

Nathan gazed at the ground helplessly. His vision was blurry, and he was stifled with pain. His face was swollen, and his head and arms were covered in dirt and numerous cuts. All he could do was watch as blood dripped from the tip of his nose to the ground at his feet.

The group of Art Users laughed with satisfaction as they held him up by his arms. They had beaten him continuously for a full minute. It was the perfect payback for humiliating their leader. Jorge also grinned with delight as he approached Nathan.

"That's not fair!" Shouted Blake from within his cage. "Nathan defeated you fair and square! Let him go!"

Jorge grabbed Nathan's chin and looked him in the eyes.

"I must admit that you put up much more of a fight than I thought you would, kid. And even though I feel like ripping your arms and legs off, I won't. It would be a waste to kill someone with your talent. I'm selling you for the highest price I can get."