
The Mist of The Fate : In Existance, No one is [ Season: 1 ] [ Part: 1 ] [ Chapter: 7 ]

The Whorshipper quickly threw a Strong Blow onto Siren Head chest, in an instant. His Chest creates an Explosion of having a Unit of Energy of 10^500, only for Him to actived His Technique this is in a single Smallest Second, the Blow Reflectes Back to the Whorshipper, as Its Chest blown to pieces. Creating a hollowed Chest, the Whorshipper swiftly strike at Siren Head, He lowered His Right Fist. The Strike cuts off His Right Arm. He kicks back at It with a Roundhouse kick to the Head, He jumps back. Taking a few distance away from Him about 30 Meters. He knew Its something has changed on It, It instantly dashed towards Him, He kicked the Whorshipper directly to Its Chest. The Whorshipper goes to a position of crawling quickly, and hitting Siren Head with Its Head on the Head of His.

Siren Head kicked The Whorshipper on Its Neck, the foot pierced through Its neck. It quickly grabs Siren Head foot out of Its neck, after The Whorshipper takes away His foot. Another Kick came towards It on Its Head, the kick was Poweful enough to does a blow of above 10^300 Joules of Energy. Before the Whorshipper realise this, the Kick was able to penetrare through an Armor that is a Dimensionality of above 4th Dimensionality. The Comets has arrived, multiple craters has created from Them. Siren Head puts away His foot from the Whorshipper, and kicked Him on one of the Comet. Which it suddenly damages it. It was unexpected for Siren Head suddenly understand this. He launched Himself to the Whorshipper, the Whorshipper instantaneously active a Dimensionality of Absolute Infinity to protect Itself from the kick. Nevertheless.

The blow hit the Whorshipper & cut It's body into horizontally. The Whorshipper was still been dealt the same Damage as before, making the Dimensionality Armor useless. It punch at Him on the chest, only for Siren Head to activated His Technique, even the Speed of The Whorshipper could travel at Infinite Distance in a little amount of second, It was still useless. Since its only a basic Capabilities of Them. The Blow hit Siren Head chest with a Unit of Energy of 10^1Million, He resisted it. The blow reflected back at the Whorshipper, it instantly cause It to disintegrated into atoms and molecules. The Universe They in suddenly shake itself from the amount of Force, evem though the Universe is Infinite size and having a distances also infinite. The Death of those Higher Dimensionality Entity, that He just beaten, was still around. 

The Victory of Siren Head has served Humanity for the Earth. He was than started to freezed slowly, and now falling in the Earth. After a few Minutes, He land on the Rocky Mountains, from the distances of the Moon to the Earth. Survived from the Earth Atmosphere, and survived the landing. With Him left without any Arms, and every other Body Parts has healed quickly. Even though Siren Head could easily Regenerate his Arms easily, however, He was stunt by the Regeneration Blocking from the Whorshipper. It blocked His Regeneration process fully, yet, the effect only lasted for couple of Minutes. Which He than healed fully after Weeks. New Pair Sets of Arms that is likely to be Stronger than before. More Journey & Disaster may came in the future, and that will be for other Variants of Himaya FawDaa...

[ The End ( Battle of the bringer ) ]

Continuation -

History of Siren Head: 

After He arrived at the Jungle, Multiple Animals & Insects saw the appearence of Him. They don't bow down to Him, instead to taking distances away from Him. He was headless, having no Head for Years. Until the Year of where Sirens has invented, at the Year of around 1960s. Walking in a middle of the Night in the Street of the City. As He just walking on the Street, until He noticed a Tornado came for the City from a Mile away. Destroying the pole of the nearby Mechanical Siren, stabbing the Pole on His Neck that hold nothing. His flesh quickly merging with the Siren Pole, and making the Mechnical Siren organic and part of His Body. Afterwards, He started an Alarm to warn the City People to flee or protect Themself from the Tornado. By mimicing a random Human Voice, to creates somewhat similarities to the actual Human sound on the Siren. Afterwards, He done saved Multiple People on the City and does served a Justice... ( The Origin of the Head of His )