
The Mist of The Fate : You're not part of My Blood [ Season: 1 ] [ Part: 1 ] [ Chapter: 8 ]

( History: First Enemy encounter )

A Year after...

Siren Head were to be inside of a Abandoned Factory and finding some metarials for discovery & taking knowledge the use of it. In that specific area, multiple Newspaper has been estimated or theory that the Place is covered with "Radiation", the cause of Death and Multiple Newspaper or Multiple Theories on the incident. However, Siren Head body capable of adapting through "Mostly" all of the Radiations existed in the Earth, and likely could even resisted the Plague Infection. ( Every Type of Cancer is also capable of adapting through it ) Most of this infection is not the reason why He could "Survive the Radiation", due to the reason is not actually it. After a few Hours, He decided to take a leave. In a second, He was hit with a broken down Cars. Siren Head doesn't severed any damage from the attack, nevertheless. He looks back at the direction where the Car is being thrown at, seeing an Entity that seems to be having an aura that have relations with His. ( The Entity appearence of having a Body of a Spider, 8 amount of Spider Legs, without any Abdomen & Head, ontop of the cephalothorax, it have a strings that hold the actual Head, covered with a Wooden Rusty House, a roof made out of Wood and Leaves, under the House; it have long string of Leaves. Have an eye that is behind the House window and producing a yellow bright light from the window. Height is 59 Meter )

In less than a second, His head go hit with a whole bolder that weights 58,0000 Metric Tonnes. The boulder pierce through Siren Head head, He faces towards Her. While the House Head was only to shown a priceless reaction of shock and confusion. Siren Head goes to approaching House Head slowly with step by step, breaking through the sharp glass on the ground He's stepping at. The House Head stomp the ground with Her 2 front legs, that created a small Earthquake that have a Magnitude of 5. Suddenly, Siren Head falls to the ground, as a sinkhole were created under His legs. He falls to the deep hole that was created and seeing Multiple Small Spiders with a Head cover with Small Wood that is hollow in the middle. "What an ungrateful moment." Said by Siren Head. He finally reach the ground with a smooth landing with a feet, the height is above 200 Feet undergound, and falling on the water. In an instant, multiple torched ingnited. As He was in a cave with wet air sarrounding Him, Multiple Dripstones ontop of the Cave ceilings and a small Cave lake. The House Head viewing from the top, as Siren Head stare at Her from below. She gets cerious, shakes Her head after, and started to climbing down the hole. As Multiple Little House Heads emerging from the shadows, Siren Head were to guess there's about 100 of Them coming to attack Him. He activated His Technique, one of Them bite on His left leg, and it died after. However, They don't fall to the ground until He pulled Them off His body. Even though Their Teeths isn't even capable of penetrate through His skin even though They are capable of penetrate through a Density higher than a Tungsten. Siren Head just shakes the little one off, and it falls to the ground. Multiple Little House Heads jumps on Him, about 300 of Them covered Him, the size of the Littles is only 80 Centimeter in height and 50 Centimeter in lenght. Siren Head stays there, He can actually moved Himself, but its just head to reach part of His body because of Them biting Him on His body parts. He just stays there.

Siren Head actived His Technique because He turned it off after a few second before. As all of Them died at the same time. House Head were still going down and finally able to reaching Siren Head, She pulls out Her front row legs to grab His Head. Siren Head hands emerged from the pile of the Little House Heads. He pull Her close to Him, and punch Her upwards. Sending Her flying up to the air above, exiting the Hole. Siren Head follow Her after by jumping with perfect force. She was in the air and hitted again with insane Strength on Her head, that was able go through the House and hurting the inside instead. She lands on the ground in a single nanosecond, Siren Head appeared infront of Her, standing still. She stood up slowly and backs away, as mostly of Her legs were broken & bleeding. Since Siren Head were only to use a little strength of His, which He suprised by the Durability of the House Head. She slowly wrapped Her wounds with a Spiders threads, and Her Little Childrens helping to healed Her wound. House Head threw a pebble at Siren Head, as the pebble move above the Speed of a Lightning or around 600,000 Meter/Sec. Siren Head didn't dodged it, and let the pebble hit Him instead. The Pebble was able to wound Him. House Head were to be confused, even though the Kenetic Energy should be hurting Him further than a small wound that only scrap a little from falling off a Tree. Were only to be decreased to be almost uneffected if the Speed that exceed Time itself. House Head approaching at Siren Head swiftly. Siren Head threw a 3 inch long shattered glass directly to House Head. In an instant, it pierce through the left Window of Her eye. He just stood there, and slowly going to Her, She jumps up quickly. And got kicked dowards. She facing towards Siren Head, and She finally launched Herself up to the sky at the Speed of beyond 600,000 Meter/Sec. Her roof Head suddenly opens, a Web Nest slowly emerging from the inside that is only 20 Meters in Height, Lenght and Width. While Her Head is 50 Meters in Height, Lenght and Width.

The Web Sack suddenly flew up to the sky & exploded afterwards. Launching Multiple hundreds of Little House Heads all over the Area, reaching Thousands of Kilometers ( 20,000 Kilometers or above ) in distance. Siren Head stomp the ground, as one pebble land on His hand. He threw the pebble to the one of the Little House Heads and hit it, in an instant, the pebble were to recoil through it and bounce towards the Others. Killing Them in a Smallest Second possible, only the first layers of the Little House Heads. As there still More of Them coming down. When the Little House Heads were to land on the ground, They were to able to leave a devastating impact when land. When land it will leave a crater that is 19 Meter Width and 14 Meter Deep. A single one capable of penetrate through an Average Tank, as Siren Head wanted to test the Distructiveness of the Little House Head explosive. It lands on His Head, and does an Explosion. He wipes away the smokes around and the dust. House Head falling down to the ground at insanely quick Speed, as Siren Head watch it from afar. She land on the ground with Her Head, after a land. A Powerful Force of an Earthquake were to cause by the land, the Earthquake was insanely Powerful, that its was Capable of causing an Earthquake on every Continents with a Magnitude of at least 10. Siren Head quickly grabs Her and brings Her with Him before finishing Her off with a single blow...

Siren Head throws Her deep in a Cave. Which She than recover after a weeks, picturing Him as a respectable Opponent. Multiples Limbs were insanely injured from the Fight, and healed.

( + ) Fact ; Her Speed at Maximum could reach above the Speed of Lightning, to give more context. It's 800,000 at best. 

If were She able to hit Siren Head with Her attack, She couldn't Damaged Him much. But could create a 6 Megatons of Energy. But She likely can't resist the same blow, however, She still could survived from it.

Siren Head & House Head having not any single resemblance in this Universe inside of the Multiverse. Therefore/Thus They aren't comparable.

She capable of laying eggs inside of Her Head, which than released under the Head. And The Head is beyond the Hardness of the Tungsten.

Her Stamina are lower than Siren Head but They could continue a Battle for Years while Siren Head at least for an eternity.

Her lifting Strength is very far apart than Siren Head. However, She should be capable of lifting a Weight of a Country; Canada.

She is actually first Siren Head Enemy to every fought, and gave Him some feelings in a fight. Thanks to Her, some Respect and Dignity were created for Him.

[ The End; You're not part of My Blood ]

/[Continue Soon...]\