
Painful Truth

The Level 10 towered over the assassins. Cold sweat erupted from their skins, and a sense of urgency quickly overcame them. They were almost like ants in comparison to its massive size. Its blood-red eyes scanned the area in search of anything it could devour. Fortunately, it had not yet noticed them.

"Sindy, take Nathan and get out of here. I'm going to see if I can rescue Blake and Mika. Their cage was tossed aside when that thing came out of the ground," explained Amanda quietly.

"What about the Demon Beast?" Asked Sindy.

"I hate to say it, but in these circumstances, I'd like to avoid fighting it if possible..."

"But won't it attack the village?"

"Maybe, but I believe the unnatural concentration of Demon Beasts that Jorge and his gang brought here attracted that thing to this place. There's a chance it might not be interested in the village."

"That's not very reassuring..."