
The Lycan Hybrid Queen

Arianna finds her 'Mate' on her 18th birthday and thats when she has her first shift. Xander' her mate is a mystery as she becomes the only remaining Lycan and a mystical hybrid. Will she be able to cope up with her fears and become a great Queen for the Knight Riders?

ruthkarki17 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs

Chapter 9

I looked over at Arianna and sound asleep beside me on my shoulder as I remembered the day before. She drives me insane and then sane at the same time. Yesterday, only I knew how much power I had to use just to get myself and Ash in control from showing her my best side when she stood in front of me in all her glory.

I even had to get a cold shower just to calm myself. I smiled remembering how she reacted when I asked her to get some sleep. Her face turned super red as she looked so cute getting all worked up about sleeping with me. I reassured her that I won't do anything as she finally calmed down and came to me.

And I am sure that was the bestest sleep I have gotten from the day I saw her and found out that she's my mate. Her scent calmed me down as I relaxed having her in my arms even though I could hear her heart beating faster. It was music to my ears. This morning, I opened my eyes and caught her staring at me with love and a glimpse of hope in her eyes.

Even though we haven't known each other much, we both were sure that the bond we shared was something special and we couldn't help but fall hard for each other as time went by. I found it really cute how she got embarrassed and tried running away from my grip but I took that chance to tease her more as I pulled her on top of me holding her tightly in my arms.

She struggled to move as she hit my spot which was already in its morning condition, so I let her go as she apologized for hurting me. I took this chance to tease her even more, "You already did it. Now you have to pay me back" I said as I pulled her again and pinned her under me.

"Xan...der" She said and I swear that aroused me even more.

I got closer to her ear and whispered, "My name sounds so much better from your lips" as her face turned red and she placed her hands over her cheeks to cover herself from the embarrassment.

I chuckled at her cuteness and asked her to remove her hand, which she denied so I tried to pull them apart but she held it even tighter. I just stayed still for a moment just looking at her face with a smirk.

She then slowly removed her hands to see what happened and I took that opportunity to grab her hands and pinned it over her head. "Xander...let me go '' she tried struggling, but i didn't instead tightened my grip saying "Never" and took her lips in mine for a passionate kiss.

I touched my lips as I remembered this morning and smiled. She was just amazing and I am certain that in this life I won't be able to get enough of her. It was already late so I held her in my arms and carried her towards our home. She looked so peaceful sleeping in my arms and I swear to god that I'll protect her from anything that is to harm my Arianna.


"Goodmorning Ariana" I said as I kissed her forehead and pulled her closer. She smiled at me with cute cheeks and opened her eyes. She was just so beautiful even if she had just woken up, her eyes still had that light and her smile always lit up my world. "Goodmorning Xander" She said with her morning voice and that was just so sexy I wanted to take her just then and there.

"Let's get you something to eat, then I have something to show you" I said as I got up from bed and pulled a t-shirt over my head. I could feel her eyes on me and as I turned and caught her staring, her face turned red with embarrassment. 'So cute', I thought. 'She is. After all she is our mate' Ash commented and i couldn't agree more with him on this.

A while later after breakfast Arianna and I stepped outside to our land. Today I wanted to take her to meet our people and our warriors. As the future Luna of this pack she should know about everything and everyone. At the training grounds, Tyler and other warriors were training as I couldn't help but regret bringing her here. 'Tyler' I called him through our link as he stopped fighting and turned towards me. 'Get these boys to put on some clothes. I want Arianna to meet everyone' I said through our link as he bowed and left.

Arianna was looking around with amazement in her eyes, "Well it's not much but we should be prepared for everything" I said. But her eyes were stuck at a certain point. I looked over to see what she was looking for to find some young girls being trained by 'Fiona' , the most popular and powerful women of our pack.

"Arianna?!" I called. "Uh.. Sorry." She replied, looking at me. "What is it?" I asked, looking at her. "It's nothing....Just that. It's amazing to see girls know how to fight"

"We believe in equality so either it's male or female both should know how to protect themselves first so, that they could protect their loved ones"

She turned to look at those young girls' trains, "I wish I was as strong as them".

"You're strong Arianna. You are the future Luna of this pack, You're my other significant half. Of Course you're strong" I said as Tyler and others came back with clothes on. "Here meet our most strongest warriors of the pack. This is Dan, Grey, Ron and Harper".

"Everyone, this is Arianna. My mate and your future Luna to be". Everyone bowed their heads in respect.

"It's a pleasure meeting you Luna," Dan said.

"oh Please call me Arianna. I am not your Luna yet." I looked over at Arianna to see her smile fade away as she said that. Am I missing something? Isn't she happy to be my Luna? I wondered.