
The Master of Evil Paths - Reborn

The story revolves around Wei Wuxian, a former hero who falls from grace due to his controversial practices of cultivating demonic arts. After being betrayed and killed by those he once trusted, he unexpectedly reawakens years later in a younger form, possessing only fragments of his past memories. Wei Wuxian embarks on a journey to unravel the mysteries surrounding his past and the events that led to his downfall. Along the way, he reunites with his old friend Lan Wangji, a dignified and unwavering disciple of the Cloud Recesses sect. Together, they delve into a complex web of intrigue and deception, piecing together clues and revelations that gradually reveal the truth behind Wei Wuxian's fate. The narrative alternates between Wei Wuxian's present-day adventures and flashbacks to his past life, providing insights into his character development and the relationships he forged with various characters. The story is filled with emotional highs and lows, ranging from intense battles and suspenseful mysteries to tender moments of camaraderie and romance. The novel's writing style is engaging and humorous, making it a captivating read. The intricate plot, rich characters, and emotional depth of the story contribute to its popularity and enduring appeal. The worldbuilding is also impressive, creating a vivid and immersive fantasy setting that readers can easily envision. In addition to the original novel, "The Master of Evil Paths - Reborn" has also been adapted into an animated series and a live-action drama series titled "The Untamed" (Chenqing Ling), both of which have garnered immense popularity among viewers. These adaptations further expand the story's reach and allow more people to experience the magic and wonder of "The Master of Evil Paths - Reborn."

Levi37 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
119 Chs

Three poisons-V

Wen Ning summoned dozens of disciples and personally escorted them to an elegant mansion. He sneaked in quietly through the back door and led Wei Wuxian to a small room.

However, just as Wen Ning turned around and closed the door, before he could catch his breath, Wei Wuxian grabbed his neck again and asked in a low voice, "What is this place?!"

Even though he was rescued by Wen Ning, it was impossible for him to completely let go of his guard against the Wen family so quickly and keep an eye on them. Just now, he followed Wen Ning as he walked through the house, passing through many rooms. Many of the people talking inside spoke with Qishan accents. He listened to all the words that leaked out from the cracks in the doors and windows. From the small conversations, he captured Here comes the word "Supervisory Lao"!

Wen Ning waved his hands hurriedly: "It's not...I..."

Wei WuXian said, "What's that? Isn't this the supervisory office located in Yiling? And it occupies the territory of some unlucky family? What do you want to do by bringing us here?"

Wen Ning tried his best to argue: "Master Wei, you, listen to me, this is the supervisory office. But... I have no intention of harming you. If I wanted to harm you, I would immediately kill you after I entered Lotus Pier last night. You can regret it, and there is no need to bring you here specially."

Wei Wuxian's spirit has been tense these past few days, never letting up for a moment. He is dizzy and still doubtful when he hears the words. Wen Ning added: "This is indeed the surveillance room. If there is any place that the Wen family will not search, it is only here. You can stay here, but be sure not to be discovered by others..."

After a pause, Wei Wuxian finally forced himself to withdraw his hand, whispered thank you and sorry, and laid Jiang Cheng's body flat on the wooden couch in the room.

Who knows, at this moment, the wooden door of the hut was suddenly opened, and a female voice said: "I was looking for you! Please explain to me..."

Just as I said I shouldn't be discovered, I was immediately discovered!

Wei Wuxian suddenly broke out in a cold sweat and stepped in front of the couch. Wen Ning was so frightened that he couldn't even speak.

The two looked stiffly at the woman standing at the door. Or rather, that girl. Her skin color is slightly dark, and she has a sweet appearance, but her eyebrows are unreasonably arrogant. The bright red flame of the blazing sun robe she wore seemed to dance on her sleeves and collar.

The grade is very high, on the same level as Wen Chao!

The three of them stood in a frozen confrontation for a long time, and then there was a rush of footsteps outside the house. Wei Wuxian was worried and was about to make a move. Unexpectedly, the girl took one step ahead of him and slammed the door with a loud bang.

A voice asked outside the door: "Master Wen, what's going on?"

The girl said coldly: "Nothing happened. My brother is back. He is wilting again. Don't disturb him. Let's go back and continue talking."

Several people outside the door responded and followed her away. Wen Ning breathed a sigh of relief and explained to Wei Wuxian, "I...my sister."

Wei Wuxian said, "Wen Qing is your sister?"

Wen Ning nodded sheepishly and said, "My sister. She's very powerful."

​It's indeed awesome.

Wen Qing can also be regarded as a celebrity of the Qishan Wen family. She is not the biological daughter of Wen Ruohan, the head of the Wen family, but a descendant of one of Wen Ruohan's cousins. Although they are distant cousins, Wen Ruohan has had a good relationship with this cousin since childhood. In addition, Wen Qing excels in literary examinations and specializes in medicine. He is a talented person. Therefore, Wen Ruohan favors Wen Ruohan and attends Qishan with Wen Ruohan all year round. The Wen family hosted various feasts, so Wei Wuxian had some impression of her face, she was considered a beauty after all. I also vaguely heard that she seemed to have an older brother or younger brother, but maybe because he was far less outstanding than Wen Qing, no one talked about it.

Wei WuXian wondered, "Are you really a gentle brother?"

Wen Ning thought he was surprised that such an outstanding and famous sister had such an inconspicuous younger brother, and admitted, "Yeah. My sister is great, but I... can't."

Wei Wuxian said, "No, no. You are also very powerful. What surprises me is that your sister is Wenqing and the leader of the dormitory, and you dare to take us..."

At this time, Jiang Cheng moved on the couch and frowned slightly. Wei Wuxian immediately turned over and looked: "Jiang Cheng?!"

Wen Ning hurriedly said: "He's awake and wants to drink medicine. I'll get it."

He walked out and closed the door behind his back. After falling asleep for a long time, Jiang Cheng finally woke up. Wei Wuxian was overjoyed at first, but soon realized something was wrong.

Jiang Cheng's expression was strange and calm. It was too peaceful.

He looked at the ceiling, seemingly uninterested in his situation at the moment and indifferent to where he was.

Wei Wuxian didn't expect him to react like this. He felt neither sadness, joy, anger nor shock. His heart skipped a beat and he said, "Jiang Cheng, can you see? Can you hear me? Do you know who I am? "

Jiang Cheng glanced at him and said nothing. Wei Wuxian asked a few more questions, and finally he used his arms to support the wooden couch and sat up. He looked down at the whip marks on his chest and sneered.

Once the scars of abstention appear on the body, one can never erase the traces of shame. Wei Wuxian said against his will: "Don't look at it, there is always a way to get rid of it."

Jiang Cheng slapped him. This palm was weak and weak. Wei Wuxian didn't even shake it, and said, "Hit it. As long as it makes you happy."

Jiang Cheng asked, "Do you feel it?"

Wei Wuxian was startled and said, "What? What does it feel like?"

Jiang Cheng asked, "Do you feel my spiritual power?"

Wei Wuxian said, "What spiritual power? You haven't used any spiritual power at all."

Jiang Cheng said, "I used it."

Wei WuXian said, "What on earth...what did you say?"

Jiang Cheng repeated word for word: "I said, I used it. That palm just now, I used 100% of my spiritual power. Let me ask you, did you feel it?"

Wei Wuxian looked at him. After a while of silence, he said: "Try slapping me again."

Jiang Cheng said, "No need to hit me. No matter how many slaps I take, the result will be the same. Wei Wuxian, do you know why the Pill Transformation Hand is called the Pill Transformation Hand?"

A heart completely sank.

Jiang Cheng continued, thinking to himself, "Because his hands can dissolve the golden elixir, so that people can never form elixirs again, and their spiritual power collapses, turning them into ordinary people.

"And an ordinary descendant of the Immortal Sect is a useless person. He can only be mediocre for the rest of his life, and will never be able to dream of reaching the top again.

"My mother and father were killed by Wen Zhuliu after they had their golden elixir removed. They lost the power to resist."

Wei Wuxian's thoughts were in confusion and he was at a loss as he murmured: "…Alchemy Hand…Alchemy Hand…"

Jiang Cheng sneered: "Wen Zhuliu, Wen Zhuliu. I want revenge, I want revenge, but how can I take revenge? I don't even have the golden elixir, and I won't be able to form it from now on. What can I use to take revenge?" Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha..."

Wei Wuxian fell to the ground, looking at the seemingly crazy Jiang Cheng on the couch, unable to say a word.

No one knows better than him how strong Jiang Cheng is and how much he values his own cultivation and spiritual power. But now, with one blow from the alchemy hand, his cultivation, self-esteem, and hope for revenge were all shattered into pieces!

Jiang Cheng laughed like a lunatic for a while, lay back on the couch, spread out his hands, and said as if he was giving up on himself: "Wei Wuxian, why did you save me? What's the use of saving me? Let me live in this world and watch Wen Gou. Are you arrogant, do you think you can't do anything?"

Just at this moment, Wen Ning came in. With an almost flattering smile on his face, he walked to the couch with a bowl of concoction. Before he could say anything, the blazing robe of the sun caught Jiang Cheng's eyes first, and his pupils suddenly shrank.

Jiang Cheng kicked Wen Ning, knocking over the medicine bowl, and splashed black medicine all over Wen Ning. Wei Wuxian wanted to take the bowl of medicine, but he grabbed the stunned Wen Ning. Jiang Cheng roared at him: "What's wrong with you?!"

Wen Ning was so frightened that he backed away repeatedly. Jiang Cheng grabbed Wei Wuxian by the collar and shouted, "You won't kill Wen when you see the dog?! And you want to pull him away? Do you want to die?!"

Although he tried his best, his hands were still weak, and Wei Wuxian broke free immediately. Jiang Cheng seemed to have just noticed where he was. He glanced around and asked warily: "Where is this?"

Wen Ning said from a distance: "The supervisory house in Yiling. But it's very peaceful..."

Jiang Cheng suddenly turned to Wei Wuxian: "Supervisory Lao?! Are you throwing yourself into a trap?"

Wei Wuxian said, "No!"

Jiang Cheng said sternly: "No? Then what are you doing in the supervisory cell? How did you get here? Don't tell me, you asked Wen Gou for help?!"

Wei Wuxian grabbed him and said, "Jiang Cheng, don't panic, it's safe here! Just wake up, the alchemy hand may not be incapable of solving it..."

Jiang Cheng could no longer listen to human words. He was already in a semi-crazy state. He pinched Wei Wuxian's neck and laughed wildly: "Wei Wuxian, hahahahahahahaha Wei Wuxian! You! You..."

Suddenly, a red figure kicked open the door and flashed in. With a palm strike, a streak of silver light flashed across. Jiang Cheng received a needle in his head and immediately lay back down. Wenqing turned around and closed the door, shouting angrily: "Wen Ning, how stupid are you? You let him shout and laugh so loudly?! Are you afraid that no one will find you?"

As if seeing a savior, Wen Ning shouted: "Sister!

"What's your name, sister! I haven't asked you yet, when did you become so bold? You dare to hide people! I just asked you insinuatingly, no wonder you suddenly want to go to Yunmeng! You have eaten up your ambition." Leopard's courage, who gave you the confidence this time? If Wen Chao knew what you had done, why wouldn't he tear you apart? If he was really determined to get rid of someone, do you think I can stop him? "

She spoke very fast, with clear enunciation, and her tone was sonorous and powerful, leaving no room for refutation. Wei Wuxian couldn't find a chance to interrupt. Wen Ning's face was as white as snow and he said: "Sister, but Mr. Wei..." Wen Qing said sternly: "I thought you were excused not to say anything out of emotion. But these two people must not stay here for a long time! You He left suddenly and suddenly. Wen Chao lost someone immediately. Do you think Wen Chao is that stupid? Sooner or later they will search here. This is the supervisory room under my jurisdiction, and this is your house. What will be the crime if people find out who you are hiding? Think about it carefully!"

She made the stakes so clear that she almost pointed at Wei Wuxian's nose and said, "Get out of here and stop dragging us down." If it was Wei Wuxian who was injured, or if it was someone else who saved them, he would have said firmly at this moment that we would see him later and left immediately. But now it was Jiang Cheng who was injured. Not only was he injured, he also lost his elixir and was extremely mentally unstable. He couldn't be strong no matter what. Moreover, it was the Wen family that had put them in such a situation, so it was inevitable that they would feel unwilling to do so. Wei Wuxian could only grit his teeth and remain silent.

Wen Ning said: "But, they are from the Wen family..." Wen Qing interrupted him and said: "What the Wen family does does not mean what we do, and the sins the Wen family has done do not mean that we have to bear it. Wei Ying, you You don't have to look at me like this. Every injustice has its own owner. I am the leader of the village in Yiling, but I was appointed to take office. I am a doctor and pharmacist and I have never killed anyone. I have not touched anyone's blood. I have not touched anyone's blood. Pass it!"

Indeed, I have never heard of any deaths or tragedies happening under Wen Qing, only that people everywhere are looking forward to her taking over. Because Wen Qing is a rare person in the Wen family who behaves normally, and sometimes she can say a few nice words in front of Wen Ruohan, and her reputation has always been good.

There was silence in the room.

After a while, he said tenderly: "Don't pull out that needle. This kid will go crazy when he wakes up. You can hear his yelling outside. Pull it out after he recovers from his injuries, and then leave quickly. I don't want to be with Wen Chao." Dealing with him, especially the woman next to him, makes me sick!"

After she finished speaking, she decisively walked out the door. Wei Wuxian said, "She...is she telling us that we can't stay for a long time, but we can stay for a few days...?"

Wen Ning nodded quickly and said, "Thank you, sister!"

A bag of medicinal ingredients was thrown in from outside the door, and he said warmly and from a distance: "Thank you so much, I'll try my best! What a bowl of weird medicine you made just now, re-fried it!"

Wen Ning was hit by the medicine bag, but he said happily: "The medicine prepared by my sister must be good. It is hundreds of times better than mine, it is definitely good."

Wei Wuxian finally felt relieved and said, "Thank you."

He knew that the two siblings were taking great risks by turning a blind eye and reaching out to help. Just as Wen Qing said, if Wen Chao is determined to get rid of someone, Wen Qing may not be able to stop him, and he might even be implicated. After all, those born to others are not as good as those born to oneself.

Jiang Cheng slept for three days with the needle stuck in his head. The bones and skin wounds on the body have been healed, leaving only the mark of the whip that will never go away, and the golden elixir that will never be taken back. It is destined to be impossible to heal.

Wei Wuxian also thought about it for three days.

Three days later, Wei Wuxian said goodbye to Wen Ning, walked a while with Jiang Cheng on his back, and borrowed a small house from a forest guard.

He closed the door and pulled out the silver needle on Jiang Cheng's head. After a long time, Jiang Cheng opened his eyes.

I woke up, but I didn't move at all. I didn't even have the interest to turn over and ask, "Where is this?" He didn't drink water or eat, as if he wanted to die.

Wei Wuxian said, "Do you really want to die?"

Jiang Cheng said: "You can't avenge yourself alive, so it's better to die. Maybe you can turn into a ghost."

Wei WuXian said, "You have been receiving requiem rites since you were a child, so you won't be able to turn into a ghost after you die."

Jiang Cheng said: "Since you can't get revenge even if you live or die, then what's the difference between life and death?"

After saying this, he never spoke again.

Wei Wuxian sat on the edge of the cave, looked at him for a while, patted his legs, stood up, and started busying himself.

In the evening, he finally made a meal, put it on the table, and said, "Get up. It's time to eat."

Jiang Cheng naturally ignored him. Wei Wuxian sat at the table, picked up the chopsticks himself, and said, "How can you get your golden elixir back if you don't replenish your strength?"

Hearing the word "golden elixir", Jiang Cheng finally blinked.

Wei Wuxian continued: "Yes, no doubt, you heard it right. What I said is 'get your golden elixir back'."

Jiang Cheng moved his lips, his voice dry and hoarse: "...Do you have any idea?"

Wei Wuxian said calmly, "There is a way."

He turned around and said, "Didn't you already know that my mother Zangse Sanren is a Baoshan Sanren?"

This sentence, just a few dozen words, instantly ignited Jiang Cheng's lifeless eyes.

Baoshan Sanren, a legendary immortal master who has lived for hundreds of years, a worldly master who can revive the dead and make flesh and bones white!

He said in a trembling voice: "You mean... you mean..."

Wei Wuxian spoke clearly: "I mean, I know 'Bao Shan' and which mountain I'm hugging. In other words, I can take you to Baoshan Sanren."

Jiang Cheng said: "...But, don't you remember what happened when you were a child?!"

Wei Wuxian said, "It's not that I don't remember everything. There are some fragments that have been repeated many times, but I still haven't forgotten them. I always remember a woman's voice repeating to me, telling me a location and some things. This voice said that if you encounter a last resort situation in the future, you can go to that place, go to that mountain, and ask for help from the immortals on the mountain."

Jiang Cheng rolled out of bed all of a sudden.

He rushed to the table. Wei Wuxian pushed the bowl and chopsticks in front of him and said, "Eat."

Jiang Cheng sat beside the table and said excitedly: "I..."

Wei WuXian said, "Eat. Talk while eating. Otherwise, don't talk."

Jiang Cheng had no choice but to climb up on the stool, pick up the chopsticks and start to randomly shovel the rice into his mouth. He was already devastated, but suddenly found that there were twists and turns. He was overly excited, and his whole body seemed to be burning with fire. He couldn't sit still, and he didn't even know that he had knocked down his chopsticks. Wei Wuxian saw him eating absentmindedly, and then said, "I'll take you to find it in a few days."

Jiang Cheng said: "Today!"

Wei WuXian said: "What are you afraid of? How can an immortal who has been around for hundreds of years disappear in just a few days? The reason why it takes a few days is because there are many taboos involved. I have to tell you slowly. Otherwise If you violate the taboo and anger Master, it will be over, both you and me will be over."

Jiang Cheng looked at him with his eyes open, expecting him to say more. Wei Wuxian added, "After you go up the mountain, you can't open your eyes and look around, remember the scenery on the mountain, and look at other people's faces. Remember, no matter what the other person asks you to do, you must do it."

Jiang Cheng said: "Okay!"

Wei WuXian said: "And, the most important point. If you are asked who you are, you must say that you are the son of Zangse Sanren. You must not reveal your true identity!"

Jiang Cheng said: "Okay!"

It is estimated that no matter what Wei Wuxian asks for now, he will say "yes," with red eyes. Wei Wuxian said, "Okay, let's eat and regain our strength and energy. I have to prepare in the next few days."

Jiang Cheng finally realized that he was holding his chopsticks backwards, so he changed them over and took a few more bites. His eyes were red from the spicy food, but he couldn't help but cursed: "...it tastes terrible!"

After being repeatedly questioned for several days about the details of Baoshan Sanren, Wei Wuxian took Jiang Cheng and set off, trekking through mountains and rivers until they arrived at the foot of a deep mountain in Yiling.

This mountain is lush and green, with beautiful green peaks. The top of the mountain is shrouded in clouds and mist, and it is indeed a bit fairy-like. It's just that there are still some gaps in the sacred mountains in the minds of deceased people. Jiang Cheng has been suspicious these past few days. At one moment, he suspected that Wei Wuxian was lying to him. At another moment, he suspected that Wei Wuxian had heard something wrong or remembered it wrongly when he was a child. At another moment, he was worried about whether he would be able to find it. After looking at the mountain, he became suspicious again. "Is this really where Baoshan San people live?"

Wei Wuxian said firmly: "This is definitely it. Is it useful for me to lie to you? Lie to you to make you happy for a few days, and then the blow will be even greater?"

The two of them had repeated similar conversations countless times. Wei Wuxian walked with him halfway up the mountain and said, "Okay, now that we're here, I can't go up with you anymore."

He took out a cloth towel, covered Jiang Cheng's eyes, and warned him repeatedly: "Never, never open your eyes. There are no wild beasts on the mountain. It's better to walk slowly and don't pull down the cloth if you fall. Absolutely don't be curious. Remember. Stop, I'll bite you and say that you are Wei Wuxian. You know how to answer any question, right?"

It was about whether he could regain the golden elixir and whether he could avenge his bloodshed. Naturally, Jiang Cheng didn't dare to be careless and nodded nervously.

He turned around and walked slowly towards the mountain. Wei Wuxian said, "I'll wait for you in the previous town!"

After watching Jiang Cheng's slowly moving back for a while, he turned around and took another mountain road.

Jiang Cheng's hike up the mountain lasted seven days.

The small town where they agreed to meet was built among the mountains and was very remote. There were only a few people in the town. The streets were narrow and uneven, and there was not even a peddler with a load on the roadside.

Wei Wuxian squatted on the side of the road and looked in the direction of the mountain. He still didn't see Jiang Cheng's shadow. He stood up with his knees propped up, feeling dizzy for a moment. He swayed and headed towards the only teahouse in town. Go.

The teahouse is the only building in this small town that is not crude. As soon as he walked in, a waiter came up to him with a smile: "What would you like to drink?"

Wei Wuxian's heart skipped a beat.

He has been busy running around and working hard these days and has no intention of repairing his hair. He can almost be described as unkempt. When an ordinary teahouse waiter sees him like this, it would be great if he doesn't immediately lower his face and kick him out. It would be a bit too fake to rush to greet him with such enthusiasm.

He quickly scanned the store. The cashier stood behind the counter, wanting to lower his head to bury it in his account book. There were seven or eight people sitting sparsely on ten tables, many of them wearing cloaks and drinking tea with their heads down, as if to cover something up. .

Wei Wuxian made a decisive decision and turned around to withdraw. Unexpectedly, as soon as he took a step out of the teahouse door, a tall, dark shadow came over to him, and a thunderous palm hit him in the heart.

Wei Wuxian knocked over two tables, and the clerk and the cashier fled in panic. The seven or eight people in the store lifted their cloaks, revealing the blazing sun robes they wore underneath. Wen Zhuliu crossed the threshold and stood in front of Wei Wuxian. He looked at him who was barely trying to stand up on the ground, and then looked at his palms, thoughtfully. Someone kicked Wei Wuxian in the crook of his knees, forcing him to kneel down heavily. Wen Chao's face appeared above his sight, full of cruel excitement: "He's lying down now?! This brat, isn't he really good at jumping at the bottom of the Xuanwu Cave? Can't do it with just one palm? Hahahaha, don't you? Jump, let you be wild!"

Wang Lingjiao's impatient voice also sounded: "Quick! Mr. Wen, chop off his hand! He still owes us an arm!"

Wen Chao said: "No, no, no, don't be in a hurry. It took a lot of effort to find this kid. He cut off his hand and it bled too much. It would be boring to die soon. Let's melt his elixir first. I want him to be like Jiang Cheng's kid last time." The bastard screamed like that!"

Wang Lingjiao said: "Then melt the elixir first and then cut off the hand!"

They were discussing happily there, but Wei Wuxian suddenly vomited out a mouthful of blood and said, "Okay! If you want any torture, feel free to do it!"

Wang Lingjiao smiled and said, "That's what you said!"

Wen Chao said disdainfully: "How can you be a hero when death is imminent!"

Wei Wuxian sneered, "It's precisely because death is imminent that I'm happy! I was also afraid that I wouldn't die. If you are brave enough, torture me to death! The crueler the better, after I die I will turn into a fierce ghost, day and night. I will pester the Qishan Wen family up and down and curse you!"

Hearing this, Wen Chao actually got stuck. You must know that some disciples of famous families, such as Jiang Fengmian and Yu Ziyuan, have been influenced by the family and magical weapons since they were born. They have to undergo countless requiem ceremonies during their growth, and they will naturally turn into ghosts after death. Probably very small. But Wei Wuxian was different. He was the son of a domestic servant, and he didn't grow up in the Jiang family since he was a child. He didn't have the opportunity to undergo so many soul-soothing rituals. It would be a bit of a headache if he was really full of resentment after his death and turned into a ghost to pester him endlessly. Moreover, the more, more fragmented, and more cruel the tortures you endured during life, the more ferocious and difficult the ghosts you transform into after death will be.

Seeing this, Wang Lingjiao hurriedly said: "Mr. Wen, don't listen to his nonsense. Not everyone can turn into a ghost after death. The right time, place and people can't turn him into a ghost! What's more, even if he really turned into a ghost, wouldn't Qishan be able to turn into a ghost? The Wen family still can't deal with this lonely ghost! We've been arresting people everywhere for so long, isn't it just to punish him? Should we let him go just because he boasted a few words?"

Wen Chao said: "Of course it's impossible!"

Wei Wuxian knew that he would definitely die, but instead became more and more calm, and his deep-seated hatred settled into a determination as cold as iron. When Wen Chao saw his expression, he felt unhappy and a little creepy. He kicked him in the abdomen and said, "You are still pretending! Who are you trying to scare? Why are you pretending to be a hero!"

A group of disciples followed him and beat him violently. After he felt that he had beaten enough, Wen Chao shouted: "That's enough!"

Wei Wuxian spat out a mouthful of blood and said with ferocity in his heart: "Is it time to kill? Death is just like that. It is no worse than alive. There is still a 30% chance that he can turn into a ghost to take revenge!"

When I think about it, I feel an unparalleled excitement.

Wen Chao said, "Wei Ying, do you always feel that you are fearless, brave and great?"

Wei WuXian said in surprise: "Hey, Wen Gou actually has the time to speak human language?"

Wen Chao punched down and said with a ferocious smile: "You go ahead, just be pretentious. I want to see how long you can keep pretending to be a hero!"

He ordered his men to catch Wei Wuxian, and Wen Zhuliu came over and lifted him off the ground. Wei Wuxian managed to raise his head, looking at the man who killed Jiang Fengmian, Madam Yu, and destroyed Jiang Cheng's golden elixir, and remembered his face and his indifferent expression firmly in his heart.

The Wen family members took him up with their swords. The town and the mountains were getting further and further away. Wei Wuxian thought to himself, "Even if Jiang Cheng comes down, he won't be able to find me... Why are they taking me flying so high? Fly to a high place and then drop me to death?"

Yujian flew for a while, and the snow-white clouds were suddenly broken by a black mountain.

This mountain exudes an ominous and heavy air of death, like a gigantic thousand-year-old corpse. Just looking at it from a distance is terrifying.

Wen Chao stopped just above the mountain. He said: "Wei Ying, do you know where this place is?"

He Jiejie smiled and said: "This place is called a mass grave."

Hearing the name, a chill ran down Wei Wuxian's back and to the back of his head.

Wen Chao continued: "This mass grave is in Yiling. You Yunmeng people must have heard of its name. This is a corpse mountain, an ancient battlefield. You can find a place on the mountain and dig it down with a shovel. A corpse was dug up. And any unknown corpses were rolled up on mats and thrown here."

The sword formation slowly descended, approaching the mountain. Wen Chao said: "Look at this black air, tsk tsk tsk, isn't it very violent? Is it full of resentment? Even our Wen family has no choice but to surround it and ban people from entering and exiting. It's still daytime, but at night, it's so real inside There will be everything there. A living person can enter here, including his body and soul, and he will never come back, and he will never come out."

He grabbed Wei Wuxian's hair and said with a ferocious smile, word by word: "You, never think of it!"

After saying that, he pushed Wei Wuxian down.
