
A Turn Of Events

Nathan groaned as he slowly picked himself up. He was covered in dust and bruises from his fall into the enemy camp. He was in serious trouble, and he knew it. Carefully, he looked around, trying to find anything he could use to aid his escape.

Regrettably, there were far too many Art Users surrounding him. Even if he managed to escape the camp, they would, without a doubt, catch up to him.

"Welcome to the party, Nathan! What took you so long?" Taunted Jorge with a grin.

"Nathan, kick their asses and make these assholes pay!!" Shouted Blake.

Nathan didn't answer. He had to remain calm and analyze his situation. However, no matter how he looked at it, his only option seemed to be fighting his way out. Quickly, he drew his katana and prepared for battle. But as soon as he did this, the Art Users all began to laugh.

"Do you really believe that you can take all of us at once? You must be looking for the beatdown of a lifetime, kid!" Laughed one of the Art Users.