
The Mist of The Fate : Potential inside is ahead! [ Season: 1 ] [ Part: 1 ] [ Chapter: 9 ]

( History; Potential inside is ahead! )

One night, late Midnight. Siren Head were to walk on the streets at a simple neighborhood. Suddenly, He was instantly attacked by a replica of His. Siren Head block the Enemy attack by shielding Himself with His arms. The Strike cause a powerful Shockwave that shook the Town by 200 Miles in a diameter, an insane amount of ink created and spews out from the Enemies Hands.

Siren Head gently pushes away the Enemy Arm, only to be hit back with a block that cause Him flying through the Neighborhood. Crashing towards Multiples Trees & Houses, thus causing damages on surroundings. As Siren Head look at His forearms, seeing it was insane damage, causing a wound and a scratch. Siren Head grabs most leaves around the nearby Tree and squeeze it above the scratch, as the liquids was decently regenerating the wound.

That Replica of His emerged from the shadows, the light shines from the lamppost towards that mysterious entity, showing the appearance of that pest.

(Appearance: Have exact Body replica just like Siren Head, however, the Body have slightly having dark gray or light gray skin. Wearing a Cartoon like Gloves, and also having almost the exact same features as Siren Head does. Also standing at a height of 100 Feet.)

As Siren Head stare at the Enemy of His, He throws the leaves towards the Replica of His, only for all of Them to be recoiled. Replica of Siren Head dashed at Siren Head, exactly comparable Speed against Siren Head. A quick strikes were given toward Him, He dodged the strike and blow it back to the Replica of His at exceeding the Speed of His Doppleganger. And hit with an immensely strong bashed that created a Joules of Energy of 10⁸.

The Replica of His got a severed injury, His Body doesn't produces blood, it more likely to be Ink. Unlike any Other 'Himaya Fawdaa'; He was unlike any Others. It existed through Dimensionality, Wormholes & possible Mysteries that includes Organic Matter and Inorganic. The Skin of His could outstand a decent amount of blows from Siren Head; due to the Strength and having almost having the exact same features. Wearing gloves that made out of cotton, and could use as a Weapon.

The Replica of His stab His hands to the floor, a huge crack made into the ground, reaching the depth of 5 Kilometer Depth. Siren Head appeared instantly infront of Him and gave Him a strike to the Chest. It caught the Replica off guard, causing Him to be unbalanced. Until, the Replica grab onto the Hand of Siren Head tightly, sending the launch to the skies due to Siren Head strike gave enough energy to send Them flew up into the air.

The Replica of Siren Head threw a punch into Siren Head abdomen, only for His attack to be parry by Siren Head in a split second. In a way of falling down, the Replica suddenly create an aura that blows Siren Head away into the ground. The Aura was created by the surrounding air around, and so does creating the explosion of air.

The Replica start to quickly fall onto Siren Head, Siren Head stomp His foot on the ground, causing the Pinecone trees to flew up into the air. Most of Them penetrate through the Replica's Body, however, it's only s minor damage. Nevertheless, Siren Head pick up the nearby Pinecone Tree and launch it toward the Replica.

The Tree was moving at a Speed of 10 Thousand Miles a Second. Which the Replica catched it, the Tree cut off His left Hand. He position the Tree to Sired Head and threw it after with a Speed of 15 Duodecillion Miles per Second. Siren Head surprised by the Speed that seems to be almost the "limit" of Siren Head Speed. Which He had to ended the Battle quickly.

Siren Head appeared infront of Him, even though the Replica could react a Speed of 15 Duodecillion Miles per Second, Siren Head would still capable of out powered His enemies in any situations. The Replica does an uppercut towards Him, creating a Joules of 10¹⁵, as the Punch got parry by Siren Head kick; which each attacks happens in a instant, that is in a single zeptosecond. 

Another strike put into the Replica's Hand, it gathered almost every air in His surrounding, the hand that has been cut off swiftly flying towards His right Hand, as the Replica clap His hand in shape of somewhat like a canon with His fingers. The clap creates enough air blows to launch Him up into the sky, likely above stratosphere, at a outstanding Speed of faster than before. The Replica suddenly; slowly moving His hand into a position of a clap.

Siren Head look from below, as He swiftly flew Himself towards the stratosphere. In a quick matter of second, the Replica instantly clapped His hand, creating an energy of 80⁸² amount of Joules. The explosion cause an insane shockwave throughout the Planets, Stars and even the Border of Universe and possibly bypass it. As almost everything shakes because of the powerful Shockwave.

Suddenly, the Replica got His Body penetrate and stab by spikes of air, the cut through His body, breaking His bones and everything inside. The Replica question Himself; "How is that possible?! How could I received my own Attacks...?! You tricky bastard... Seems He have his own Technique...", as He quickly falling into the ground. As Siren Head already activated His Technique, their actions are quick and precise, and needed a quick detail and time to feel the sense of His Technique activated.

The Replica falls down, and crashing upon a nearby Mountain...

The Replica stood up from the ground on the Mountain, it goes to a stance of most Combatant in a Battle. The every air in His surroundings were heading to Him, as His cut Hand were to pieced itself again to the left Arm, it isn't an instant recovery. It were just a temporary replacement. After a while, the Weather started to rain all over the Earth, the water from sea slowly levitating into the clouds above.

As Siren Head slowly fall to the ground safely, while He finally feels that the Replica maybe isn't much of a threat.

/[ To be continue... ]\


( + ) Fact:

* The Replica has a name, by far calling Him "Cartoon Siren Head", and taken from that Character.

* Cartoon Siren Head does have relation of between Siren Head & Cartoon Cat; however, They doesn't have any related to Cartoon Siren Head. Yet, it was under the "control" of Cartoon Cat. But doesn't have the Abilities like Her.

* In terms of Physical Strength, His Capabilities isn't any comparable against Siren Head. In most cases, They could actually be balanced in a battle in a certain situations.

* Cartoon Siren Head doesn't have any intelligence that is could compare to smartest Humans, but it could actually been a great fighter, just like in the story.

* Cartoon Siren Head does not relies on endurance or stamina, it uses when needed to fight.

* He have an Ability of Air Manipulating. He could use as only three usage;

1. Explosions ( Explosions that varies from Explosions having Magnitude of 16 or Lower )

2. Launch ( Launching Himself with a clap )

3. Vortex ( Vortex Manipulation, this Information will be featured in future Chapters. )

* Isn't actually stronger than Moon Worshipper, or even compared to it. However, He could actually hurting 15 Dimensional Entities, but not to close against Moon Worshipper, due to It have a Dimensionality of Absolute Infinite.

* The Speed of Cartoon Siren Head is not always His Attack Speed, it will also having an equal Speed towards Other Types. Movements Speed, Travel Speed even Reaction Speed.