if she was looking at an ant.

They were artistes from the same batch, but she had already left Su Qian far behind. Su Qian would never be able to catch up to her. Her goal was to be like her idol, Qin Yunshuang, and one day stand at the Oscars.

As for Su Qian, she would just treat it as an occasional pastime in life.

She spoke unhurriedly, "Hasn't Su Qian always set herself up as a gentle and quiet lady? If her fans see her smoking, don't you think her image would be ruined?"

Shen Yi's eyes glowed with an unknown light. She secretly took a photo and sent it to YXH.

As for how YXH was going to promote it, that was none of her business.


After Su Qian left Polaris, she went to a counseling clinic. The doctor in the clinic seemed to be an old acquaintance of hers.

"You haven't been here in a while. Why did you suddenly come today?" he asked the moment he saw her.

"Same old rules, prescribe me some medicine," Su Qian said without further ado.

The doctor obviously didn't agree, "All medicine is partially poisonous. You can't always rely on medicine."

Previously, he had wanted to give Su Qian some psychological counseling, but she was simply too guarded. He had almost been pushed into depression by her, so in the end, he had no choice but to give up.

However, when they first met, she was not serious. It was just that later on, she was intermittent, sometimes serious, and sometimes seemed to have recovered.

However, he was very clear in his heart that it was impossible for young Ms. Su to recover at this stage. She could be said to be beyond cure.

Perhaps doctors were born with a little compassion for the state of the universe and the people. In the end, he still hoped that Ms. Su could live a little happier. He slowly said, "Find someone to accompany you, and maybe you can really be yourself."

Su Qian laughed in her heart.

"You mean to find someone to save me?"

The doctor nodded. That was what he meant.

She chuckled indifferently, with a hint of mockery.

The salvation style had never been suitable for her. She would never seek the salvation of others. The only person who could get her out of hell was herself.

"You'd better prescribe me some medicine."

The doctor sighed helplessly, knowing that it was useless to say more. In the end, he still handed her a bottle of medicine.

Su Qian glanced at it, threw it into her bag, and waved, "I'm leaving. Remember not to tell anyone that I've been here."

"I understand."

After Su Qian left, the doctor poured himself a cup of coffee and he stirred it slowly.

Ms. Su was the patient that surprised him the most. She was obviously beyond cure, but she looked like a normal person.

In fact, she could do it better than most people.

However, at the same time, he was also curious about one thing. If he peeled off the insufferably arrogant outer shell of Ms. Su, would it be rusty and rotten inside, or would it be so dark that she herself couldn't even see clearly?

Have you heard of the balloon theory?

There was only one critical point before the explosion, and it was obvious that Ms. Su was already close to this critical point. No matter how well she disguised herself, she would eventually collapse one day.

Su Qian sat in the driver's seat and casually threw her bag to the side. The bag rolled on the seat and the contents inside fell into the car.

She bent down to pick up the scattered items.

A few lipsticks and a bottle of medicine fell out, along with a protective talisman.

Seeing this protective talisman, there was a faint but real trance in her eyes.

Back when she was filming with the production team, an accident happened and she was injured and had to stay in the hospital for a period of time.

After she returned to the apartment, he gave her this protective talisman.

She had always thought that she had thrown it away, but she didn't expect she had kept it in her bag.

She suddenly remembered what the psychiatrist had said to her just now.

Find someone to redeem yourself.


She had never believed it or needed it. Instead of stuffing the peace talisman into her bag, she threw it out the window.

As soon as she returned to Dijing Manor, she met Lu Zhengqing, who was about to leave.

Lu Zhengqing wasn't too surprised to see her, but his dark eyes were filled with hard-to-distinguish emotions.

Just as the two of them were about to walk past each other, Lu Zhengqing called out to her.

"Wait a moment."

She stopped in her tracks and turned back to look at him, "What's the matter?"

The wind had been a little noisy just now, but it was all quiet now.

His gaze fell on her.

"Ms. Su, it's a pleasure to meet you."